Liu Bie Ju Centre for Mathematical Sciences
City University of Hong Kong
Mathematical Analysis and its Applications

Organized by Prof. Philippe G. Ciarlet and Prof. Roderick Wong

Ellipticity on Manifolds with Geometric Singularities

Professor Bert-Wolfgang Schulze
Institute of Mathematics
University of Potsdam, Germany

Date: April 22, 2009 (Wednesday)
Time:4:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Venue: Room B6605 (College Conference Room)
Blue Zone, Level 6, Academic Building
City University of Hong Kong

ABSTRACT: By a manifold with geometric singularities we understand a stratified space M that has a specific structure close to the singular subset M', for instance, of conical, edge, or corner type, modelled on degenerate Riemannian metrics. A special case is manifolds with smooth boundary. In our talk we discuss ellipticity in algebras of (pseudo-) differential operators on such spaces, based on principal symbolic hierarchies, and aspects of the index theory.

** All interested are welcome **

For enquiry: 2788-9816

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