Mental Health Issues
Self-Help Resources
Please refer to the following list on topics which might be of interest to you. Do bear in mind that the information contained
on our Self-Help Resources is not intended as a substitute for professional help. If you would like to seek psychological counselling,
please call 3442 8478 or 3442 8035 to make an appointment with one of the counsellors.
Examination Stress and Anxiety
- Managing Examination Stress and Anxiety:
- Taming Test Anxiety:
- Coping with Examination Anxiety:
- Information:
- Fact Sheets:
- 香港衛生署 Department of Health, Hong Kong:
- 香港衛生署學生健康服務 Student Health Service, the Department of Health, Hong Kong:
- Videos:
- 森美:好好愛錫自己 Sammy Leung: Love Yourself:
- I had a black dog, his name was depression:
- Information:
- 聯合情緒健康教育中心 United Centre of Emotional Health & Positive Living:
- 青山醫院精神健康學院The Institute of Mental Health, Castle Peak Hospital:
- 焦慮症 - 醫院管理局 (Cantonese Only):
- Fact Sheets:
- The National Institute of Mental Health, US:
- Anxiety UK:
- Videos:
- I think I have anxiety, what can I do?
- 學習減壓學靜觀:
- 意象鬆弛練習 Guided Meditation Relaxation Exercise:
- 肌肉鬆弛練習 Progressive Muscle Relaxation:
- 靜觀身體掃描練習Mindfulness Meditation Body Scan:
- 3分鐘呼吸空間Mindfulness Meditation 3 Minute Breathing Space:
- Information:
- Fact Sheets:
- 香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會 The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong:
- WHO:
- Videos:
- 最後一天:
- 香港撒瑪利亞防止自殺會 The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong:
Eating Disorders
- Information:
- 香港進食失調康復會 Hong Kong Eating Disorders Association:
- 香港進食失調中心 Hong Kong Eating Disorders Center:
- Fact Sheets:
- 香港進食失調康復會 Hong Kong Eating Disorders Association:
- The National Institute of Mental Health, US:
- The National Eating Disorders Association, US:
- Videos:
- The National Eating Disorders Association, US:
- 東華三院 Radioicare:
Substance Addiction
- Treatment and Services:
- 香港保安局禁毒處 The Narcotics Division of the Security Bureau, Hong Kong:
- Addiction Friend Hong Kong: Addiction Services in Hong Kong
- Information:
- 路德會青怡中心 Evergreen Lutheran Centre:
- 東華三院越峰成長中心, 解毒資訊站:
- Fact Sheets:
- 香港青年協會 The Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups, 戒毒服務 (Chinese Only):
- Videos:
- 大麻煩 Big Trouble, 香港戒毒會 The Society for the Aid and Rehabilitation of Drug Abusers:
- 同行者:無毒有你:
- Information:
- Fact Sheets:
- 青山醫院精神健康學院 The Institute of Mental Health, Castle Peak Hospital:
- 思覺基金 Early Psychosis Foundation (EPISO):
- Videos:
Understanding and Managing Coronavirus Anxiety
- Things You Can Do to Enhance Your Mental Health During Quarantine:
- Coping with COVID-19-related Stress as a Student:
- Mindfulness in the Time of Coronavirus Epidemic:
- 14-day Wellbeing Diary in Chinese:
- 14-day Wellbeing Diary in English:
- Psychological Coping during Disease Outbreak - People who are being quarantined:
- Psychological Coping During Disease Outbreak:
- Managing our Mental Health & Staying Well during a Virus Outbreak (in 10 languages):
- Mental Health and Coping During COVID-19:
- Coping with Social Distancing During COVID-19:
- Speaking of Psychology: Coronavirus Anxiety:
- How Stress Affects Your Health:
- Five Ways to View Coverage of the Coronavirus:
- 洗手之外,不忘照顧心靈:
- 保持身心靈健康的五個小貼士:
- 非典型定心丸:
Managing Emotions Related to Social Unrest
- Living with Anger (in Cantonese and with sign language) 情緒編-於憤怒共處:
- Intergeneration Conflict (in Cantonese and with sign language) 溝通編-兩代矛盾:
- 一家人政見不同點算好?(In Cantonese):
- Managing stress related to political change (In English):
- The great unknown: 10 tips for dealing with the stress of uncertainty (In English):
- 5 Ways to Get Your Unwanted Emotions Under Control (in English):