Assistant Professor
- Ph.D., University of Oxford, 2020
- M.S., ETH Zürich, 2014
- B.S., TongJi University & Polytechnic University of Milan, 2012
- CFD Simulation
- Mesh Generation
- CAE Software Development
- Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Design and Optimization
- Fluid Mechanics
Prof. Duan Penghao currently is an Assistant Professor at City University of Hong Kong. He obtained his doctoral degree from the University of Oxford and undertook postdoctoral research there during 2021-2022. Before joining Oxford, he studied for his master’s degree at ETH Zürich and wrote his master's thesis at the MIT Gas Turbine Lab as a ZKS-funded visiting scholar. He completed a dual bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering at Tongji University and Politecnico di Milano. He has also served as an adjunct professor at Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Prof. Duan is a reviewer for several journals (JoT, ICHMT, PoF, JPE, JTSEA, Aeronaut. J, IJHFF, etc) and chaired sessions at academic conferences such as ASME TurboExpo, GPPS, and CITC. He is also a young editorial member for the Propulsion & Energy journal. His research primarily focuses on the optimization design of aircraft engines, multiphase/multiscale fluid computations, computational grid generation, and fluid computational software development.
- Ph.D., University of Oxford, 2020
- M.S., ETH Zürich, 2014
- B.S., TongJi University & Polytechnic University of Milan, 2012
- 2021-present, Adjunct Professor (part-time), Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- 2021--2022, Postdoc, University of Oxford
- 2015--2016, ZKS visiting scholar, Gas Turbine Lab, MIT
- 2022, ASME IGTI Turbo Expo Early Career Engineer Travel Award
- 2019, ASME IGTI Student Advisory Committee Travel Award
- 2019~2020, Graduate scholarship in Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford
- 2015, Birkigt Scholarship of ETH Zürich
- 2014, Zeno Karl Schindeler Scholar Grant
- Duan, P.H. and He, L.*, Design Optimization of Blade Tip in Subsonic and Transonic Turbine Stages - Part II: Flow Physics and Augmented Aerothermal Integral Objective Function. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2024, 146(9)
- Duan, P.H. and He, L.*, Design Optimization of Blade Tip in Subsonic and Transonic Turbine Stages - Part I: Stage Design and Preliminary Tip Optimization. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2024, 146(9)
- Wang, W., and Duan, P.H.*, Vortex-induced vibration response of the cylinder inspired by Terebridae. Marine Structures, 2024, 94(2)
- Cheng, H., Shahid, H., Zhou, S., Wang, W., Xu, Q.* and Duan, P.H.*, Aerothermal optimization of turbine cascade squealer tip with non-uniform squealer height. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35(11)
- Cheng, H., Li, Z., Duan, P.H.*, Lu, X.*, Zhao, S.* and Zhang, Y., D Zhou and W Li, Robust optimization and uncertainty quantification of a micro axial compressor for unmanned aerial vehicles. Applied Energy, p.121972. 2023
- Duan, P.H.* and He, L., Optimization of Turbine Cascade Squealer Tip Cooling Design by Combining Shaping and Flow Injection. Journal of Turbomachinery, 2021, 143(11), p.111007. (recommended from ASME conference)
- Duan, P.H.* and He, L., Application of Multiscale Methodology for Transonic Turbine Blade Tip Cooling Design. Journal of Turbomachinery, 2020, 142(8), p.081011. (recommended from ASME conference)
- Duan, P.H.*, Tan, C.S., Scribner, A. and Malandra, A., Loss generation in transonic turbine blading. Journal of Turbomachinery, 2018, 140(4), p.041006. (recommended from ASME conference)
We currently have multiple positions for PhD students, Joint/Collaborative PhD students, Postdoc, Research Assistant, and Visiting scholars. For further inquiries, please reach out to me via pengduan@cityu.edu.hk.