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Seminar: Bridging Nonlocality and Contextuality with Twisted Light


Quantum nonlocality and contextuality are among the most profound and counter-intuitive features of quantum mechanics, challenging classical notions of reality. Nonlocality, demonstrated through violations of Bell inequalities, reveals correlations between space-like separated measurements that cannot be explained by local realism. Contextuality, on the other hand, indicates that measurement outcomes depend not only on the observable itself but also on the measurement context. Although traditionally regarded as distinct phenomena, recent experimental work by the speaker and collaborators has uncovered a direct connection between them. In this talk, the speaker will present an experimental demonstration of how quantum contextuality can be converted into nonlocality using the twisted light with orbital angular momentum states. This work provides new insights into foundational quantum phenomena and highlights the potential of twisted light as a powerful tool for exploring quantum foundations.



Mr. Jianqi Sheng is a PhD candidate at Xiamen University, specializing in quantum optics and quantum information. His research focuses on the optical implementation of quantum correlations and quantum foundations, with a particular emphasis on quantum entanglement, nonlocality, and contextuality. His work aims to bridge the gap between quantum foundational theories and experimental realizations, while developing innovative methodologies to test and extend these fundamental concepts. As the leading first author, he has published multiple peer-reviewed papers, including Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A, and Optics Express.

Event Details
Mr. Jianqi Sheng
Doctoral Candidate, Xiamen University

Date & Time
26 March 2025 10 am

B5-211, Yeung Kin Man Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong

Prof. Jeff Ou (34422825)