Student Residence Office
Student Residence Office
Scholarship 2019

Jockey Club Academy Hall Academian Scholarships

Ho Kin Lok, Andy

BSc in Computer Science, Year 4

Ho Kin Lok, Andy

It has definitely been a fruitful year to me and it is indeed my honour to receive the hall scholarship. I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my Hall master, Professor Ben Leung, residence tutors, residence association members and my friends in Hall 4. Without their support and company, I could not blend so well into the hall community, nor get along with everyone here.

The first activity that I participated in JCAC was the 3-day orientation camp which enabled me to befriend other Hall 4 residents. I grew closer to other Blue dorm buddies after the 3 days and 2 nights spent together. We reunited at the High Table Dinner in formal dressing two months after the camp. The memory of us spending time together is still vivid in my mind. It is my pleasure to be a member of the “blue dorm” family, sharing joys and sorrows with one another which make me feel so welcome and blessed.

Ho Kin Lok, AndyHo Kin Lok, Andy

Participating in the PEK football competition is another remarkable experience to me. It was my first time to play 5-aside football, which requires players to be equipped with more practical skills and tactics in order to win the game. I learnt a lot from foreign players in the team, when they showed me the skills they have. It is always great to do sports and make new friends. Words alone could not express my gratitude towards the PEK soccer tournament which bonded us closer together.

Ho Kin Lok, Andy

Floor meeting was the key element which provided an opportunity for hall residents to interact and link with each other. This is the reason why I insisted on attending them. The activity was often very fruitful, as we were able to share our own culture and learnt foreign languages from others. Some of us even prepared the traditional food from home for all floormates during each floor meetings. Such warm moments further enriched my daily life in Hall 4.

Ho Kin Lok, Andy

Instead of merely playing a role as a participant in various activities organized by Hall 4, I also served my hall as a voluntary helper in some events such as the annual Poon Choi Feast and Cultural trip. Ensuring activities to be run smoothly and successfully was another form of contribution to hall, which was at the same time a meaningful experience to me.

Ho Kin Lok, Andy

I was granted this scholarship to affirm my contribution to Hall 4. I am glad and proud to have gained this achievement. I will continue to serve and contribute my hall the way I did previous year, creating more unforgettable memories as an Academian.
