Room swapping

  1. Principles
    • Room assignment is for one housing year. In our residence community, residents are strongly encouraged to resolve their differences or conflicts with their roommates, flatmates or floormates by mutual respect, tolerance and communication. Therefore, residents are not allowed to change rooms during the housing year except by special request and with the approval of the Residence Masters.
    • Residents should check if their Halls or other halls have a specific set of policies on room change/swapping before application.
    • Requests for room changes / swapping will not be entertained under normal circumstances. Special cases with supporting documents (if any) will be considered and approved by the Residence Master.
    • Residents are only allowed to apply for room change/swapping within Kowloon Tong Compound.

  2. Application Procedures

    Residents should complete the application form for room swapping. The request of room swapping will NOT be entertained before check-in and it will only be entertained between 3rd October and 30th April.

    Intra-hall Room Swapping

    • Residents and their respective roommates/flatmates should sign as a mutual agreement on the application forms.
    • Residents should first contact their respective Residence Tutors for consultation and then secure the written recommendations of their Residence Tutors on the application forms.
    • Residents should submit the application forms to Residence Masters for approval.
    • Residence Masters will then send the signed application forms to the Student Residence Office (SRO) for follow-up actions.

    Inter-hall Room Swapping (applicable for the same compound only)

    • Residents and their respective roommates should sign as a mutual agreement on the application forms.
    • Residents should submit the application forms to the Residence Tutors of the 2 respective halls for recommendations.
    • Residents should submit the application forms to the Residence Masters of the 2 respective halls for approval.
    • Residence Masters will then send the signed application forms to SRO for follow-up actions.

  3. Application Processing
    • Upon the receipt of the completed application forms, Student Residence Office will entertain the requests, subject to room availability.

    • Upon the receipt of the approved applications:
      • Residents will be informed to complete the necessary procedures at Student Residence Office within 3 working days.
      • If residents fail to respond within these 3 working days, the applications will be cancelled automatically without prior notice.