Graduation Ceremony 2018

The Graduation Ceremony 2018 was held on 8 December 2018 at Wong Cheung Lo Hui Yuet Hall, 5/F, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building (LAU). The new graduates were presented on the stage one by one at the Ceremony.

Professor Ya Yan Lu, Associate Dean of College of Science and Engineering, was the Presiding Officer of the ceremony. We were much honored to have Professor Raymond Honfu Chan, a distinguished local scholar who will join CityU as Dean of College of Science in January 2019, as our Guest of Honor and gave a commencement address at the Ceremony.

Moreover, in order to recognize students with remarkable achievements in the last academic year, Prof Xun-Li Wang, the Head of Department, presented the Graduate Award and Distinguished Final Year Project Award before the Cake Cutting Ceremony.

20 Dec 2018