Jockey Club Harmony Hall (Hall 7) Instagram Instagram Facebook Instagram

Residence Master: Prof. Eddie Ma

Director (LARU), Laboratory Animal Research Unit
Professor, Department of Neuroscience

Special Features:
We are the only residence hall for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Culture, elegance and stylish are the characteristics of Jockey Club Harmony Hall residents who praise ourselves as “Harmonian”.

Hall life is all about exposures and adventures. This is a place you’ll engage with your peers during many activities designed for hall residents. You’ll have lots of opportunities to celebrate diversity and promote change. We strongly believe that no university experience is complete without having a taste of hall life.

Diversity and Uniqueness

At Jockey Club Harmony Hall, you would experience real diversity and things out of ordinary. In addition to the double rooms, we are the only residence hall offering unique provision of triple suites and studios. We seek to blend and complement various perspectives to offer a good mix of varied sociocultural living environment.

Personal Cultivation

Jockey Club Harmony Hall had been crowned champion twice (2014, 2017) and once as first-running up (2016) at the Inter-hall Competition of Professor Edmond Ko Cup within 4 years. We underscore all-round development, ranged from physical to aesthetic cultivation of yours. You could definitely spice up your off-classroom experience as well as extending your reach through our signature events such as Annual High Table Dinner, and Carnivals and Festive Celebration.

Jockey Club Harmony Hall is surely the place to be, for you to frame your kind of hall life. Home is where the heart is. Whenever you are at Jockey Club Harmony Hall, you are home.

Naming Ceremony of the Jockey Club Harmony Hall (Hall 7)
Date: 26-10-2006
Duration: 7'00"

Responsible 1/F
【 Teresa 】
Room 101A
Responsible 2/F
ISLAM, Muhammad Sahrish
【 Sahrish 】
Room 201A
Responsible 3/F
FADIL Arletta Maria
【 Arletta 】
Room 301A
Responsible 4/F
【 Stesya 】
Room 401A
Responsible 5/F
MAHARANI, Puteri Julaika
【 Puteri 】
Room 501A
Responsible 6 - 7/F
IUNUSOV Grigorii
Room 601A
Responsible 8 - 9/F
WANG, Yingyi
【 Amelie 】
Room 901B

Hall Rules of Jockey Club Harmony Hall (Hall 7)


1. Preamble
Student Residence constitutes an important part of the University. These regulations aim at supporting and strengthening the responsible and mature behaviour of all residents in order to achieve the following objectives:
  1.1.1 To ensure the safety of all residents and the security of all Hall properties and premises;
  1.1.2 To build and maintain a caring and harmonious relationship among all residents.            
  1.1.3 To create an enriching environment which facilitates learning and personal development;            
  1.1.4 To enhance the socialization and community living of all residents so as to build a strong sense of belonging to the halls and the University; and            

To support and promote responsible citizenry and a healthy lifestyle.

Pursuant to the objectives noted above, the Jockey Club Harmony Hall Management Team (“Hall Management Team”) expects all residents and visitors to comply with these regulations.
2. Residents' Behavior
2.1 Gambling and betting are forbidden in any part of the Hall area.
2.2 Mahjong playing is strictly prohibited during the quiet hours between 11pm-7am, and ALL hours during the revision AND exam period. The offence will result in suspension from the hall for a defined period of time (at least one week for the first offense, and double for a second offense and so on)
2.3 Residents should be considerate towards other residents and must refrain from conduct that may cause disturbance or inconvenience to other residents, particularly during the Quiet Hours designated by the Student Residence Office (“SRO”) i.e. 23:00 - 07:00 of the subsequent day. Noise nuisance during the quiet hours and ALL hours during the revision AND exam period will result in suspension from the hall for a defined period of time (at least one week for the first offense, and double for a second offense and so on).
2.4 Residents are NOT allowed to play mahjong/gambling in all the common areas (i.e., common room, entertainment room., etc.) at Hall 7. Any Mahjong- or gambling-related items/equipment (i.e., Mahjong table, Mahjong pieces, poker chips) found in the common area will be disposed of without further notice.
2.5 No birds or other animals are allowed to be kept in or brought into the Hall.
2.6 Residents should respect different stakeholders within the Student Residence. Any form of harassment is intolerable.
2.7 Residents should drink responsibly and drunkenness is in general no defense to any violation.
2.8 Residents should keep all parts of the Hall, including their own rooms, clean and tidy.
2.9 Residents are responsible for the safekeeping of their personal valuable items in their own rooms and common areas (i.e., common rooms, laundry room, and drying area). The Hall Management Team shall not be responsible for any loss of or damage to any articles or things brought into the hall by the residents. Residents should not keep valuable items in the common areas such as expensive cooking utensils, clothes, shoes, and luxury items.
2.10 If the University, or any of its duly authorized agents, has reason to believe that the safety or security of any resident of the hall is being compromised or has reason to believe that there is a breach of any of the Rules and Regulations herein, the University, or its duly authorized agents, may, with or without notice, at any time of the day or night, enter any rooms at hall 7.
2.11 All accidents and irregularities should be reported to the Hall Management Team immediately.
3 Visitor Policy
3.1 Residents may invite individual visitors to the hall. The visiting hours are from 08:00 to 23:00, but visitors are not allowed to stay overnight.
3.2 Residents bear 100% liability for your visitors' behavior and you have the responsibility to remind your visitors to follow the University regulations, SRO regulations as well as Hall regulation in hall 7. Disciplinary actions will be imposed on you, your visitor(s) or any other resident(s) involved if your visitor(s) violate any University/SRO/Hall regulation in hall 7 or student residence area. Therefore, Do NOT sign in any visitors whom you don’t know as you will be held fully responsible for their actions in any part of the hall area. Disciplinary actions include hall suspension, banning on hosting visitors (for the host) and a substantial period of time during which your visitors will be prohibited from entering Hall 7.
3.3 It is mandatory for Hall 7 residents to accompany your visitor(s) at all times while in Hall 7. Your visitor(s) should not wander around Hall 7 unaccompanied and must adhere to all University/SRO/Hall regulations. Visitors are NOT allowed to reserve or use any facilities in Hall 7 without the host being present on site/around. Only the Hall 7 residents could reserve the hall facilities.
3.4 Visitors must register/deregister at the lobby when they enter and leave the Hall.
3.5 Residents are fully responsible for the conduct of their visitors and have the duty to make visitors aware of the said rules and regulations. Residents are accountable for any misconduct committed by their visitors.
3.6 Residents should make sure their visitor(s) deregister at the security counter and leave the Hall no later than 23:15 of the subsequent day. Any failure to do so, on any particular day, as displayed in the computer registration system of the Hall, would constitute a non-compliance record against the Hall Rules. Visitors are also liable for such non-compliance.
3.7 Such non-compliance shall be reported to the Hall Management Team and be punishable by a penalty which the Hall Management Team sees fit to impose.
3.8 Prior written approval must be obtained from the Hall Management Team if residents intend to arrange a visit from an external organization or the media.
3.9 Visitors are NOT allowed to use the Gym because of the safety concerns. Visitors must exercise due care when using the other hall facilities at Hall 7. The liability shall be borne by the respective residents who invite the visitors if the visitors cause any damages to the hall facilities. Liability includes monetary compensation, suspension of the power to bring in visitors, and any other appropriate liabilities decided by the Hall Management Team (e.g., deduction of returning points, hall suspension, etc).
4. Rooms & Facilities
4.1 Residents are not allowed to change the structure and design of the rooms unless specifically requested and approved by the Hall Management Team.
4.2 Residents must not let other persons occupy or share the assigned rooms.
4.3 Residents should keep all Hall facilities, furniture and equipment in good order.
4.4 No public utensils and appliances should be taken away. Furniture in common rooms shall not be removed without approval of the Hall Management. Any person who violates this regulation may be subject to suspension of hall stay.
4.5 Any type of ignition such as burning of candles & aroma oil is strictly forbidden within the Hall area.
4.6 Residents should not create any disturbance to others.
4.7 Residence Tutors reserve the right to conduct room checks and stop any activities in any common areas of the Hall at any time with or without prior notice if there is reason to believe that the safety or security of any resident is being compromised or there is a suspected breach of rules and regulations.
4.8 Residents must be qualified to use the gym located on the ground floor. A gym card issued by the Hall Management Team is required to access and use the Hall 7 Gym. Residents should be responsible for their own safety and use the gym equipment properly. Residents should stop using the gym equipment if you have anything in doubt (i.e., equipment multifunctioning) and report to the Hall Management Team or ground floor security immediately.
4.9 Residents will be asked to remove items from their doors or windows if the item may be a violation of University policies, community standards, or Code of Conduct. Residents or visitors are not allowed to post unapproved/inappropriate items in common areas.
5. Hall Activities
5.1 All Hall activities MUST be discussed thoroughly and approved by the Hall Management Team in advance with detail written proposal and budget. The official Hall activities will be supported by Hall budget, covered by insurance under the University and use of Hall resources under the SRO and HMT.
5.2 Official Hall activities will only be advertised by Hall mass emails, posters with RM chops, and Instagram @cityuhall7/Facebook (CityU Jockey Club Harmony Hall - Hall7).
The QR code for the hall official Instagram as shown below:

The QR code for the hall official Facebook as shown below:
5.3 All other social media accounts except provided in 5.2 are considered as unofficial Hall social media accounts and prohibited from using the hall/donor's name. The Hall will not be responsible for inappropriate use of the unofficial social media accounts. The administrators of the unofficial social media accounts will have to bear their own responsibilities/risks in case of copyright issues, legal consequences and/or University/Hall disciplinary actions.
5.4 The use of the hall/donor's name for any purposes required the prior approval from the RM or HMT. Violations will be subjected to hall disciplinary actions. Hall disciplinary panel may investigate such unauthorised activities using the hall/donor's name by inviting students for further investigation.
5.5 Advertising private/unofficial events/activities is not permitted in Hall 7. This includes, but is not limited to, activities such as putting up posters, distributing flyers and soliciting.
5.6 Any potential violations, including photos and messages using hall/donor's name posted on unofficial social media accounts for the purpose of promoting/encouraging/organising unofficial activities, will be subjected to Hall disciplinary actions (i.e., Hall suspension). Hall disciplinary panel reserve the right to investigate such unauthorised action by inviting students identified in the photos/videos for investigation.
6. Smoking and Drugs
6.1 Smoking and drugs are strictly forbidden in any part of the Hall area.
7. Cooking
7.1 Any type of ignition giving rise to a naked flame is strictly forbidden within the Hall area.
7.2 Simple cooking is allowed only in the common rooms on each floor. Any type of cooking is forbidden in residential rooms, except for rooms on the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth floors.
8. Disciplinary Action
8.1 Violation of any of these Regulations may render a resident liable to disciplinary procedures promulgated by the Hall Management, SRO and University. Details of offences will be filed in the hall record. Violation of these regulations may render a resident liable to various disciplinary actions including but not limited to:
  8.1.1 Verbal warning;
  8.1.2 Warning letter;
  8.1.3 Prohibition of bringing visitors into the hall;
  8.1.4 Service Orders;
  8.1.5 Suspension of hall stay; and
  8.1.6 Initiation of other disciplinary procedures of the University.
9. Note
9.1 The Residence Master has full discretion to interpret the regulations.
9.2 Apart from these regulations, the Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure formulated by the University ( to guide student behavior shall automatically apply to student residence at the University. All residents should also abide by the Regulation Governing Student Residence promulgated by the SRO (
9.3 If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the English and the Chinese versions of these rules, the English version shall prevail.
9.4 All the aforementioned rules and regulations also apply to visitors, and anyone present in Hall 7.

(Feb 2024)