Commencement of College of Science for Graduating Class of 2024

Happy graduation to the College of Science’s 2024 Graduation Class!

The 2024 Commencement opened a new chapter for the College of Science (CSCI). With the rapid expansion of graduate numbers in the College, two Commencement sessions for CSCI's Graduating Class of 2024 were arranged. The first session was for Department of Biostatistics and Department of Mathematics, and the second was for Department of Chemistry and Department of Physics. What's more, the Departmental Toasting Ceremony after the College Commencement session is back!

Presided by Professor Xin Wang, Dean of CSCI, the two Commencement sessions were held successfully on 18 June 2024. About 250 graduates and 400 parents and guests attended the two Commencement sessions and shared the joy of graduation with the College members together.

For the Chemistry and Physics Departments session, the College is honoured to have Mr. Lim Tsui, an alumnus of the Department of Chemistry (formerly named Department of Biology and Chemistry), class of 1995, as the Guest Speaker. Mr. Lim encouraged the graduates to step outside their comfort zone, “It was terrifying at first. But it was also thrilling. I discovered new passions, developed invaluable skills, and found a sense of purpose I had been missing,” he shared. Bachelor of Science in Chemistry graduate Miss Kit Yee Chen, gave speeches on behalf of her class and shared her precious memories at CityUHK.

The College also took this opportunity to present the four types of College Awards to distinguished alumni as well as faculty members with outstanding performance in teaching, research and knowledge transfer. 

The 2023/24 College of Science Distinguished Alumni Awards were presented to Ms. Elizabeth Kwong, the first cohort graduate of the Department of Mathematics, and Prof. Wong Ka Leung Gary, Class 2002 alumnus of the Department of Chemistry.

Prof. Lo Pik Kwan Peggy from the Department of Chemistry and Prof. Sunny Wang from the Department of Physics were awarded the College of Science Teaching Excellence Awards in 2023/24. Unfortunately, Prof. Sunny Wang was unable to attend the ceremony on 18 June.

The 2023/24 College of Science Outstanding Knowledge Transfer Awards go to both Prof. Condon Lau and Prof. Ruquan Ye from the Department of Physics and Department of Chemistry, respectively.

Prof. Chenchen Mou, from the Department of Mathematics, has received the 2023/24 College of Science Outstanding Young Researcher Award.

After the Commencement ended, faculty members, guests and graduates gathered in front of the backdrop for toasting and photo-taking to celebrate the happy moment of graduation together.

The College wishes all graduates a wonderful future and looks forward to seeing them again at upcoming college events as alumni!


Article Source
CSCI NEWS (5 JUL 2024)

05 Jul 2024