Jockey Club Humanity Hall (Hall 1) Instagram Instagram

Residence Master: Prof. Ben LI

Associate Professor, Department of Social and Behavioural Sciences

Special Features:
Jockey Club Humanity Hall: where we live for and serve humanity

Humanity refers to the qualities of being human: integrity, compassion, kindness, generosity, independence, discipline, perseverance, respectfulness, creativity and many more. In this living-learning community, we continue to inspire one another to be a better person and citizen.

“Mens sana in corpore sano (Latin)” means a healthy mind in a healthy body. We believe in the body-mind connection and encourage the dialogue and best practices of healthy lifestyles. Through the practicing of healthy lifestyles, we hope to foster a culture of resilience and responsibility.

Naming Ceremony of the Jockey Club Humanity Hall (Hall 1)
Date: 16-1-2003
Duration: 6'35"

Hall Rules of Jockey Club Humanity Hall (Hall 1)

  1. Any type of ignition (e.g. ignitable aromatic dispenser) is prohibited within the Hall area (including the Roof and the Staircases).

  2. Any type of cooking by electronic appliances (e.g. Rice Cooker, Electronic Hot Pot) is prohibited inside all residential rooms.

  3. Smoking and drugs are prohibited within the Hall area (including the Roof and the Staircases).

  4. All visitors should not be in the Hall between 23:00 and 08:00. Overnight staying by any person other than the residents of the Hall is not allowed.

  5. Residents and visitors are not allowed to enter a room without the prior consent of the room occupant in the case of a single room and of BOTH occupants in the case of a shared room. Shared washrooms between rooms are not allowed to be used by residents or visitors of another gender.

  6. Residents are not allowed to swap the rooms assigned without approval from the University.

  7. All the public utensils and appliances are owned by the Hall and are not supposed to be taken away. Residents have the responsibility of keeping these public properties in a good condition.

  8. Mahjong is prohibited within the Hall common area.

  9. Gambling and betting in any form is not allowed in the hall.

  10. Approval from the Residence Master/Hall Management Team is required before any activities or issuing any publications in the name of the hall, failing which both the organizers and participants may be subjected to hall disciplinary actions.

Effective date 1-9-2003

Note: The Residence Master has the discretion to interpret all the above rules . All residents should abide by the ‘Code of Student Conduct' of City University of Hong Kong . (

Responsible 1/F
ADRIANI, Elisabeth Felicia
【 Felicia 】
Room 102B
Responsible 2 - 3/F
【 Best 】
Room 302A
Responsible 4 - 5/F
LIU Chih Yu
【 Yvonne 】
Room 502A
Responsible 6 - 7/F
MANUELLA, Haydee Judith
【 Haydee 】
Room 702B
Responsible 8 - 9/F
CHAN, Cheuk Him
【 Alex 】
Room 802A
Responsible 10 - 11/F
CHAN, Hoi Tung
【 Natalie 】
Room 1002B
Responsible 12 - 13/F
BUDIMAN, Darren Nathanael
Room 1202A
Responsible 14 - 15/F
CHONG, Yiu Hei
【 Yom 】
