Bie Ju Centre for Mathematical Sciences Organized by Prof. Ya Yan LU and Prof. Wei Wei SUN A Class of Semilinear Maps, an Algebraic System Date: Oct 19, 2011 (Wednesday) ABSTRACT: In this talk, I will first introduce a class of semilinear maps that is closely related to the spectra of nonlinear and semilinear operators. We prove properties for the new class of operators including the continuation principle and its eigenvalues. As an application, solvability of a nonlinear system is studied. It is shown that the nonlinear algebraic system has wide applications in various areas such as difference equations, boundary value problems, dynamical networks and differential equations. We give classifications of the system and prove results on existence, multiplicity and nonexistence of positive solutions respectively by applying the classical monotone iteration method, ?xed point theorems on a cone and the methodology of nonlinear spectral theory. At last, some research projects in modeling computing systems and social networks by machine learning approaches and differential equations are presented. ** All interested are welcome ** For enquiry: 3442-9816