It is widely believed around the science and education community that the current mode of teaching/learning science in primary and secondary schools (worldwide) will not meet the global challenge of the coming 21st century. In particular, the goal of general science education should not be teaching students current scientific knowledge but to stimulate all students to think like scientists. Along this line, a group of scientists, science educators, game designers, etc have initiated a movement called “Thinking Like a Scientists” aiming to create resources and activities to inspire and teach students to think like scientists, to support teachers to teach science differently, and connect engaged teachers and students to the working scientist community. I shall introduce this movement in this talk.
Prof TK Ng is a physicist and a science educator. He was a HKU graduate and obtained his Ph.D degree in Northwestern University. He came back to HK at 1991 as an assistant professor at the HKUST and became a full professor and associate dean of science in 2004. Among the many honours he has received, he is a fellow of the American Physical Society and a Senior Croucher Fellow. Since 2000, he has participated actively in Science education. He initiated the kids@ust project at HKUST and the HK Physics Olympiad training. He is now the Executive Director of the Hong Kong Academy for Gifted Education.
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