University / Daily Life
Entering university is a whole new experience for most people. Challenges and freedom abound. To cope with the intellectual challenges, new mode of study is crucial. On the other hand, university years are not just meant for study. Ample opportunities exist for you to develop and grow. Balancing studying with other aspects of university life is important. Make use of this site to obtain information which might facilitate your adjustment to and development in university.
COVID-19 and Study
- Coping with COVID-19-related Stress as a Student:
Examination Stress and Anxiety
- Managing Examination Stress and Anxiety:
- Taming Test Anxiety:
- Coping with Examination Anxiety:
Managing Emotions Related to Social Unrest
- Living with Anger (in Cantonese and with sign language) 情緒編-於憤怒共處:
- Intergeneration Conflict (in Cantonese and with sign language) 溝通編-兩代矛盾:
- 一家人政見不同點算好?(In Cantonese):
- Managing stress related to political change (In English):
- The great unknown: 10 tips for dealing with the stress of uncertainty (In English):
- 5 Ways to Get Your Unwanted Emotions Under Control (in English):
- Information:
- Stress Out!
- 青山醫院精神健康學院 The Institute of Mental Health, Castle Peak Hospital:
- Fact Sheets:
- 管理壓力 Stress Management:
- 好心情 Joyful@HK:
- 考試減壓 Exam Stress Management:
- Test Anxiety:
- Videos:
- Friends
- 跟 我 做 個 Friend Let us become friends:
- 人際關係的斷與捨:
- 成為好朋友:
- 好到冇朋友 A Perfect Friend:
- Family
- 3 Steps to Resolving Conflict Within Your Family:
- 兄弟姊妹關係是人際學習的自然實驗室:
- Dating
- 感情關係 Love-related Problems:
- Videos:
- 5 Love Languages
Time Management
- 香港衛生署學生健康服務 Student Health Service, the Department of Health, Hong Kong:
- Videos:
- 時間管理指南 Time Management Handbook:
- The 4 Quadrant Week Plan:
Emotional Management
- 新生﹒身心靈 Newlife 330:
- 活出好心情小貼士 Tips on Being Joyful:
- 做 情 緒 的 主 人:
- Videos:
- 曹星如:開心唔開心都可以 Share, Rex Tso: It's Okay to Talk about It:
- 好心情之旅之享受生活:
- The Joyful Journey – Enjoyment:
- Sleep Hygiene:
- 全城興「瞓」:
- 香港睡眠醫學會:
- 青山醫院精神健康學院 The Institute of Mental Health, Castle Peak Hospital:
- Sleep recharges you:
- Videos:
Sexual Harassment
- 防止性騷擾委員會 CASH:
- 平等機會委員會 Equal Opportunity Committee:
- Preventing Sexual Harassment on Campus - A Matter of S/HE:
- 預防性騷擾資源庫 Anti-Sexual Harassment Resources:
- 風雨蘭 Rainlily: