Water and Membrane Technologies Laboratory

Dr. Bowen Pak Wai Wong

PhD - Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong
MSc - Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong
MSc - Computer Science, University of Hertfordshire
BSc - Environmental Science and Management, City University of Hong Kong


Dr. Wong received Ph.D. degree in Energy and Environment from City University of Hong Kong in 2022. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science and Management in 2013. After graduation, he worked as Environmental Scientist at a local landfill operation company for 3-year before becoming a research assistant. Outsider working hours, he completed two master’s degrees before enrolling Ph.D. program. In 2017, he completed Master of Computer Science focused on data analysis and programming. In 2019, he graduated with distinction in a Master of Energy and Environment, covering energy and environmental aspects of economics, policies and laws.

His Ph.D. research on Real-time Quantitative Analysis of the Pollutant Effects in Membrane Distillation via Optical Coherence Tomography and Impedance Monitoring was published in the top-tiers journal in water and environment, including Environmental Science and Technology (IF: 11.357), Water Research (IF: 11.236) and Desalination. (IF: 11.21). Moreover, his research on “Real-time monitoring of membrane wetting progression using impedance spectroscopy” was highly recognized by Desalination Editor in 5th International Conference on Desalination using Membrane Technology. Dr. Wong got the 1st Student Best Poster Award at the conference. Nevertheless, in his Ph.D. study, with the collaboration with research partners, he has developed a solid prior record in publishing research with at least 12 publications to top tier journals, including Nature Communications (IF: 17.69), Chemical Engineering Journal (IF: 16.744) and Journal of Membrane Science (IF: 8.742).

Besides his excellent academic and research background, Dr. Wong has strong leadership and management skills. In HKTech300, his role as person-in-charge requires managing the team, fulfilling the milestone and communicating with the sponsor on R&D. Moreover, as a team leader, Dr. Wong participated in different innovative competitions. In the recent 8th China International Internet+ Innovative Start-up competition, his team is one of the twelve selected teams representing Hong Kong to enter the National round.

Dr. Wong is also an enthusiast of participating in environmental protection program. He participated in the cultural exchange activity organized by Hong Kong Youth Federation. In the activity, his team was required to plan and communicate with NGO in Malaysia to organize the environmental protection program for local primary and secondary schools. Dr. Wong’s team prepared the technical talk and upcycling workshop. Nevertheless, Dr. Wong participated into three conferences and exchange activities in his Ph.D. program. The willingness to persuade emerging technology, collaborate with researchers in other institutes, and build connections are vital for conducting outstanding research.

Research Topic

  • Fouling, wetting and scaling in Membrane Distillation
  • Emerging pollutant detection
  • Membrane Water Treatment Modelling


  • 1st Poster Award in 5th International Conference on Desalination using Membrane Technology 2021
  • 1st Runner Up (Practice Group-Open Group) in Best Smart Glass App Competition 2016
  • 1st Runner Up (Tertiary Institutions Category) in HKIE Mobile Game Apps Competition 2015