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Speaker: David Armitage, Lloyd C. Blankfein Professor of History, Harvard University. Affiliated Professor, Department of Government; Affiliated Faculty Member, Harvard Law School; Senior Scholar, Harvard Academy.

Date: 27 March 2023, Monday

Time: 9 pm Hong Kong Time, 2 pm London Time, 8 am Chicago Time (UTC-5)

Venue: Via Zoom

Registration: here

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Event Detail (Landing)

Speaker: David Armitage, Lloyd C. Blankfein Professor of History, Harvard University. Affiliated Professor, Department of Government; Affiliated Faculty Member, Harvard Law School; Senior Scholar, Harvard Academy.

Date: 27 March 2023, Monday

Time: 9 pm Hong Kong Time, 2 pm London Time, 8 am Chicago Time (UTC-5)

Venue: Via Zoom

Registration: here

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