AIA Scholarships 2023/24

The Scholarships is established to reward academically outstanding undergraduate students.

Scholarship Value and Duration

The Scholarships is designed to finance the awardees' tuition fees. The value of each scholarship will be HK$50,000 per annum, payable each year during the awardee's undergraduate programme.

Eligibility Criteria

²  Permanent resident of Hong Kong with the right of abode;

²  Have resided in Hong Kong continuously for at least three complete years immediately prior to the commencement of their undergraduate programme;

²  Have received their senior secondary education in Hong Kong, including those who have studied local (e.g. HKDSE) and non-local (e.g. IB) curricula;

²  Demonstrate excellent academic performance with a minimum GPA of 3.2 in the first semester of the first year of their full-time UGC-funded undergraduate programmes (4-year or 6-year degree programme);

²  Demonstrate a record of community service or charitable work, undertaken prior to their application for the Scholarships;

²  Have good conduct; and

²  Must not hold other scholarships to cover the tuition fee concurrently for the same academic year.

If awarded, student(s) are required to meet Renewal Requirement annually for continuous entitlement in the Scholarship.

Documents for Application

²  Completed application form

²  A copy of CityU academic report (AIMS version is acceptable), certificate(s) of public exam(s)

²  Valid proof (e.g. letters issued by the activity organization) to demonstrate your record of community service or charitable work.

 Kindly DOWNLOAD the documents here:




Methods and Deadlines

  1. Open-application method: submit an application form with supporting documents to directly by 26 January 2024. Late application will not be considered.

  2. Nomination method: to be nominated by your College/School/Department. The deadline is set by the respective College/School/Department.


Please email or call 3442 8113 (Ms Minnie Wong).

Student Development Services