International Research Activities: PHY Students Explore Synchrotron Radiation Experiments in Europe

Galileo Galilei once said that experiments are the only way to discover the secrets of nature. Following his footsteps, many scientists have been using synchrotron radiation facilities to conduct cutting-edge research and inspire students.

Synchrotron radiation facilities produce intense beams of light that can probe the structure and properties of matter. One of the most powerful techniques using synchrotron radiation is ARPES, which can reveal the electronic structure of materials. Prof. Junzhang MA, a leading expert in ARPES research, has made significant contributions to the studies of iron-based superconductors, topological insulators, topological semimetals, and more, by conducting experiments at various synchrotron facilities around the world, such as Swiss Light Source (SLS) ,Berlin Electron Storage Ring Society for Synchrotron Radiation (BESSY) in Germany and MAX-IV Laboratory in Sweden.

Acknowledging the importance of guiding aspiring researchers in exploring the frontiers of the physical world, Prof. Ma recently led his PhD student, Mr Xin Liang, to the BESSY in Germany for ARPES experiments in May 2023. In June 2023, Prof. Ma also led another student, Mr Zihan Lin, to conduct ARPES experiments at Swiss Light Source (SLS) in Switzerland, and led Mr Wenlong Lu and Mr Shiyu Feng to MAX-IV Laboratory in Sweden as well, marking the first overseas experimental arrangement for Prof. Ma's research group after the COVID-19 pandemic.

The primary objective of the overseas trips to synchrotrons in Europe was to use the ARPES endstation to characterize the energy bands of potential superconducting crystals, topological materials, as well as strong correlated materials. While providing invaluable learning opportunities for the students, the expedition aimed at pushing the boundaries of knowledge in this field. Over the course of several week-long experiments, Prof. Ma and his students devoted their time and expertise to the pursuit of scientific discovery. Despite their hectic schedule, they enjoyed the stunning scenery of Europe and felt the kindness of the locals. However, the most fulfilling aspect of their journey was undoubtedly the achievement of their experimental objectives, with new research findings poised to be harvested.

The International activities not only exemplify the university's commitment to fostering global cooperation but also highlight the multitude of opportunities available to students and researchers. Through collaborations with renowned institutions worldwide and the utilization of state-of-the-art facilities, the university strives to attract exceptional candidates eager to engage in groundbreaking research and seize the vast international prospects that await them. International collaborations and cutting-edge research are awaiting them, paving the way for a future filled with discoveries and limitless possibilities.


[Photo captions]

  1. The CityU team visits the Swiss Light Source. From left-to-right: Mr. Zao Zhang, Prof. Junzhang Ma, and Mr. Zihan Lin.
  2. Mr. Zihan Lin and Mr. Zao Zhang are operating the ARPES facility.
  3. Mr. Wenlong Lu and Mr. Shiyu Feng are conducting experiments at Max-IV.
  4. Mr. Xin Liang stands in front of ARPES system at BESSY.
  5. During experiments at BESSY.

11 Jul 2023