Prof. KANG, Wenbin

Assistant Professor

Ph.D., University of Oxford, 2022
M.S., Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2016
B.S., Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 2014

(+852) 3442-9402
Research Interests
  • Piezoelectrics and Ferroelectrics
  • Solid Mechanics
  • Small-scale Robotics
  • Sensors and Actuators 
  • Energy Harvesting
  • Energy Storage
Professional Experience
  • 2023-present, Visiting Fellow, Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford (UK)
  • 2023-2025, Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow, Physical Intelligence Department, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (DE)
  • 2022-2023, Postdoctoral research Fellow, Physical Intelligence Department, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems (DE)
Honors and Awards
  • 2023, Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship
  • 2022, Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad
  • 2017, Jardine Scholarship (University of Oxford)
  1. Wenbin Kang*, Guosheng Ji*, and John E. Huber*, Mechanical energy harvesting: From piezoelectric effect to ferroelectric/ferroelastic switching." Nano Energy (2024): 110489.
  2. Mengmeng Sun, Bonan Sun, Myungjin Park, Shihao Yang, Yingdan Wu, Mingchao Zhang, Wenbin Kang, Jungwon Yoon, Li Zhang*, Metin Sitti*, Individual and collective manipulation of multifunctional bimodal droplets in three dimensions. Science Advances 10.29 (2024): eadp1439.
  3. Yonglin Chen, Zhengyi Jin, Wenbin Kang, Zhuangjian Liu, Weidong Yang*, Yan Li*, 3D printed bio-inspired self-similar carbon fiber reinforced composite sandwich structures for energy absorption. Composites Science and Technology, (2024): 110453. 
  4. Shuo Wang, Wenxuan Ding, Zefu Li, Bohao Xu, Chenbo Zhai, Wenbin Kang, Weidong Yang*, Yan Li, A Size-dependent Quasi-3D Model for Bending and Buckling of Porous Functionally Graded Curved Nanobeam. International Journal of Engineering Science 193 (2023): 103962. 
  5. Wenbin Kang*, Cameron Cain, Fan Wang, John Huber, Energy harvesting using ferroelectric/ferroelastic switching: the effect of pre-poling. Smart Materials and Structures 32 (2023):085017. 
  6. Weidong Yang*, Mingjia Liu, Siyu Chen, Wenbin Kang, Junwei Chen, Yan Li, Electromechanical analysis of a self-sensing torsional micro-actuator based on CNTs reinforced piezoelectric composite with damage. Composite Structures 313 (2023): 116945.
  7. Wenbin Kang*, Cameron Cain, Robert Paynter, John Huber*, A ferroelectric/ferroelastic energy harvester: Load impedance and frequency effects. Energy Conversion and Management 277 (2023): 116687. 
  8. Weidong Yang*, Shuo Wang, Wenbin Kang, Tao Yu, Yan Li, A unified high-order model for size-dependent vibration of nanobeam based on nonlocal strain/stress gradient elasticity with surface effect. International Journal of Engineering Science (2023): 103785. 
  9. Wenbin Kang*, John Huber*, Energy Harvesting Based on Compressive Stress-induced Ferroelectric/Ferroelastic Switching in Polycrystalline Ferroelectric Materials. Cell Reports Physical Science (2022):100707. 
  10. Wenbin Kang, Lulu Chang, John Huber*, Investigation of mechanical energy harvesting cycles using ferroelectric/ferroelastic switching. Nano Energy (2022):106862. 
  11. Guosheng Ji, Jingjian Xu, Jie Zhou*, Wenbin Kang*, The exploration of transmission loss property by using the circular-interface types of porous acoustic metamaterials. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences (2022): 107558. 
  12. Shuo Wang, Wenbin Kang, Weidong Yang*, Zhen Zhang, Qian Li, Menglong Liu, Xi Wang, Hygrothermal effects on buckling behaviors of porous bi-directional functionally graded micro-/nanobeams using two-phase local/nonlocal strain gradient theory. European Journal of Mechanics ‒A/Solid (2022): 104554.
  13. Wenbin Kang, John Huber*, Prospects for energy harvesting using ferroelectric/ferroelastic switching. Smart Material and Structures 28.2 (2019). 
  14. Weidong Yang, Wenbin Kang, Xi Wang*, Scale-dependent pull-in instability of functionally graded carbon nanotubes-reinforced piezoelectric tuning nano-actuator considering finite temperature and conductivity corrections of Casimir force. Composite Structures (2017), 176, 460-470.
  15. Weidong Yang, Wenbin Kang, Xi Wang*, Thermal and surface effects on the pull-in characteristics of circular nanoplate NEMS actuator based on nonlocal elasticity theory. Applied Mathematical Modelling 43 ,2017, 321-336.
  16. Wenbin Kang, Yude Li, Wu Chen, Xi Wang*, Congqi Fang, Interlaminar stresses in piezoelectric laminated composite shells under electric, thermal and mechanical loads. European Journal of Mechanics ‒A/Solid (2015): 54, 198-208.
  • Wenbin Kang, John Huber. Energy converter: U.S. Patent Application 18/283,103[P]. 2024-5-23.
Position Available

Positions for PhD students, Research Assistants, and Postdoctoral Fellows are available. Candidates with backgrounds in mechanics, materials, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and artificial intelligence are highly encouraged to apply. Visiting students and scholars are also welcome. Please feel free to contact me at