Yoga Fun Hour

An hour of mindful moments may turn into a long-term or even lifetime passion! The deeply relaxing class integrated the power of mindfulness into yoga and stretching to soothe any aching bodies and clean up your mind clusters throughout your busy semester.

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Yoga Workshop

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Yoga Fun-Hour Series Finale 2022/23

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Yoga Fun-Hour Series
2021/22 (Sem A)

SRO proudly presents Yoga Fun-Hour Series in Semester A for your active participation in cultivating/enhancing a life-long interest.

Details as follows:
Date: 2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 Oct 2021 (Sat)
6, 13, 20 and 27 Nov 2021 (Sat)
4 Dec 2021 (Sat)
Time: 10:00 -11:30
Venue: Grassland facing MFH-A (or MFH-A in adverse weather)
Fee: Free of charge
Yoga mat: Provided at site by SRO
Capacity: 30
Enrolment: Pre-registration HERE required

*5 walk-in quota each day
**Places will be allocated by lot drawing