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Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law School of Law, City University of Hong Kong

The Centre for Chinese and Comparative Law (CCCL) at City University of Hong Kong School of Law is an interdisciplinary research institute dedicated to the study of legal and policy issues in Chinese law from comparative perspectives.

Upcoming Events


31.05.20252025 AsLEA Annual Conference Call for Papers [Flyer]
27-28.01.2024CCCL&GIG: International Conference on Legal and Institutional Cooperation in the Greater Bay Area [Webstory EN || CN] [Flyer] [Programme]
2023CCCL Lecture Series: Histories of International Law: Chinese and Global Perspectives (in partnership with Wuhan University School of Law and Fudan University School of Law) [Backgrounder]
24.10.2023CCCL講座:新加坡企業及個人投融資熱點架構及法律問題解析 [Flyer]
20.10.2023CCCL seminar: Comparative Regulation of Cryptocurrencies in Hong Kong and Singapore [Flyer]
28.09.2023CCCL Young Scholar Forum: Examining the English Necessary Interest Rule in the Charitable Trust Setting [Flyer]
27.07.2023CCCL Research Talk: The Refusal to License Intellectual Property as an Antitrust Violation in China: How Should the Current Approach be Improved? [Flyer]
29.06.2023CCCL Young Scholar Forum: Reconsideration of Imperial Monarch in Song China from a Comparative Perspective [Flyer]
16.06.2023Revolution and the Introduction of Marxist theory of International Law to China [Flyer]
26.05.2023CCCL Seminar by Visiting Researcher: Collaborative administrative power in the Italian experience [Flyer]
19.05.2023The Opening Up and Reform Policy and China’s Re-engagement with the International Legal Order [Flyer]
12.05.2023CCCL Distinguished Lecture: The End of the Cold War, German unification and the constitutional transformation of Europe [Flyer]
10.05.2023Pride and Prejudice in China-Indian Relations: A Case Study of Sino-India Border Dispute [Flyer] [Flyer 2]
20.01.2024China as IP Game Changer (Eng || Chi)
09-10.11.2023Histories of International Law in China all Under Heaven (Eng || Chi)
20.10.2023Comparative Regulation of Cryptocurrencies in Hong Kong and Singapore (Eng || Chi)
28.09.2023Young Scholar Forum: Examining the English Necessary Interest Rule in the Charitable Trust Setting (Eng || Chi)
27.07.2023The Refusal to License Intellectual Property as an Antitrust Violation in China: How Should the Current Approach be Improved? (Eng || Chi)
29.06.2023Young Scholar Forum: Reconsideration of Imperial Monarch in Song China from a Comparative Perspective (Eng || Chi)
12.05.2023Distinguished Lecture Series: CCCL Distinguished Lecture: The End of the Cold War, German unification and the constitutional transformation of Europe (Eng || Chi)
04.05.2023CCCL and JERI Seminar: “Why China Needs a Practical Legal Discourse System” (Eng || Chi)
28.04.2023Lecture Series: China and the ‘Third World’ in International Law - On Bandung and Beyond (Eng || Chi)
26.04.2023CCCL and JERI: Dialogue with LOCPG Legal Director (Eng || Chi)
25.04.2023Distinguished Lecture Series: Vitoria and Carl Schmitt: friends or foes? (Eng || Chi)
30.03.2023Lecture Series: Early Efforts by the Qing's Dynasty to use International Law for the Protetion of the Chinese Diaspora (Eng || Chi)
27.03.2023CCCL Distinguished Lecture: What has Opera to do with International Law? (Eng || Chi)
27.03.2023CCCL Young Scholar Forum: Who is actually protected by labor provisions in FTAs and BITs? A comparative study of China, the EU, and the US (Eng || Chi)
22.02.2023CCCL Legal Research Talk: Introduction to Empirical Law and Economics by Dr. Martin Lai (Eng || Chi)
21.02.2023CCCL Distinguished Lecture: The Legal History of International Power: Sovereignty & Property (Eng || Chi)
17.02.2023CCCL Lecture Series: Historicism and Chinese Translations of International Law in Late Qing China (Eng || Chi)
15.02.2023CCCL Legal Research Talk: Writing Doctorate Thesis – Research Experience of an SJD by Dr. Huang Tao (Eng || Chi)
29.12.2022 CCCL Young Scholar Forum: China’s Participation In The International Commercial Dispute Resolution Mechanism, Under The Context of The Belt And Road Initiative (Eng || Chi)
16.12.2022 Lecture Series: China and The Turn to the National Histories of International Law (Eng || Chi)
09.12.2022 13th International Conference on the New Haven School of Jurisprudence (Eng || Chi)
30.11.2022HKCML & CCCL Organized Online Conference on Addressing Climate Change in the Post-pandemic Era: A Global Perspective (Eng || Chi)
11.11.2022CCCL Distinguished Public Lecture: Interpretation of Contracts by Emeritus Professor Ewan McKendrick (Eng || Chi)
02.11.2022CCCL Seminar: International Economic Law in the Era of Great Power Rivalry (Eng || Chi)
01.11.2022JERI&CCCL Workshop on Judicial Reform in China: Looking Back, Looking Forward (Eng || Chi)
14.10.2022CCCL and JERI Seminar: Meeting Chinese Judges: Courts, Adjudicators, and Judicial Life (Eng || Chi)
06.10.2022CCCL Seminar: The Polar Silk Road and the Future Governance of Northern Sea Route (Eng || Chi)
30.09.2022CCCL Seminar: Output Effect of Private Antitrust Enforcement (Eng || Chi)
29.09.2022CCCL Seminar: Practising Business Law in the Hong Kong and Mainland Cross-Border Environment (Eng || Chi)
[Past News]

Past Events

07.02.2025“Trademark Battles in the Digital Marketplace – Comparing Liability Laws in Russia, China, and the US [Webstory EN || CN]
27.12.2024“Balancing Public Health and Investment Protections – COVID-19 Treaty Claims and the Role of General Public Policy Exceptions in IIAs [Webstory EN || CN]
17.09.2024“CCCL Guest Seminar: Law & Political Economy in China's New Era [Flyer]
23.05.2024“Ai Sun Yanzi” Doing Covers: Copyright Infringement or Data Law Violation in China? [Flyer]
7-8.03.2024The 8th Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Legal Symposium: 第八届粵港澳法學研討會 [Webstory EN || CN]
18.04.2024CCCL Visiting Scholar Seminar: 論中國民法典中一般人格權的憲法基礎 [Webstory EN || CN] [Flyer]
18.04.2024CCCL Guest Seminar: Space Resources and Property Rights on Celestial Objects: New Frontiers in International Law and Politics [Webstory EN || CN] [Flyer]
28.03.2024CCCL Guest Seminar: Introduction on Empirical (Qualitative) Research Methods [Flyer]
28.03.2024CCCL Young Scholar Forum: Custom without the State [Webstory EN || CN] [Flyer]
20.03.2024CCCL Guest Seminar: IPO 101: From a Practical Perspective of Hong Kong IPO [Webstory EN || CN] [Flyer]
13.11.2023裁判視角下的中國大陸法院、法官與司法制度 [Flyer]
04.05.2023JERI&CCCL: 中國為什麼需要實踐法學話語體系 [Flyer]
28.04.2023Lecture Series: China and the ‘Third World’ in International Law - On Bandung and Beyond [Flyer]
26.04.2023JERI&CCCL: Dialogue with LOCPG Legal Director [Flyer]
25.04.2023CCCL Distinguished Lecture: Vitoria and Carl Schmitt: Friends or Foes? [Flyer]
30.03.2023CCCL Lecture Series: Early Efforts by the Qing's Dynasty to use International Law for the Protetion of the Chinese Diaspora [Flyer]
27.03.2023CCCL Distinguished Lecture: What Has Opera To Do with International Law? [Flyer]
27.03.2023CCCL Young Scholar Forum: Who is actually protected by labor provisions in FTAs and BITs? [Flyer]
22.02.2023CCCL Legal Research Talk: Introduction to Empirical Law and Economics by Dr. Martin Lai [Flyer]
21.02.2023CCCL Distinguished Lecture: The Legal History of International Power: Sovereignty & Property [Flyer]
17.02.2023CCCL Lecture Series: Historicism and Chinese Translations of International Law in Late Qing China [Flyer]
15.02.2023CCCL Legal Research Talk: Writing Doctorate Thesis – Research Experience of an SJD by Dr. Huang Tao [Flyer]
13.01.2023CCCL Lecture Series: In the Garden of Gethsemene: US-Sino Relations in the History of International Law during the Republican Period [Flyer]
29.12.2022CCCL Young Scholar Forum: China’s Participation in the International Commercial Dispute Resolution Mechanism, under the context of the Belt and Road Initiative [Flyer]
23.12.2022CCCL Young Scholar Forum: Call for Abstract [Flyer]
16.12.2022CCCL Lecture Series: China and the Turn to the National Histories of International Law [Flyer]
30.11.2022HKCML&CCCL Conference: Addressing Climate Change in the Post-pandemic Era: A Global Perspective [Flyer] [Program]
11.11.2022CCCL Distinguished Public Lecture: Interpretation of Contracts by Emeritus Professor Ewan McKendrick [Flyer]
02.11.2022International Economic Law in the Era of Great Power Rivalry [Flyer]
01.11.2022JERI&CCCL: Workshop on Judicial Reform in China: Looking Back, Looking Forward [Flyer]
14.10.2022CCCL&CJER Seminar: Meeting Chinese Judges: Courts, Adjudicators, and Judicial Life [Flyer]
05.10.2022The Polar Silk Road and the Future Governance of Northern Sea Route by Dr. Liu Nengye [Flyer]
29.09.2022CCCL Young Scholar Forum: Output Effect of Private Antitrust Enforcement by Dr. Martin LAI [Flyer]
28.09.2022CCCL Seminar: Practising Business Law in the Hong Kong and mainland Cross Border Environment [Flyer]
05.08.2022Virtual Book Launch: “Court-Supervised Restructuring of Large Distressed Companies in Asia" by Prof Wai Yee Wan [Flyer]
29.03.2022CCCL Seminar: Introduction to Empirical Legal Research [Flyer]
29.03.2022Academic Roundtable: Insolvency Law and Policy in Times of COVID-19 and Beyond [Flyer]
22.03.2022CCCL Seminar: Professional English Writing Skills for Non-Native Speakers [Flyer]
25.01.2022CJER &CCCL Seminar: Internet Courts in Mainland China [Flyer]
17.12.2021CCCL Seminar: Revising Chinese Company Law (again): Academic Debates and Legislative Considerations [Flyer]
03.12.2021CCCL Public Lecture: Multilateral Trading System and the Future of International Economic Law: Implications for Rule of Law in China [Flyer]
26.11.2021Regulating Cyberspace and Informatization in China: An Academic Critique of Recent Legislations [Flyer]
18.11.2021CCCL Seminar: China’s Engagement with international judicial dispute settlement: will non-appearance be the new normal? [Flyer]
10.11.2021CCCL Seminar: Meeting Chinese Judges: Courts, Adjudicators, and Judicial Life [Flyer]
09.11.2021CCCL Seminar: Overseas Listing of Chinese Companies: “Homecoming” Opportunities for Hong Kong by Lan Jie [Flyer]
26.10.2021CCCL Chinese Law for student series: A Virtual Tour of Huawei: Technologies, Ownership, and Corporate Governance [Flyer]
07.05.2021Online Symposium on “Sources of Law, Authoritarian Legality, and Chinese Jurisprudence” [Flyer] [Programme]
04.03.2021International Online Symposium on Sino-Indian Border Disputes: A Dialogue between International Law and International Relations [Backgrounder] [Programme]
30.11.2020International Symposium on “The Rule of Law in Chinese Foreign Affairs” [Programme]
11.09.2020「港區國家安全法理論與實踐」學術研討會 (International Symposium on “The National Security Law of Hong Kong: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives)
[Flyer in English] [Flyer in Chinese]
28.08.2020 RCCL Online Symposium on “The Application of the CISG to HKSAR”
[Flyer] [Programme]
28.07.2020How Has COVID-19 (Re)Shaped Government-Business Relations in Asia? (organized by RCCL in partnership with the Centre for Asian Legal Studies of the Faculty of Law of National University of Singapore)
12.06.2020International Symposium on COVID-19 and Models of Governance in East Asia and the World (新冠肺炎疫情與東亞治理模式國際研討會)
[Flyer in English] [Flyer in Chinese] [Programme] [Video]
07.06.2020中國民法典網上研討會(Online Symposium on Chinese Civil Code)
[Flyer in English] [Flyer in Chinese] [Programme] [Video]
05.06.2020「香港特區維護國家安全法」網上研討會 (Online Symposium on “National Security Legislation of the HKSAR”)
[Flyer in English] [Flyer in Chinese]
22.05.2020"新冠肺炎疫情、國際法與疫後國際秩序" 網上座談會 (Online Workshop on “Covid-19, International Law and the Post-Pandemic International Order")
[Flyer in Chinese] [Flyer in English] [Programme]
[Past Events]