Smart Pickup System

To provide flexible library materials pickup options for users who have requested library materials from CityUHK Library or books from HKALL, the Smart Pickup System is now available at the Library. Library users can collect their requested items at the System by themselves when the Library is open.

Location of the System
The System is located next to the Circulation Counter of Run Run Shaw Library, CityUHK.

Service hours
The System operates within the Library Opening Hours.

Type of Library materials that can be picked up at the System:

  • Recalled Circulation items
  • Library materials requested from Shatin Storage
  • HKALL books requested from HKALL Borrowing Services

When a requested item is ready for pickup, users will receive an email notification. Please bring along your CityUHK Smart Card or JULAC/Borrower’s card to the System and collect the requested item within the specified period mentioned in the email.

How to use the Lockers?
Please refer to the User Guide. Please remember to close the locker door after collection.

Items cannot be picked up at the System:

  • Oversized materials
  • Loose/fragile library materials
  • Interlibrary Loan books

These items can only be picked up at the Library Circulation Counter within the Counter Services Hours.

Users will receive an email notification and a message alert in the users’ library accounts (except Interlibrary Loan requests) when a requested item is ready for pickup.

Rules for Using the Smart Pickup System

  • The items on hold have to be collected within 5 days, or they will be removed without further notification.
  • The items will be checked out to you and be listed on your library account once you tap open the locker door. Users will also be notified of the Due Date via an email notice with the subject heading “Library Item(s) Check-out Notice”.
  • Do not put the checked-out items or any other objects into the lockers. Please return them at the Circulation Counter or put them into library book drops.


  • Please approach our counter staff at the Circulation Counter for on-site assistance within the Counter Services Hours.
  • Please contact Library Circulation Counter at 3442 8316 or email for enquiries.