Liu Bie Ju
Centre for Mathematical Sciences Organized by Prof. Philippe G. Ciarlet and Prof. Roderick Wong On Chemotaxis Models by
Date: October 6, 2004
(Wednesday) Abstract: Motivated by chemotaxis models, we examine the global existence in time and finite time blow-up of solutions for certain systems of partial differential equations that are strongly coupled. These include parabolic-parabolic type, parabolic-elliptic type and parabolic-hyperbolic type. These problems arise in a wide variety of applications in biology and physics, e.g. the chemotactic aggregation of cellular slime moulds and the gravitational interaction of particles. (Tea, coffee and cookies will be provided at the Faculty Common Room in B6501 before the colloquium from 4:00 to 4:30 pm. Please come and join us!) ** All interested are welcome ** For enquiry: 2788-9816