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Archived News
- Dr. Linqi Song won Tencent AI Lab Rhino-Bird Focused Research Program 2019 Excellence Award
- Aug 2020: Dr. Linqi Song received Best Paper Award in IEEE MIPR 2020
- Jul 2020: Dr. Junhui Hou led special session organizer: LEARNING-BASED GEOMETRY MODELING FROM LIGHT FIELDS AND BEYOND, 2020 IEEE International Conference Multimedia and Expo
- July 2020: Dr. Linqi Song Co-organizing the 2nd TBSI Workshop on Learning Theory
- Jan 2020: Prof. Antoni Chan has given an public talk to HK secondary students and teachers: "Computers that learn from experience: Deep learning and its applications", Talk Series on Emerging Technologies - Science, Opportunities & Challenges, The HK Young Academy of Sciences, Jan 2020
- Dec 2019: Dr. Shiqi Wang received the Best Paper Award in 2019 IEEE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP)
- Oct 2019: Dr. Linqi Song Organized the AI in Energy Systems Workshop (in conjunction with SmartGridComm’19)
- Aug 2019: Prof. Jianping Wang received Best Paper Award in BIGCOM 2019
- July 2019: Dr. Shiqi Wang won IEEE ICME 2019 Best Paper Award.
- May 2019: Dr. Linqi Song received best presentation award in ACM 5th International Conference on Computing and Data Engineering (2019)
- July 2018: Dr. Shiqi Wang received IEEE Multimedia Magazine 2018 Best Paper Award
- June 2018: Dr. Junhui Hou received Early Career Award from RGC HK in 2018
- Former PhD student, Ting Yao, won SIGMM Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Award 2015.
- 26 November, 2014. The 1st MERC Forum on Future Computing with Future Data (FFCFD2014) & The Opening Ceremony of the Shenzhen Branch of Multimedia software Engineering Research Centre (MERC Shenzhen)
21 November 2014, Computer science colloquium
Speaker: Prof Chang Wen CHEN of University of Buffalo
Title: HTTP Video Streaming in the New Era of Cloud Mobile Media: Challenges and Solutions - CityU and Tsinghua University will prepare for the establishment of the Hong Kong Branch of a national engineering research centre. The branch, to be started with MERC, will promote the commercialisation of research outcomes by applying multimedia technology into, among many possible areas, manufacturing informatisation, e-commerce and modern logistics, intelligent management for urban cities, and online education research.
- MERC, Chemical Industry Press, Beihang University and CDI Systems have teamed up for a China-Israel Joint project.
- NERCMS report - MERC members visit National Engineering Research Center For Multimedia Software.