Prof. PAN, Chin
CLP Power Chair Professor of Nuclear Engineering
- Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1986
- M.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1983
- B.S., National Tsing Hua University, 1979
Research Interests
- Two-Phase Flow & Boiling Heat Transfer
- Reactor Thermal Hydraulics
- Micro and Nano Scale Heat Transfer
- Multiphase Flows for Energy Applications
- Ph.D., Nuclear Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1986
- M.S., Nuclear Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1983
- B.S., Nuclear Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, 1979
Current Position
- Chair Professor of Nuclear Engineering, Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, The City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 2018-
- Emeritus Professor, Institute of Nuclear engineering and Science/Department of Engineering and System Science, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. 2018-
Professional Experience
Aug. 2011 - Jan. 2018 | Tsing Hua Distinguished Professor, Institute of Nuclear Engineering and Science/Department of Engineering and System Science, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan |
Aug. 1990 - Jan.2018 | Professor, Department of Engineering and System Science, (formerly Department of Nuclear engineering and Engineering Physics, Aug. 1995 – Jul. 1997; Department of Nuclear Engineering, Aug. 1990 - Jul. 1995), National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan |
Apr. 2011 - Dec. 2017 | Chief Principal Investigator (Director), Low Carbon Energy Research Center (A center of Excellence sponsored by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan), National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan |
July 2012 - Jan. 2018 | Executive Secretary, Board of Trustees, National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center |
Jan. 2012 - Jan. 2018 | Chairman, Chung-Hwa Nuclear Society |
Jan. 2014 - Dec. 2016 | Convener, Energy Program, Department of Engineering and Technologies, Ministry of Science and Technology |
Nov. 2009 - Dec. 2013 | Convener, Strategic Planning for Nuclear Technology Master Project and Nuclear Engineering Sub-Projects of National Science and Technology Program-Energy, National Science Council, Taiwan |
Aug. 2005 - Jul. 2011 | Dean, College of Nuclear Science, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan |
Dec. 2003 - Jul. 2008 | Founding Director, Energy and Environmental Research Center, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan |
Jan. 2001 - Dec. 2005 | Convener for the academic committee, Mutual fund of National Science Council and Atomic Energy Council, Applied Science Section, National Science Council, Taiwan |
Feb. 2001 - Jan. 2004 | Chairman, Department of Engineering and System Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan |
June 1999 - Aug. 1999 | Visiting Scholar, Center for Multiphase Research, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, USA |
June 1998 - Aug. 1998 | Academic Visitor, Department of Engineering Science, Oxford University, Oxford, England, UK |
Aug. 1992 - Aug. 1993 | Visiting Professor, Department of Nuclear Engineering University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, USA |
Feb. 1986 - Jul. 1990 | Associate Professor, Department of Nuclear Engineering, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan |
Oct. 1985 - Jan. 1986 | Visiting Research Assistant Professor, Department of Nuclear Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, Illinois, USA |
Honors and Awards
- Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Nuclear Science, National Tsing Hua University, 2015
- Excellent Teaching Award (優良教學獎勵), National Tsing Hua University, 2014
- Excellent Teaching Award (優良教學獎勵), National Tsing Hua University, 2013
- Excellent Project Report Award, NSC/AEC collaborative projects, 2003
- Industry – Academy Collaboration Award, Ministry of Education, 2003
- One of the most cited articles for the years 2002 to 2005 published in International Journal of Multiphase Flow: W. L. Chen, M. C. Twu and Chin Pan*, (2002), “Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow in Micro Channels, Int. J. Multiphase Flow, vol. 28, pp.1235-1247
- Outstanding Research Award, National Science Council, 1998-1999
- Visiting Research Fellowship, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research
- Council, UK, 1998 (through the Department of Engineering Science, Oxford University)
- Excellent Research Award (優良研究獎), National Science Council, 1994
- Excellent Research Award (優良研究獎), National Science Council, 1992
- Excellent Project Report Award, Atomic Energy Council, 1991
- Excellent Research Award (優良研究獎), National Science Council, 1990
Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2013.12 - present
* Corresponding author
- W. Kuo* and Chin Pan, 2018, “ A reliability look at energy development”, Joule, Vol. 2 Issue 1, pp.5-9,
- B. R. Fu, Y. C. Chen, M. X. Ho and Chin Pan*, 2018, “Gas-assisted Evaporation and Boiling in Minichannels”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 116, pp. 1044–1053.
- M. X. Ho and Chin Pan*, 2017, “Experimental investigation of heat transfer performance of molten HITEC salt flow with alumina nanoparticles”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 107, pp1094-1103.
- B.R. Fu, Y.C. Ting, C.F. Lee, Y.J. Huang, Y.C. Su, F.G. Tseng, Chin Pan*, 2016, “Real-time monitoring of a micro reformer integrated with a microchannel heat exchanger by infrared thermography and high speed flow images”, Int. J. of Hydrogen Energy, vol.41, pp18610-18620.
- T. L. Liu and Chin Pan*, 2016, “Infrared Measurement of Two-phase Flow Heat Transfer in a Microchannel,” Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 94, pp. 568-578.
- S.-H. Hsu, Y.-H. Ho, M.-X. Ho, J.-C. Wang and Chin Pan*, 2015, “On the Formation of Vapor Film during Quenching in De-ionized Water and Elimination of Film boiling during Quenching in Natural Sea Water”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.86, pp.65-71.
- M. X. Ho and Chin Pan*, 2014,”Optimal Concentration of Alumina Nanoparticles in Molten Hitec Salt to Maximize Its Specific Heat Capacity”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.70, pp.174-184.
- B. R. Fu, C. Y. Lee, and Chin Pan*, 2013 “The effect of aspect ratio on flow boiling heat transfer of HFE-7100 in a microchannel heat sink”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 58, pp.53-61.
- T.-L. Liu, B.R. Fu, Chin Pan*, 2013, “Boiling heat transfer of co- and counter-current microchannel heat exchangers with gas heating”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.56, pp.20-29.
- T.-L. Liu and Chin Pan*, 2012, “Visualization and Back Pressure Analysis of Water Transport through Gas Diffusion Layers of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell” J. of Power Sources, vol. 207, pp. 60-69.
- B.R. Fu, P.H. Lin, M.S. Tsou, Chin Pan*, 2012, “Flow Pattern Maps and Transition Criteria for Flow Boiling of Binary Mixtures in a Diverging Microchannel”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 55, pp.1754-1763.
- B. H. Lin, B. R. Fu and Chin Pan* 2011, “Critical Heat Flux on Flow Boiling of Methanol-Water Mixtures in a Diverging Microchannel with Artificial Cavities”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 54, pp.3156-3166.
- B.R. Fu, Chin Pan*, 2010, “Simple Channel Geometry for Enhancement of Chemical Reactions in Microchannels", Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research Vol.49, pp9413-9422.
- J. Y. Kuo and Chin Pan*, 2010, ”Two-Phase Flow Pressure Drop and Heat Transfer during Condensation in Microchannels with Uniform and Diverging cross-Sections,” Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 20, 095001.
- C. T. Lu and Chin Pan*, 2009, “A Highly Stable Microchannel Heat Sink”, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol. 19, 055013.
- B.R. Fu, Chin Pan*, 2009, “Bubble growth with chemical reactions in microchannels”, Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 52, pp. 767-776.
- P. C. Lee and Chin Pan*, 2008,” Boiling heat transfer and two-phase flow of water in a single shallow microchannel with uniform or diverging cross-section”, J. Micromech and Microeng., vol.18, doi:10.1088/0960-1317/18/2/025005.
- P. C. Lee and Chin Pan*, 2008, “On the Eruptive Boiling in Silicon-Based Microchannels”, Int J. Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.51, pp.4841-4849.
- K. H. Chang and Chin Pan*, 2007, “Two-phase Flow Instability for Boiling in a Microchannel Heat Sink”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 50, pp. 2078-2088.
- B. R. Fu and Chin Pan*, 2005,” Flow Pattern Transition Instability in a Microchannel with CO2 Bubbles Produced by Chemical Reactions”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, vol.48, pp4397-4409.
- J. J. Hwang, F. G. Tseng and Chin Pan*, 2005, “Ethanol-CO2 Two-phase Flow in Diverging and Converging Microchannels”, Int. J. of Multiphase Flow, vol. 31 pp.548-570.
- T. H. Yang and Chin Pan*, 2005, “Molecular Dynamics Simulation of a Thin Water Layer Evaporation and Evaporation Coefficient”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 48, pp.3516-3526.
- J. D. Lee and Chin Pan*, (2005), “Nonlinear Analysis for a double-channel Two-phase natural Circulation Loop under Low-pressure Conditions”, Annals of Nuclear Energy, vol.32, pp299-329.
- J. D. Lee and Chin Pan*, (2005), “Nonlinear Analysis for a Nuclear-coupled Two-phase Natural Circulation Loop”, Nuclear Engineering and Design, vol.235, pp613-626.
- P.C. Lee, F.G. Tseng and Chin Pan*, (2004), “Bubble Dynamics in Microchannels, (I) Single Microchannel”, Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 47, pp.5575-5589.
- W. L. Chen, M. C. Twu and Chin Pan*, (2002), “Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow in Micro Channels", Int. J. Multiphase Flow, vol. 28, pp1235-1247.