Individual Counselling: Primary School (Parent Strategies)


Parenting styles strongly influence children’ characteristics and their attitudes towards others. By learning from the negative example, and the instant, intermediate and long-term intervention strategies described in this section, parents will learn how to resolve the reactive aggression behavioural problems of their children. Teachers and social workers could also learn from these videos, and also assist parents. Furthermore, these video demonstrations will enable parents to reflect on their parenting styles and improve their communication skills with their children.

Reactive Aggressor

Negative Sample

  • This parent did not listen to the child’s explanation and did not understand her feelings.
  • In response her child’s negative behaviours, she scolded the child.

Instant intervention

  • Parents should calm down themselves first, and then encourage their children to share their opinions, and listen patiently.
  • Share personal experiences and help children analyse the problem from new perspectives, to help them understand how to solve the problem in an appropriate manner.

Intermediate intervention

  • Encourage children to conduct self-reflection and gain insight from the incident.
  • Praise children if they make positive changes.
  • Teach children how to use ‘I-message’ to express themselves, to help them solve interpersonal conflicts in a suitable way.

Long-term intervention

  • Teach and encourage children to use appropriate means to express their emotions.
  • Applaud and recognise children for their positive changes.

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