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Seminar: Finite-resource QIT: From estimation theory to quantum communications


Finite-resource quantum information theory aims to capture resource constraints to determine practical performance bounds. In this talk, I will highlight recent work that looks into the impact of finite resources to determine practical performance bounds for multi parameter quantum estimation theory and satellite-based quantum communications. I will also introduce recent proposals for entanglement distribution that leverage space-based quantum repeaters to extend the range of quantum networks.



Dr Sidhu is a UK Quantum Technologies Research Fellow with expertise in theoretical quantum optics, information, and communications. He earned his PhD from the University of Sheffield and an MSci in Physics from Imperial College London. Currently, he focuses on the intersection of finite and one-shot quantum information theory, developing novel schemes for optimal experimental implementations in enhanced sensing and long-distance satellite-based quantum communications, where finite statistics arise from the limited quantum channels between satellites and optical ground stations. He collaborates closely with experimentalists and engineers to model and guide the design of upcoming satellite quantum key distribution missions, including the UK Quantum Communications Hub mission, QUARC/ROKS, and the Canadian QEYSSat mission. His work is driven by practical designs and constraints, utilizing various numerical techniques for computational modeling and theoretical security analyses.

Event Details
Dr Jas Sidhu
UK Quantum Technologies Research Fellow, University of Stratchlyde, UK

Date & Time
13 December 2024 10 am

G5-315, Yeung Kin Man Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong

Prof. Oscar Dahlsten (34424045)