Individual Hall Event Highlights

Jockey Club Humanity Hall (Hall 1)

HSBC Prosperity Hall (Hall 2)

Alumni Civility Hall (Hall 3)

Jockey Club Academy Hall (Hall 4)

Chan Sui Kau Hall (Hall 5)

Lee Shau Kee Hall (Hall 6)

Jockey Club Harmony Hall (Hall 7)

Yip Yuen Yuk Hing Hall (Hall 8)
& Jockey Club House (JCH)

Sir Gordon and Lady Ivy Wu Hall
(Hall 9)

Hall 10

Hall 11

SRO Signature Events

1. Terrarium Workshop

In the hectic world of university life, finding activities moments of tranquility and serenity could be quite difficult.

Though how serene it sounds, building a miniature ecosystem could be quite challenging. From selecting plants, arranging them in glass bowls and vases, to creating a sustainable environment requires patience and focus with a steady hand.

Displaying these tiny yet impactful terrariums in our field of vision as soon as we wake up in the morning to returning from a tiring day can help us ameliorate the atmosphere, lessen a tinge of our stress, and enhance our overall mood.

The terrarium workshop held in the Student Residence provided students to connect with nature for 2 days, offering residents a chance to bring a hint of nature to their dorm rooms.

2. Hall Mural Project

Graffiti requires people to see the whole process, therefore, every mistake, design and movement is laid bare. Understandably, graffiti art often seen as a rebellious form of art.

When there is legality where public property and legal spaces are allowed to be painted, a skilled workforce will get to paint beautiful murals/street art. Without these opportunities, artists do not have chances to learn, no guidance and no community leaders to encourage technique or skills to approach graffiti art.

As an exchange student from the university of Melbourne, Australia studying fine arts, Skye Manley has transformed the wall outside Hall 3 into a beautiful expression of art through graffiti.

3. CityU Info Day

On the first Saturday of October, CityU opened its gates to curious secondary school students about the next chapter of their education life. The annual CityU information Day and Student Residence Information Day were the perfect opportunity for exploring endless possibilities in one of the top universities in the world.

The Student Residence is one of the most anticipated tours where they can get a glimpse of the vibrant on-campus living that could soon be a part of your daily routine. CityU Student Residence offers a comfortable, safe and full-of-life living environment.

4. Busking Nights

Busking was held six times within Student Residence which provided an opportunity to residents to showcase their musical talents buoyantly. Residents got to enjoy the guitar strumming, the rhythmic beats of the cajon and the gentle vocals that filled the night air.

With the intimate and carefree nature of busking, it provides fellow residents to make connections and strike a up a conversation with other fellow listeners and performers. Furthermore, with its informal nature, residents can nonchalantly have a walk-in impromptu performance with encouragement from performers, audience and within themselves. Busking acts as a platform for less active residents to express and showcase their talents and gain experience without pressure.

5. Welcome Night

The Welcome Night at CityU Student Residence is more than just an event; it's the beginning of a journey. The Welcome Night is the first of many events and is one of the most meticulously planned event, designed to help new residents settle in, make friends, and feel part of the SR. It also serves as an exciting and energetic kick off for both new and old residents.

With a welcome snack and drink prepared by the SRO, the evening kicked off with a formal welcome address by the resident masters along with an introduction of their background and mottos of their own hall.

Following the welcome address, the night transitions into a lively mix of activities designed to break the ice and foster connections among students, including a trivia of the Student Residence such as the facilities and The highlights include a singing performance by the winner of the Inter-Hall Singing Contest last year, and a, authentic yoga performance by Guinness World Record Holder. It evokes and encourage conversations for students to interact with their new peers, providing opportunity for students to mingle and converse.

It's a night where new residents transition from being strangers to becoming part of the CityU Student Residence. It's a night that sets the stage for an unforgettable residential experience at CityU

6. Tug of War

Tug-of-War FUN Day is much more than a physical contest; it symbolizes the unity, spirit, and camaraderie that thrives within the SR. This event not only promotes teamwork and physical fitness, but also fosters a sense of belonging and inclusivity within each hall.

As players readied for the categories of men 10x10 and women 10x10. When the game commenced, cheering chants from crowds, coordinated “1!2!” from players could be heard throughout the whole SR.

Residents from diverse backgrounds, interests, and majors form friendships, whether they are your teammates or opponents, balancing the intense atmosphere with a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere.

7. CityU Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration 2023

With the active participation of the SRO and fellow student residents, the celebration kicked off to a successful start with the roundabout full of hustle and bustle. From mooncakes and fruits to dorm room essentials, and from face-painting to lantern-making, the moon-themed booths were full of experiences that beautifully showed the culture of one of the most important holidays in Chinese culture in Hong Kong.

Lanterns hanging, creating an illusion as if they are flying in the night sky. Uniquely designed booths circling the roundabout illuminating the Student Residence.

Apart from correlating activities with the festival, the Student Residence seized the opportunity to introduce the different culture present in the halls today, such as South Korea and Indonesia, introducing their traditional food, gaining much attention from both local and non-local students.

8. Blood Donation

We welcome all of CityU students and staff to give blood as a group and share the joy of helping others. It is more fun to donate blood together than alone.

Heartfelt thanks to everyone who donated blood! Their selflessness and compassion have made a remarkable difference in our community. Together, we're saving lives and spreading hope.

9. Exam Energizer

1200+ students united for an epic gaming session, fueled by determination! We conquered the game station, enjoying energy drinks and tasty snacks.

With positive vibes abound, we spread joy and encouragement through blessing stickers. We hope you are enjoying yourself and having a great time.

10. Amazing day exploring the SHEN KUO research vessel

From advanced labs to state-of-the-art technology, every moment on board was captivating. Interacting with researchers during the 2-hour tour and exhibition, residents deepened their understanding of marine ecosystems. Huge thanks to the SHEN KUO crew!

11. RMs’ Pastoral Care during examination period

The 24-hour student zones in MFH-A & MFH-C were setup till Dec 23, 2023! Studying can be tiring. A Surprise Snack Deliveries from Residence Masters during this intense period kept residents energized! Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to fuel your academic journey and conquer those exams together!

12. Other events