HSBC Prosperity Hall (Hall 2) Instagram Facebook Instagram

Residence Master: Prof. Ray C.C. Cheung

Associate Provost (DL), Office of the Provost and Deputy President
Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering
Professor, Affiliate, Department of Computer Science

Special Features:
‘Diversity is Prosperity’
Celebrate diversity and prosper by joining Prosperity Hall.

Prosperity is wealth and this comes in many forms. At HSBC Prosperity Hall, we believe that the greatest riches are achieved when you share with others. Prosperity Hall is a vibrant, energetic environment where we live like a family, sharing our daily trials and triumphs with each other. We believe that by helping each other to prosper, we all benefit.

Prosperity is also about diversity and Hall 2 is identified by all its residents as a global village, a caring, sharing community made up of people from around our planet, all committed to learning about life in active and collaborative harmony with each other. The Resident Master's team is made up of caring and fun-loving people from different nationalities! Residents of HSBC Prosperity Hall celebrate and learn from this diversity every day with a wide range of large and small social, sporting, language and cultural activities on offer.

Technology innovation plays an important role in our modern society, and in Hall 2 we create a collaborative community to promote creativity and entrepreneurship. Global movements such as the Coding initiative and Maker culture will be also highlighted, train the trainers model will be apply to students coming from all schools and departments. Idea zone and Startup zone are the two hubs at Hall 2 to turn our residents into entrepreneurs.

HSBC Prosperity Hall has its own emblem, song, magazine, sports and social service team. The Hall has an active Residents’ Association, which works closely with Floor Representatives, the Residence Master and Residence Tutors, to represent all residents wherever their country of origin. To cultivate prosperity for everyone, we celebrate our diversity by organising regular social services, music, recreational and sports activities, as well as our special Diversity Nights and ‘Prosperian’ Dinner.

Come and be an important part of our global village, celebrate our diversity, and prosper by joining the HSBC Prosperity Hall family.

Hall 2 - Hall life videos
Naming Ceremony of the HSBC Prosperity Hall (Hall 2)
Date: 27-2-2004
Duration: 6'47"
Hall Song of HSBC Prosperity Hall - The Spirit of Prosperity 業昕精神
Song / Lyrics

Hall Rules of HSBC Prosperity Hall (Hall 2)
HSBC Prosperity Hall is a place for studying and making friends.

To ensure a safe and comfortable environment for all residents, we invite your cooperation in observing the "Regulations Governing Student Residence" and the "Code of Student Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure" of City University of Hong Kong. We would also like to draw special attention to the following rules and regulations:

  1. Guests:
    1. Visiting hours are from 8:00am to 11:00pm. Non-HSBC Prosperity Hall residents are NOT ALLOWED to stay overnight in the hostel.
    2. Lending or borrowing of resident identity cards to others in order to gain access to the Hall is strictly prohibited.
    3. Residents are held responsible for the acts and behaviours of their visitors. Please remind your visitors of the rules and regulations of our Hall.
    4. It is the responsibility of residents to advise their visitors that they MUST register and check in at the security kiosk when they enter and leave the Hall before 11:00 pm. All visitors MUST de-register when they leave. The Hall management reserves the right to conduct room checks of residents, without notice, whose visitors fail to follow this requirement.

  2. Cooking:
    1. Cooking is ONLY allowed in the floor common rooms, and is strictly prohibited in all other places within the Hall, including the ground floor common rooms.
    2. Fires are not allowed to be set in any part of the Hall.

  3. Smoking:
    1. In line with City University policy, smoking is strictly prohibited in all places within the Hall, including the roof.
    2. Residents are responsible to remind their visitors not to smoke in the Hall.

  4. Swapping Rooms:
    1. Residents are not allowed to change rooms, and should not let other persons occupy or share their assigned rooms.

Violation of these Regulations may render a resident liable to disciplinary procedures promulgated by the University. Disciplinary action will include warning (verbal and/or written which will be forwarded to concerned offices and academic Department), community services to Hall, termination of housing contract, etc.

We shall update and/or amend the rules from time to time to maintain our Hall as a good place for study and living. Please contact your residence tutors and/or floor representative if you have any feedback on these rules. You can also forward your comment to the relevant forums.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in keeping our Hall an excellent place for living and studying.

Responsible 1 - 2/F
AFANDY Richard
【 Richard 】
Room 202A
Responsible 3 - 4/F
CHAN Chun Hei
【 Jonathan 】
Room 402B
Responsible 5 - 6/F
WONG, Ming Chi
【 Wilson 】
Room 602A
Responsible 7 - 8/F
WANG, Yichen
【 Thea 】
Room 802A
Responsible 9 - 10/F
GUO, Aobo
【 Bob 】
Room 1002A
Responsible 11/F
【 Gwen 】
Room 1102A