Physics is the fundamental science on how nature works, and based on these understandings, technological breakthroughs that may benefit human society can be achieved. In fact, much of modern technology and its advances owe its existence to application of fundamental physical principles. Its scope of study also overlaps with many other scientific and engineering disciplines such as biomedical science and engineering, environmental science, materials science, electronics, mechanical and manufacturing engineering. 

Aims and Features

Our program provides students with comprehensive knowledge and a thorough understanding of physics principles and phenomena and their applications. The undergraduate curriculum covers topics in fundamental physics including classical mechanics, electromagnetism, quantum physics, thermodynamics, mathematical and experimental methods, and computational physics. Building upon a solid background in fundamental physics, students are introduced to various physics-related special topics such as financial engineering, soft matter and biophysics, medical physics, optics, and materials science / solid-state physics. In the final year of their study, students are required to work independently on a project in a selected area. These projects are designed to help students integrate their knowledge to solve challenging problems. Projects may be carried out in conjunction with industries or government agencies, thus facilitating their job seeking upon graduation.

Prof. YU Wing Chi
Major Leader
Prof. YU Wing Chi
Prof. Sam WONG
Deputy Major Leader
Prof. WONG Sung Ching Sam

“Our Physics major is not an ordinary Physics major. We provide students with comprehensive knowledge and a thorough understanding of physics principles and phenomena and their applications.”

Prof. YU Wing Chi
Prof. YU Wing Chi
Major Leader of BSc in Physics
CityU Talents Programme

CityU Talents Programme

Joint Bachelor’s Degree Program between CityU and Columbia U

The Joint Bachelor's Degree Program offers outstanding students an international undergraduate educational experience.

Students admitted to the Joint Degree Program spend their third and fourth years at Columbia University in USA, and earn a BSc degree from CityU and a BA degree from Columbia University at the end of their study.

Learn more about the Program

List of Physics Students admitted to the Program

Enjoying the learning journey

UG plus TPg Degree Programme (BSc Physics + MSc Applied Physics)

The Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme (BSc Physics + MSc Applied Physics) aims to nurture high caliber students through integrated learning. Upon successfully completing the course requirements, students would receive a BSc degree and an MSc degree.

Learn more about the Programme

We also provide students with various development and enrichment opportunities. Students may take part in the department-based research attachment scheme to gain an early exposure to scientific discovery and innovation. There are also study tours to different overseas universities and local technological companies, internship opportunities in various research institutes, industrial companies, public sector, etc. Students who meet certain requirements can also apply for admission to the Joint Bachelor’s Degree Program between City University of Hong Kong and Columbia University in USA, or the Undergraduate plus Taught Postgraduate Degree Programme (BSc Physics + MSc Applied Physics). Students may also participate in the Student Ambassador Program in which they can polish leadership and interpersonal skills, and have chances to convey their passion and the physics knowledge learnt to general publics.

Students graduated from our program are expected to acquire strong critical thinking skill and problem-solving skills. In addition, they are equipped with sound knowledge in fundamental physics as well as applications in frontier technologies, paving their ways to a diversify career path or postgraduate study. Our graduates have found their role in various sectors including medicine and health care, education, engineering, finance and industry.

Student Exchange

To enrich the learning experience and broaden the regional/global exposures, students are encouraged to undertake exchange studies at the partner institutions of CityU. Upon completion of the relevant courses at the Host University, students participating in all levels of exchange programmes (institutional, college and departmental level) can apply for transferring their earned credits to their CityU academic programmes.

Find more details here


PHY Student Chapter

Our Student Chapter aims at recruiting passionate students to co-host the Department’s learning support network and the branding promotion initiatives, while developing leadership, presentation, and interpersonal skills. 

Find more details here

Internship and Research Attachment

We offer Undergraduate Research Attachment Scheme, which provide early research exposures for our students as young scientists. Through participation in the day-to-day laboratory work and/or engagement in an authentic research project setting, early research exposures enable students to identify areas of interest for further investigation.

Undergraduate Research Attachment Scheme

Apply classroom learning to real life

Undergraduate Research Attachment Scheme was a very good opportunity for me to gain hands-on research experience, the Scheme not only allowed me to apply the knowledge I have learned in the class but also helped me to prepare for my future career. Under the supervision of Professor RQ Zhang, I learned more about physics simulation and some useful techniques when conducting a research. This experience also encouraged me to explore something new beyond the classroom, which indeed helped my studies as well. This is a very good research experience. If you are interested to work in physics related industries, I strongly recommend you to join the Undergraduate Research Attachment Scheme and prepare for your future career.

KONG Yuk Kei Kay, BSc Applied Physics
KONG Yuk Kei Kay
Physics student
Apply classroom learning to real life

Moreover, College of Science (CSCI) offers work placement opportunities through different internship schemes that provide students with full-time job attachments in firms in Hong Kong, the Pearl River Delta region and overseas. Through internship training, students learn to apply classroom learning to real life and at the same time improve their problem solving and interpersonal skills.

Physics students also have internship opportunities to work at the China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS) in Dongguan, the fourth pulsed neutron source in the world.

Details on internship schemes


Besides the work placement opportunities offered by the College, PHY offers final year project attachment to medical physics departments in local hospitals.



PHY Entrance Scholarships for JUPAS Entrants

Undergraduate students who fulfilled the following criteria will be automatically considered for the scholarships:

  • admitted to the BSc Physics program through the JUPAS route; and
  • have placed the BSc Physics program in the Band A of JUPAS choices; and
  • have attained 5* or above in any ONE of the specified subjects in English, Mathematics, M1/M2, Physics, or Combined Science (Phy+Chem)/(Phy+Bio).

Each scholarship awardee will receive up to HK$10,000, which is payable in Year 1 and 2.

Moreover, CityU also offers other entrance scholarships for both local students and non-local students. For details, please click here.

PHY Education Fund Scholarships

In addition to the institutional and external scholarships, PHY Education Fund Scholarships (department-based scholarship) are awarded to undergraduate students with outstanding academic performance and active participation in Departmental service.

What kinds of impact can you make after graduation?

Graduates in physics have the distinct advantage that they can pursue professional careers in industry, business and public sectors. 

Contribute to industry/business sectors as:

  • Professionals in Scientific Research & Technological Development
  • Medical Physicists
  • Biomedical Engineers
  • Financial Analysts
  • Data Scientists
  • Technical Sales
  • Professionals in STEM Education
  • Professionals in Product Certification and Quality Assurance
  • Environmental Consultants
  • Professionals in Photonic Equipment and Components, Electronic Components, Semiconductors and Computer Peripherals

Help make a difference in public sector:

  • Hong Kong Observatory
  • Environmental Protection Department 
  • Hospital Authority
  • Department of Health
  • Trade and Industry Department


What kinds of impact can you make after graduation?

Admission Information

Year 1 students are admitted directly to the Bachelor of Science in Physics major. During the first year of studies, students will study a broad range of Gateway Education (GE) and College/Department core courses.

Please refer to the curriculum map for further details of the BScPHY major.

JUPAS (for HKDSE Students)

For students with Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) examination results (past and/or current) to apply for admission to the programme.

Direct Application (for Non-JUPAS Students)

For students with qualifications other than HKDSE examination results to apply for admission to the programme.

Advanced Standing I Entry

For students with a recognised qualification to apply for admission to the programme with advanced standing. Depanding on the qualifications, students may be admitted to Year 2 of the 4-year curriculum.