The 16th Advanced Programme for Chinese Senior Judges

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City University of Hong Kong has collaborated with the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China and its National Judges College since 2008. Together they have organized a number of programmes for Chinese senior judges and have educated elites in the field. The Opening Ceremony for Juridical Science Programme for Chinese Senior Judges, Master of Laws Programme for Chinese Judges and Advanced Programme for Chinese Senior Judges cum Graduation Celebration for Chinese Judges 2023 was successfully held on 25 September 2023 at Joseph Lee Hall, Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Academic Building, CityU.

14th LLM(2) (edited)

Group photo of officiating guests and participants of 14th Master of Laws Programme for Chinese Judges

11th JSD (edited)

Group photo of officiating guests and participants of 11th Doctor of Juridical Science (JSD) Programme for Chinese Senior Judges

16th SJ(2) (edited)

Group photo of officiating guests and participants of 16th Advanced Programme for Chinese Senior Judge

Prominent experts in the law field in Hong Kong and mainland China have attended the ceremony. The officiating guests included Justice LIU Guixiang, Permanent member of the Supreme People's Court's judicial committee (vice-minister level) and President of National Judges College; Ms. LEI Hong, Vice-President of National Judges College; Ms. WANG Xiaofang, Vice-President of National Judges College; Mr. WANG Jian Yuan, Deputy Director of Legal Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region; Mr. CHEN Jianzhong, Deputy Director-General of Department of Treaty and Law at The Commissioner's Office of China's Foreign Ministry in the Hong Kong S.A.R.

In addition, we are also honoured to invite authorities from the local legal profession to attend the ceremony. The officiating guests include Mr. Victor DAWES SC, Chairman of Hong Kong Bar Association; Mr. C. M. CHAN, President of The Law Society of Hong Kong; Dr. Kennedy WONG, BBS, LLD, DCL, JP, Member of Legislative Council of the Hong Kong S.A.R; Mr. ZHAO Zhenhua, President of China Legal Service (Hong Kong) Ltd.

Professor Freddy BOEY, President of City University of Hong Kong and Professor LIN Feng, Dean of School of Law at City University of Hong Kong, also attended and officiated the ceremony.


In his speech, Justice LIU expressed his heartfelt gratitude to all colleagues of the School of Law of the CityU, and thanked the organizations of the Central People's Government in Hong Kong and various sectors of the Hong Kong community for their long-term support of nurturing Mainland Judges. Justice LIU put forward three expectations for the Mainland Judges participating in the programmes: first, they must always adhere to Xi Jinping’s rule of law as a guide for study and work, and strive to make the people feel fairness and justice in every judicial case; second, we must take it as our responsibility to serve the "One Belt, One Road" strategy and the construction of the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area" and continue to pioneer and innovate; finally, thesis writing and research should emphasize the investigation and research, and produce academic results that can stand the test of practice.

president (edited)

President BOEY congratulated all graduating judges on their successful graduation. He pointed out that law plays a crucial role in the transformation of the country. It is a great honour for CityU to be a bridge that promotes judicial exchanges and enhances mutual understanding between Hong Kong and Mainland China. CityU is proud to contribute to the country's judicial reform and rule of law construction.

Dean (edited)

Finally, Prof. LIN thanked the Supreme People's Court and the National College of Judges for their trust in CityU. He also thanked all the individuals and institutions that have helped us with the Chinese Judges programmes over the years.


Mr. CHEUNG Horace, SBS, JP, Deputy Secretary for Justice attended the dinner on the day of the ceremony.

The programme kicked off with a special lecture on the core and hot issues of the Basic Law delivered by Prof. Lin. During the two-week programme, the participants have learnt about the Legislative and Judicial systems in Hong Kong through various visits, including visits to the the Commissioner's Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong S.A.R; High Court; the Court of Final Appeal; the Legislative Council; Department of Justice; the Correctional Services Department; the Independent Commission Against Corruption; the Office of the Ombudsman; the Legal Aid Department; Hong Kong Bar Association; and the Law Society of Hong Kong.

In addition, the Centre for Judicial Education and Research cum Identification of Hong Kong Law is also honoured to invite Mr. FANG Jianming, Deputy Commissioner of the Office of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China in the Hong Kong S.A.R; Hon Andrew LEUNG Kwan-yuen, GBM, GBS, JP, Chairman of the Legislative Council; Hon Madam Justice Carlye CHU Fun-ling, Vice-President of the Court of Appeal of the High Court; Mr. Llewellyn MUI Kei Fat, Solicitor General of Department of Justice Constitutional and Policy Affairs Division; Mr. NG Chiu Kok, CSDSM, Deputy Commissioner of Correctional Services (Operations and Strategic Development); Mr. TANG Chi Kong, Assistant Director of Operations Department at Independent Commission Against Corruption; Ms. CHAN Oi Yung, Juliana, JP, Deputy Director of Legal Aid Department; Mr. Victor DAWES SC, Chairman of Hong Kong Bar Association; and Mr. C. M. CHAN, President of the Law Society of Hong Kong; and, to meet and exchange views and ideas with the delegation of Chinese senior judges.

The 16th Advanced Programme for Chinese Senior Judges was successfully concluded on 28 September 2023. Participants of the programme enthusiastically joined the seminar held in the School of Law. The Chinese senior judges have concluded what they have learnt from the programme, as well as voiced their opinions and suggestions. The head of the delegation of this programme, Justice ZHANG Neng, Vice President of the Higher People's Court of Sichuan Province, expressed that during the exchanges and meetings with many members of the judiciary in Hong Kong, he was proud of Hong Kong's governance results and stable development. Last but not least, he reminded all participants: "We will seriously follow the requirements of XI Jinping's Thought on the Rule of Law, take into account the actual situation in the Mainland, absorb and learn from these experiences, do our job well, and further promote the modernization of the judiciary in the Mainland!”

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香港城市大學司法教育與研究暨香港法律查明中心和法律學院聯同中華人民共和國最高人民法院和國家法官學院自2008年起合作舉辦中國法官課程,多年來培育不少司法精英為業界效力。而中國高級法官法學博士課程、中國法官法學碩士課程及中國高級法官研修班課程開班典禮暨中國法官畢業慶典 2023亦於2023年9月25日在城大李達三葉耀珍學術樓李宗德講堂圓滿舉行。

14th LLM(2) (edited)


11th JSD (edited)


16th SJ(2) (edited)






劉貴祥專委致辭時向城大法律學院各位同仁表示衷心的感謝,並感謝中央駐港機構和香港社會各界長期以來對內地法官培訓事業與法院人才培養工作給予的關心和支持。劉專委對參加合作專案的內地法官提出三點期望:第一,要始終堅持以習近平法治思想作為學習和工作的指引,努力讓人民群眾在每一個司法案件中感受到公平正義; 第二,要以服務好“一帶一路”戰略和“粵港澳大灣區”建設為己a任,不斷開拓創新; 最後,論文寫作和課題研究要重視調查研究,做出經得起實踐考驗的學術成果。

president (edited)


Dean (edited)

最後,林峰院長致謝辭時感謝最高人民法院及國家法官學院對城大的信任,並感謝中央駐港機構和香港法律界對我們項目的一貫支援, 最後感謝法律學院各位同仁的辛勤付出。





另外,司法教育與研究中心亦有幸邀請外交部駐港公署副特派員方建明先生、立法會主席梁君彥先生、高等法院上訴庭副庭長朱芬齡法官、律政司法律政策專員梅基發先、懲教署副署長吳超覺先生、廉政公署執行處助理處長鄧志光先生、法律援助署副署長(申請及審查) 陳愛容女、香港大律師公會主席杜淦堃資深大律師及香港律師會會長陳澤銘先生等與內地法官進行交流。

最後,香港城市大學司法教育與研究暨香港法律查明中心舉辦的第十六屆中國高級法官研修班課程於 2023年 9月 28 日圓滿結束。學員們在城市大學法律學院參與座談會。參與者都十分投入,聚首一堂總結研修成果、提出意見和建議。本次研修班團長四川省高級人民法院副院長、一級高級法官張能法官表示此行與香港眾多同仁的交流溝通中,為香港的治理成效和穩定發展的局面感到驕傲。最後寄語:「我們將認真按照習近平法治思想的要求,結合內地實際,深入消化借鑒這些經驗,做好我們的本職工作,進一步助推內地司法的現代化!」