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Residence Master: Prof. Chris SHEN

Associate Professor, Department of Media and Communication
Associate Head (COM), Department of Media and Communication

Residence Master: Prof. Chris SHEN
Associate Head
Associate Professor
Department of Media and Communication

Special Features:
Along with Hall 10, Hall 11 is the newest hall in the CityU Student Residence community.
Hall 11 offers accommodation to over 300 undergraduate students.

Hall 11 is a new hall striving to nurture a new culture. At hall 11, we value a bottom-up approach to residence life management. Students are encouraged to choose their own floor representative, to initiate activities of their own, and to participate in various academic and extracurricular activities, etc. These are unique opportunities for students to meet new friends, broaden horizons, and develop new skills.

The RM along with his wonderful team of residence tutors aims to foster a healthy hall culture in which students can excel both academically and in extracurricular activities. We strongly believe in communication and dialog, tolerance, inclusiveness and mutual respect for each other.

Hall 11 is easily identified by its magnificent Skygarden, from which students can gain a clear view of the Student Residence campus. The Skygarden is open to residents of all halls – we look forward to welcoming you there soon!

Hall Rules of Hall 11

All residents are required to adhere to the "Regulations Governing Student Residence" and the "Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure" of City University of Hong Kong. In addition, the following rules and regulations have been formulated in order to promote a harmonious, safe and pleasant living environment for all residents:






Smoking and drug abuse are prohibited in all places of the Hall.



Gambling is prohibited.



Playing Mah-Jong is prohibited during quiet hours (11pm – 7 am).



Extraneous noise during quiet hours is prohibited. 



Residents should always keep an open communication with their roommates about the use of audio devices (e.g., playing music with a speaker, making phone calls) in their rooms. 



Open flames and the use or storage of inflammable substances are prohibited.



Cooking facilities in Common Rooms are not allowed to use in other areas except the common room.



Residents should respect each other; any form of discrimination is prohibited.

In case of conflict, related parties should keep open communication in a mature and rational way.



Theft is a criminal offence. Stealing, including but not limited to any food and drinks in the refrigerators and any properties in the common room, will lead to disciplinary actions and/or the involvement of law enforcement agencies. 



Residents are responsible for the safekeeping of their personal valuable items. The Hall Management Team shall not be responsible for any loss of or damage to any articles or things brought into the hall by the residents.



Residents have the responsibility of keeping all Hall premises & properties clean and tidy at all times. 



Any residents who willfully vandalizes any public property of the hall (e.g., window, wall, furniture, locks, electronic devices) will be subject to disciplinary actions.





All visitors MUST register at the security counter upon entrance and departure.



Visiting hours are from 8:00am to 11:00pm. Visitors are not allowed to enter or remain within the Hall areas beyond visiting hours.



Residents or visitors are not allowed to enter a room without the prior consent of the room occupant in the case of a single room, and of BOTH occupants in the case of a shared room.



Visitors must abide by these rules and regulations. Residents are held fully responsible for the conduct of their visitors and have the duty to make visitors aware of the said rules and regulations. Residents are accountable for misconduct committed by their visitors.


Room & Identity



Lending or borrowing of resident identity cards is strictly prohibited.



Unapproved use, change or sharing of room occupancy is prohibited.



The Hall Management Team will reserve the right to conduct room check with residents who or whose visitors have violated the Rules stipulated in Sections 1, 2 and 3 above. 



Common Room and Facilities Booking



Residents shall inform on a common social media platform (e.g., Whatsapp) to reserve the common room on respective floors for a defined amount of time for group activities.



Residents shall register at the security counter in accordance with appropriate procedures before borrowing any items  (e.g., vacuum cleaner, rice cooker) from the G/F and shall return it as soon as possible. They are not allowed to keep the item for longer than one day. They will be asked to purchase the relevant item due to their failure to return on time.



Hall Management reserves the right to suspend usage and booking of hall facilities.



Use of hall properties and facilities by visitors is subject to Section 2 of the Hall Rules above.



Residents and visitors should keep the common room clean and tidy after use. They should also take good care of the common room properties and facilities, and will be required to bear the cost of any damages caused, which may include monetary compensations and/or disciplinary actions on any malicious vandalism. 



The Management Team reserves the right to dispose of food and drinks from the common refrigerators that are expired, apparently spoiled, seemingly abandoned but unlabeled (with the owner’s name).



The common room is a communal place. Personal belongings are not allowed to be stored in the common room. The Hall Management may remove them without prior notice. 


Room Occupancy



To encourage the expansion of life experience, change of room and room partnership are discouraged.



Where a resident finds it imperative to apply for a change and has SOUND and GOOD reasons, he/she should take the following steps:




Write an official letter stating the situations and reasons to the Residence Tutor (RT) in charge of the floor.




If the RT finds valid grounds for the application, he/she will advise the resident to obtain a signed mutual agreement from respective residents. The request will then be passed to the Residence Master (RM) for approval.




If approved, the RM will forward the application to the Student Residence Office for processing.


Cooking Utensils



Each floor has cooking utensils for sharing, which should be kept clean by the residents and returned to the respective common room immediately after use.


Floor Representatives



The residents of each floor should elect their own representative(s). If the residents are unable to elect a floor representative, the RT of that floor should appoint a resident on that floor to be the floor representative.



Floor representatives are authorized and responsible to provide assistance in managing the business of the floor in which they are elected.



Floor representatives are the formal representatives of the floor residents in the management of the Hall.





Help & Emergency



Residents may approach the Residence Tutor of their floor for general assistance.



If the floor RT is not available, students may seek the help of the Duty Tutor according to the Duty Roster posted on the left side of G/F lift entrance.



In case of emergency, residents should report the matter immediately to the security guards at the security counter or the central security office.





Student Activities



ONLY activities approved by Hall Management Team and Hall Master will be termed as Official Hall Activities (OHA). OHA will be financed fully or partially by Hall budget based on the SRO guidelines, covered under university insurance.



All student-initiated OHA must be proposed by submitting a written proposal to the Hall Management Team.



All OHA should obtain Hall Master approval before organizing activities and issuing any activities publications in relation to Hall 11 name. Adherence failure will subject both organizers and participants to Hall Disciplinary actions.



All non-Official Hall Activities are residents’ private activities and are forbidden from using and associating themselves with Hall 11 name. Any violation in this regard will be subjected to Hall Disciplinary Actions. Hall and the university WILL NOT bear any responsibility for the safety of these activities.



Publications and promotions of OHA will be posted on the hall's official social media platform listed below, after the approval of the Hall Master
Instagram page



All other social media accounts are prohibited from using the hall name, and they shall be understood as private accounts. Hall will not bear any responsibility for these private accounts. Such accounts are subject to copyright issues and other legal consequences.





Hall Rules and Regulations of Hall 11 will be updated from time to time. Please contact your Residence Tutors or floor representatives for enquiries. Comments or feedback are welcome.




Appendix 1

Disciplinary Procedures


Violation of Hall Rules will lead to disciplinary action by the Hall Management including:



Verbal Warning;



Warning Letter;



Prohibition of bringing visitors into the hall;



Suspension of hall stay;



Initialization of other disciplinary procedures of the University

Responsible P1/F
KIM, Jiyeun
【 Luna 】
Room P101A
Responsible 3 - 4/F
NEWAZ, Md Fahim
【 Fahim 】
Room 309B
Responsible 5 - 7/F
JIANG, Mulin
【 Mulin 】
Room 501A
Responsible 8 - 9/F
CHOI, Kei Wai
【 Keiwai 】
Room 909B
Responsible 10/F
【 Winny 】
Room 1009B
Responsible 11 - 12/F
YAN, Wenjia
【 Lily 】
Room 1209B
Responsible 13/F
【 Birzhan 】
Room 1309B
