Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)/ Master of Philosophy (MPhil)

The Department supports both PhD and MPhil studies in the following areas (but not limited to):

  • Theoretical and Computational Physics
  • Spectroscopy and Imaging
  • Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
  • Quantum Materials
  • Soft Matter and Biophysics
  • Astrophysics & Particle Physics 

Research Degree


Enriching Experiences

Access to courses at other local universities

Cross-Institutional Course Enrolment Scheme

To enhance the opportunities for postgraduate students to access to courses and expertise at local universities in Hong Kong, the eight UGC-funded universities (CityUHK, CUHK, EdUHK, HKBU, HKU, HKUST, LU and PolyU) have entered into a collaboration scheme allowing their research students to enrol in courses offered by participating institutions.


Visiting Research Students

Students enrolling in a postgraduate programme in a recognised university may apply for admission as visiting research students to pursue part of their research studies in the University. Those who do not fall within this category may also apply, and their applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.