Liu Bie Ju Centre for Mathematical Sciences
City University of Hong Kong
Mathematical Analysis and its Applications

Organized by Prof. Philippe G. Ciarlet and Prof. Roderick Wong

Bergman Polynomials on Archipelagos

Prof. E. B. SAFF
College of Arts and Science
Vanderbilt University, USA

Date: February 27, 2008 (Wednesday)
Time: 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Venue: Room B6605 (Faculty Conference Room)
Blue Zone, Level 6
Academic Building
City University of Hong Kong

Abstract: We investigate the asymptotic behavior of polynomials orthonormal over regions G in the complex plane with respect to area measure (Bergman polynomials) in the case when G=NUJ=1 Gj consists of the finite union of N≥2 mutually exterior Jordan domains. Our results concern the limiting behavior of the zeros of these polynomials as well as fine estimates for their leading co-efficients. We also discuss a technique for the reconstruction of the component domains Gj from the area moments over G. (Joint work with B. Gustafsson, M. Putinar and N. Stylianopoulos.)

** All interested are welcome **

For enquiry: 2788-9816


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