Virtual College of Science Commencement for the Graduating Class of 2022

In view of the current pandemic situation, the 2022 Commencement of the City University of Hong Kong was arranged in a virtual format. The Virtual College of Science Commencement for the graduating class of 2022 was held on 28 May 2022. The ceremony was live broadcasted through CityUtube and Microsoft Teams.

Presiding the ceremony, Professor Chun-Sing Lee, Dean of CSCI, extended his heartfelt congratulations to the graduates.  In the opening address, Professor Lee appreciated the graduates’ adaptability and perseverance during the pandemic in the last few years.  Facing a new, perhaps even more exciting and unpredictable journey in the next chapter, he reminded the graduates that science students are creative, imaginative and are always ready to push their boundaries and accept challenges, “You have been trained to become a scientist, you possess the qualities to face the future challenges!”  Professor Lee concluded by wishing all graduates the most glorious journeys ahead.

After the award presentation, Bachelor of Science in Computing Mathematics graduate, Miss Shan Jinyun represented the graduates to give a speech to share her fruitful learning experiences and express her gratitude to teachers and fellow classmates for their guidance and support.

We wish all graduates a bright future and will keep in touch!

In addition, please click here to view the President’s Address for CityU 2022 College/ School Commencement.

Event website: 

06 Jun 2022