Warm Welcome to New Undergraduate Physics Students with Student Orientation

On the last Tuesday of August 2023, the Department held a Student Orientation for its undergraduate freshmen. The event kicked off with a welcome address from Prof Ren Yang, Head of the Department.

During the Orientation, various aspects of the BSc Physics programme were showcased, including curriculum requirements and talent programs. Students were given an introduction to their major and a glimpse into their future studies.

In addition to program-specific information, the orientation also covered resources available to students such as the Language Center, which supports students in developing their language skills to complete their degree and prepare for the workforce.

Student activities and support networks were also introduced to the newcomers, ranging from local exploration to overseas opportunities, and from academic advising to personal development. The students also met the Program Leaders, their academic advisers and peer consultants.

Moreover, Dr Dennis Lo, Chief Technical Officer, conducted a lab safety talk for the freshmen before their visit to the Physics Laboratories. Along with a campus visit to show around the main facilities they will engage with in the future.

Overall, the Student Orientation provided a comprehensive introduction to the Department of Physics and its resources for new undergraduate students. We wish them all the best in their studies!

12 Sep 2023