Chan Sui Kau Hall(Hall 5) Instagram

Residence Master: Prof. LO Wing Cheong

Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics

Special Features:
A+ B+C = CSK Hall + We.

At CSK Hall, we believe that hall life is an essential part of university life. It's a place where students can live, learn, and grow together happily. That's why we've developed our ABC motto - 'Affection, Bonding, and Care.'

Affection - We encourage all of our students to develop a sense of affection for each other by building strong relationships with their hall-mates. At CSK Hall, we provide a family atmosphere that helps our residents form a solid foundation for their studies and social activities.

Bonding - We believe that strong relationships are built on mutual respect and acceptance of differences. That's why we support all local and non-local students in our Hall and encourage residents to participate in all Hall activities to build multi-cultural friendships.

Care - We prioritize the needs, well-being, and academic success of our residents. At CSK Hall, we are committed to providing a supportive and nurturing environment where students can thrive. By showing our care and support, we can help our residents achieve their full potential and make the most of their university experience.

All of these aspects of life in CSK Hall help our residents take every opportunity to benefit from and enjoy their university education to the fullest.

Naming Ceremony of the Chan Sui Kau Hall (Hall 5)
Date: 12-4-2006
Duration: 7'40"

Responsible 1 - 2/F
HUI, Wai Man
【 Sherry 】
Room 201A
Responsible 3 - 4/F
【 Qi An 】
Room 401B
Responsible 5 - 6/F
【 Beket 】
Room 601A
Responsible 7 - 8/F
【 Karan 】
Room 701A
Responsible 9 - 10/F
LESMANA Matthew Elbert
【 Elbert 】
Room 1406A
Responsible 11 - 12/F
CHAN, Fong Yuen
【 Jimmy 】
Room 1201A
Responsible 13 - 14/F
PHROMSUWAN, Arrakwanya
【 Wanya 】
Room 1401A

Rules and Regulations of Chan Sui Kau Hall (Hall 5)


Student Residence provides residents with opportunities to gain non-academic experiences during university life. Residents are expected to develop mutual respect and a sense of responsibility through interaction with each other. All residents are members of the hall. They are expected to observe:

to maintain a safe and pleasant living environment within the residential community.

Apart from the above-mentioned Codes and Regulations, the following Chan Sui Kau Hall rules (hereinafter referred to as “Hall rules”) are set to d evelop a harmonious environment in the Hall. Mutual understanding and cooperation amongst residents are essential to make our Hall a safe and comfortable place to live in. The Hall Rules are applicable to all the residents and visitors in Hall 5.

The Hall Management Team (HMT) refers to the Residence Master (RM) and Residence Tutors (RT) of Chan Sui Kau Hall.

The English language version of the hall rules is the official version. A Chinese language translation shall be provided for reference only.


  1. Conduct
    1. Smoking and drug abuse, including waterpipe (shisha/hookah/水烟) smoking and vaping (electronic cigarettes), are strictly prohibited in all areas of the Hall (including roof and staircases). Violation of this rule will lead to involvement of relevant law enforcement agencies, if needed.
    2. Excessive drinking leading to misbehaviour or disturbance to others, including visible intoxication in the hall, is prohibited.
    3. Period between 11:00pm and 7:00am is quiet hours. Making excessive noise or disturbing the residents during this time is prohibited.
    4. Gambling, playing Mahjong, and possessing any equipment for gambling or playing Mahjong (including but not limited to Mahjong tiles, Hoo Hey How (魚蝦蟹) mat) in the Hall are prohibited.
    5. Unauthorised photo, video or audio recording of any residents in all Hall areas (corridors, lifts, and common rooms) is prohibited.
    6. Keeping pets or other animals is prohibited.
    7. Producing open flames, and possession or use of flammable substances or devices are prohibited.
    8. Any form of discriminative, insulting, or demeaning behaviour is prohibited. In case of conflict, relevant parties should try to keep open communication and find a solution in a mature and rational way.
    9. Cooking is allowed only in the common rooms on each floor. Using heaters, electric stoves or other cooking devices in rooms is prohibited.
    10. Theft is a criminal offence. Stealing any property, including but not limited to any food and drinks in the refrigerators, any personal items, or any property in the common room, is prohibited. Violation of this rule will lead to involvement of relevant law enforcement agencies, if needed.
    11. Tampering with an air-conditioning device or meter is prohibited.
    12. Residents are responsible for the safekeeping of their personal valuable items. The Hall Management Team will not bear any responsibility for any loss of or damage to any personal property brought into the Hall by the residents.
    13. Creating unclean, unsanitary, or untidy conditions in hall premises or hall property, including but not limited to cooking area in common rooms, is prohibited.

  2. Visitors
    1. All visitors must register at the security counter any time upon entering and upon leaving the hall.
    2. Visitors are only allowed to visit the hall from 08:00am until 11:00pm.
    3. Each visitor must be accompanied by a resident to register upon entering the hall, and must be accompanied by the same resident during check-out upon leaving.
    4. A single resident can register up to 2 visitors at one time.
    5. Only visitors from other Student Residence halls are allowed.
    6. Visitors are subject to all hall rules or any other regulations in force in the hall as residents.
    7. Residents bear the full responsibility for the conduct of their respective visitors and have the duty to make visitors aware of the Hall rules and regulations. Residents will be held accountable for any misconduct committed by their visitors.
    8. Residents must confirm that the visitors have left the Hall and completed the check-out procedures regardless of the time of the day. The residents who fail to do so will be subject to disciplinary action.
    9. Visitors are not allowed to enter any room without prior consent of the room occupant in a single room and of both occupants in a shared room.
    10. The Residence Master has the discretion to allow visitors to stay in the G/F common room outside visitation hours with proper justification, including but not limited to meeting and/or discussion in relation to academic study and/or hall functions.
    11. Visitation rules are subject to changes in relation to the University and/or SRO policies and any other prevailing regulations. Residents should regularly check official information channels such as email, University Announcements or SRO Notice for newest updates.

  3. Room and Identity
    1. Lending, borrowing, or any other misuse of a resident’s student identity cards or other documents to gain access to the Hall is prohibited.
    2. Unapproved swapping or sharing of assigned rooms is strictly prohibited.
    3. No resident is allowed to use hall facilities assigned to other students without explicit permission.
    4. Shared washrooms or any gendered facilities between rooms are not allowed to be used by residents of another gender. Washrooms located in the common rooms may be used instead. Residents may reach out to HMT members for help with any special accommodations.

  4. Public Hall Property and Facilities
    1. Residents shall be responsible for any form of compensation and any damage made to public property.
    2. Wilfully vandalizing any public property is prohibited.
    3. Public property, including but not limited to utensils, appliances, furniture, equipment, and facilities, is not to be taken away.
    4. Occupation of the common room for personal use, or leaving personal belongings in the common room, is not allowed. The HMT may remove any items from the common room without prior notice.
    5. Property and items from the floor common rooms are not to be taken to other floors. In case of missing items, the floor representative and the RT should be notified. Under special circumstances, items can be borrowed with permission from the RT.
    6. The gym room on the G/F is for the exclusive use of the Hall residents only. Visitors are not allowed to use the gym room.
    7. The piano room on the G/F should not be used for any form of physical activity/exercise. The instruments must be handled with care.
    8. Residents must register before borrowing any items (e.g., vacuum cleaner, trolley, etc.) at the security counter on the G/F in accordance with appropriate procedures and shall return them as soon as possible. Keeping an item for more than one day is not allowed. The residents are required to purchase the relevant item in case of damage due to negligence. The borrowed items must be cleaned before returning.
    9. The HMT reserves the right to dispose of food from the common refrigerators that is expired, spoiled, seemingly abandoned, or unlabelled.
    10. The HMT reserves the right to suspend usage and booking of Hall facilities and Hall property.

  5. Floor Representatives
    1. The residents of each floor elect their own representative(s). If the residents are unable to elect the floor representative(s), the RT of that floor may appoint them.
    2. Floor representatives are responsible for providing assistance in managing the floor in which they are elected and should work with their respective RTs.
    3. The exact number of floor representatives will be determined by the HMT (see 8. Appendix).

  6. Hall Activities and Promotion
    1. Only activities approved by the HMT will be considered Official Hall Activities (OHA). OHA organizers must be approved by the HMT.
    2. Only approved OHAs can be funded by the Hall budget, covered by the insurance coverage under the university, and allowed use of any Hall resources and facilities allocated by the RM and/or HMT.
    3. All OHA must be proposed by submitting a written proposal to the HMT.
    4. Organizing, participating, advertising, or issuing any publication to promote any activities that are not approved OHAs, but that use the Hall name, logo, or symbols, is prohibited.
    5. All other activities other than the OHA, or that did not follow all OHA procedures, are considered non-official private activities, and using Hall name, logo, or symbols for the purpose of recruitment or promotion. Any violation of this will be considered a breach of hall rules.
    6. The organizers and the participants of such activities have to bear their own responsibilities, including but not limited to no financial subsidies from the hall budget, no Hall resources, no personal safety university insurance coverage, no hall returning points, etc.
    7. Publications or promotions of OHAs will be posted on the official hall social media platforms only with prior approval from RM and/or HMT.
    8. The official hall social media accounts shall be named and promoted with permission from the RM (see 8. Appendix).
    9. All other social media accounts are prohibited from using the name of hall/donor/university names or symbols. Any accounts using these names or symbols without appropriate permission are considered non-official private social media accounts. The Hall will not bear any consequences for inappropriate usage or sharing of inappropriate content of the non-official private social media accounts. The administrators of these accounts will have to bear their own responsibility/risks in case of copyrights issues and other legal consequences.
    10. Any potential violations, including sharing photos, messages and other content using hall/donor/university names or symbols via non-official private social media accounts for the purpose of promoting, encouraging, or organising unofficial activities is prohibited.
    11. All official Hall/SRO promotional materials including but not limited to posters and announcements must bear either Hall or SRO stamp. Any other postings without Hall/SRO stamps will be removed from the hall boards and public spaces immediately without prior notice.

  7. Disciplinary
    1. Any violation of the clauses above will be subject to Hall disciplinary action(s).
    2. The Hall Management Team reserves the right to conduct room checks, take photos or videos, and collect evidence for the purpose of investigation with or without prior notice in the event of:
      1. the apprehension of danger to the safety of residents;
      2. reasonable suspicion of breach of Hall Rules; and,
      3. reasonable suspicion of breach of University’s Rules and Codes and Regulations.
    3. The Hall Management Team reserves the right to seize any suspected property that it reasonably suspects is in relation to any acts or omissions that violate the Hall Rules.
    4. The Hall Management Team has the right to require the residents to provide proof of their identity, such as the student identity card.
    5. Preventing access, obstructing, and not cooperating with HMT members while conducting room checks, taking photos or videos, collecting evidence or asking for identity and proof of identity is prohibited.
    6. Violation of Hall Rules may render residents liable to disciplinary procedures promulgated by the Hall Management Team and the University.
    7. Disciplinary actions are subject to the discretion of the Hall Management Team. They are imposed and enforced by the Hall Management Team, including but not limited to verbal warning(s), written warning(s) that may be sent to the residents' academic departments, community services to the Hall, hall suspension, prohibition of bringing visitors into the hall, or the initialisation of other disciplinary procedures of the University.
    8. Any disciplinary action may result in a reduced returning score.
    9. In order to maintain the Hall a safe and pleasant living environment, the Rules and Regulations shall be amended as deemed necessary by the HMT. Any rule changes must be confirmed by the Residence Master.
    10. Residents are encouraged to contact their Residence Tutors in the event of any enquiry they may have regarding the rules.
    11. The Residence Master reserves the ultimate right of interpretation or amendment of the above rules.

  8. Appendix
    1. As of 7th September 2023, each floor shall be assigned 2 (two) floor representatives.
    2. As of 7th September 2023, the hall has the following social media accounts:
      1. Facebook:
      2. Instagram:
