DVD List:
Technology. Military Science. Naval Science. Bibliography. Library Science

Class T-Z DVD List
Call Number Title
T8 .R43 1982 Reading schematics and symbols.
T14.5 .W44 2014 Welcome to the machine.
T15 .G68 2013 Greatest human achievements.
T27.C6 W46 2010 文明与创造 : 探索华夏文明的密码 = Civilization & innovation : explores civilization code of the China.
T50 .C35 2005 Calibration, accuracy and error.
T50 .M35 2006 Making measurements.
T50 .M462 2008 Measuring dynamic variables.
T55 .P73 2000z Preventing disaster : learning from Longford.
T55 .P74 2002 Preventing injury incidents.
T55 .R455 2008 "Remember Charlie".
T55.3.H3 C647 2001 Confined space entry.
T55.3.H3 H3925 2001 Hazard communications.
T56.8 .P7642 2000z Project management.
T58.5 .I522 2000z Information age.
T60.8 .F55 2000 Flowcharting.
T60.8 .P76 2000 Process analysis.
T173.H6 C516 2010 Excellence in research and professional education.
T173.H6 C54233 2010 Celebrating the Silver Jubilee.
T173.H6 C54585 2007 A milestone in education at CityUHK : outcomes based teaching & learning.
T173.H6 C575255 2007 Marketing and distribution in China.
T173.H6 C575256 2007 Principles of management.
T173.H6 C58338 2006 精英專訪. 張信剛.
T173.H6 C5834 2006 名人面對面. [張信剛].
T173.H6 C5838 2012 张信刚 : 游走于文明之间.
T173.H6 C5839 2006 专访香港代表委员 ; 内地, 香港.
T173.H6 C593195 Congregation = 學位頒授典禮.
T173.H6 C59324 Congregation = 學位頒授典禮.
T173.H6 C59373 2010 Scholarship & prize presentation ceremony : 25 March 2010 : 1/4 century of gratitude = 25 載感恩.
T173.8 .N49 2009 Next world.
T173.8 .T434 2004 Technology at your service.
T173.8 .W48 2012 What will the future be like?
T173.8 .W53 2011 What's the next big thing?
T174 .W67 2009 World in 50 years.
T174.7 .N37325 2007 Nanotechnology : an introduction.
T174.7 .T56 2004 Tiny machines : the Feynman lecture on nanotechnology.
T174.7 .W484 2006 When things get small.
T174.7 .X56 2004 新一代的人工物料.
T175 .N36 2012 Nanotechnology : the world beyond micro.
T353 .B37 2000 Basic graphic principles.
T379 .R43 2000z Reading blueprints.
T385. L4357 2000 Learning Photoshop 5.5 and ImageReady 2 for the web.
T385 .S532 issue 131 SI99RAPH Los Angeles. Electronic theater program.
T385 .S532 issue 134 SIGGRAPH 2000. Electronic theater program.
T385 .S532 issue 135 SIGGRAPH 2000. Animation theater program. Part 1.
T385 .S532 issue 136 SIGGRAPH 2000. Animation theater program. Part 2.
T385 .S56 2009 Artwork of Emil Sina : exhibit 1.
T385 .T67 2001 Total training for Adobe Illustrator 10.
T385 .T68 2002 Total training for Adobe Photoshop 7.
T896.B1 S4512 2010 Shanghai World Expo = 上海世界博覽會.
T896.B1 S47 2010 世博纪事 = Expo chronicle.
T896.B1 Z57 2010 中国 2010 年上海世界博览会开幕式, 开园仪式 = The openingcelebration & site opening ceremony of expo 2010 Shanghai China.
T896.B1 Z58 2010 中国馆印象 = China Pavilion impression.
TA19 .S48 2004 Seven wonders of the industrial world.
TA101 .C43 2012 超级工程 = China's mega projects.
TA113.H85 F44 2012 非凡工程夢.
TA113.H85 Z37 2014 卓越工程, 建設香港.
TA145 .B84 2012 抵抗天災.
TA145 .E44 pt.11 Nuclear decommissioning, water wheel, telecommunications .
TA145 .E44 pt.6 Taronga zoo, Yangtzee [sic] dam, dummy patient.
TA145 .E53 2005 Engineering : tiny nano world.
TA157 .B835 2000z Build yourself a better world, Ms--.
TA157 .E835 2000 Ethics and professionalism.
TA157 .P756 1999 Professional ethics and engineering.
TA157 .P76 2004 Professionalism and ethics.
TA174 .S8962 2003 Sustainable design.
TA174 .W372 2004 Washing machine : design & manufacture.
TA177.4 .E535 2007 Engineering economic analysis.
TA190 .M384 2000 Managing the engineering and surveying firm : positioning for the 21st century.
TA410 .M43 2007 Mechanical testing of materials.
TA418.74 .B38 2007 Basic concepts in corrosion.
TA418.9.C6 A382 2000z Advanced composites in manufacturing.
TA418.9.C6 A3835 2000z Advanced composites : overview.
TA418.9.C6 C6552 2004 Composites : properties and uses.
TA418.9.C6 E43 2005 Elasticity theory for advanced composites.
TA418.9.C6 M382 2004 Manufacturing with advanced composite materials.
TA418.9.N35 N49 2006 New product and process innovation (NPPI) : massively parallel microfabrication of nanostructural materials and nanotechnology devices with several hi-tech application examples ..
TA418.95 .W67 2006 Working with nonmetals in the plant.
TA439 .C565 2000z Concrete : composition and mixing.
TA439 .M53 2007 Microstructure of concrete.
TA440 .T67 2000z Torsion in reinforced concrete.
TA455.P5 P5382 2004 Plastics : properties and uses.
TA455.P58 P645 2001 Polymers and plastics.
TA462 .C67452 2007 Corrosion and corrosion prevention.
TA481.5 .C66 2005 Composite materials.
TA495 .D57 2001 Discovery magazine. Engineering disasters = 萬象雜誌. 工程事故.
TA495 .E553 2003 Engineering disasters 4.
TA495 .M67 2005 More engineering disasters.
TA533 .S437199 2006 Secrets of lost empires.
TA533 .S43722 2008 Secrets of lost empires. [II].
TA575 .U85 2005 Using a theodolite.
TA606 .L49 2000z Levelling.
TA625 .C66 2009 Construction surveying with robotics, GPS, and machine controls .
TA645 .S892 1999 Structures.
TA656 .P7542 2007 Principles of failure analysis.
TA656 .W49 2002 Why the towers fell.
TA658.2 .I58 2000z An introduction to structural design.
TA666 .E642 2004 Engineered wood products : chipboard, MDF, ply, fibreboard, mrf and uses.
TA681 .E43 2011 Embodied carbon emissions of construction products.
TA683.5.C7 R45 2005 Reinforced concrete design. Part two, Columns.
TA710 .S64224 2000 Soil basics for engineers.
TA710.4.H85 X525 2004 香港斜坡安全與綠化.
TA730 .C26 2002 Call before you dig anything.
TA735 .B32 2002 Backhoe/loader operations.
TA775 .F6852 2004 Foundations.
TA775 .S46 2004 Shallow foundation design. Part 1, Geotechnical aspects of shallow foundation design.
TA775 .S462 2004 Shallow foundation design. Part 2, Structural design of spread footings .
TA805 .T73 2003 Trans-Atlantic tunnel.
TA805 .T87 2001 Tunnels : digging in = 地底隧道.
TA1570 .I547 2005 Infrared temperature measurement.
TA1677 .L3747 2000 Laser : the extraordinary light for material processing.
TC102.N85 C44 2006 沉默的怒江 = Silent Nu River.
TC502.D85 S48 2004 水神.
TC502.Y44 D374 2009 大水 = Flood.
TC558.C52 T58 2006 China's mega dam.
TC558.C52 Y3685 2008 Up the Yangtze.
TC702.L56 T36 2003 探尋秦國水利 : 靈渠.
TC773 .E98 2003 Extreme engineering. Widening the Panama Canal.
TC978.C6 Z54 2003 郑国渠.
TD145 .E578 2007 Environmental tech.
TD170 .P76 2000z Protecting our environment.
TD171.5.T28 E3512 2011 ECO Taiwan. Micro innovations = 台灣綠生活. 從小地方做起.
TD171.5.T28 J56 2007 淨湖人 = Lake-cleaning people.
TD171.9 .W43 2010 What in the world are they spraying?
TD174 .E5825 2006 Environmental issues and human impact.
TD174 .E98 2012 Eye of the future.
TD177 .E582 v.6 Noise annoys.
TD178.4.C6 W37 2010 The warriors of Qiugang.
TD194.6 .E58892 1998 Environmental impact assessment : process and politics.
TD195.C54 B852 2008 Sustainability in construction.
TD195.C58 B87 2009 Burning the future : coal in America.
TD195.C58 D568 2011 Dirty business : "clean coal" and the battle for our energy future.
TD195.E4 A8659 2012 The atomic states of America.
TD195.E49 H43 2008 Heat.
A global investigation
TD195.G3 G373 2010 Gasland.
Can you light your water on fire?
TD195.T7 E2 2008 E². Transport.
TD195.T7 S67 2012 Sprawling from grace : consequences of suburbanization.
城市變奏曲 : 無限郊區化的後果
TD195.W29 Z53 2005 战争与环境.
TD196.C63 A15 2009 130 million tons of waste.
TD257 .C65 2000z Cold water supply.
TD313.5 .L37 2013 Last call at the oasis.
TD420 .P64 2009 Poisoned waters.
TD424.4.C2 H13 2010 H₂Oil.
TD427.P4 D57 2013 Dirty energy.
黑色海灣 : 能源浩劫
TD665 .S776 2008 Stormwater drainage system design.
TD745 .M63 2004 Modern sewage treatment : triumph of technology and nature.
TD788 .T73 2007 Trashed.
TD789.C62 B445 2011 垃圾圍城 : 王久良之观察 = Beijing besieged by waste : the observations from Wang Jiuliang.
TD794.5 .C952 2004 Cycles of recycling.
TD794.5 .P37 2004 Paper & glass recycling.
TD812 .J68 2014 Journey to the safest place on earth.
TD879.H38 R478 2009 Restoring the land : hazardous waste management.
TD883 .A577 2006 The air we breathe.
TD883.17 .I525 2001 Indoor air quality : an introduction.
TD897.8.C6 T66 2008 銅梁污染調查.
TD898.13.F5 I576 2011 Into eternity : a film for the future.
TD1030 .T692 2004 Toxic wastes.
TD1030 .T692 2004b Toxic wastes.
TF238.C4 I67 2001 Inside the channel tunnel = 英法隧道.
TF847.N5 B84 2014 Build it bigger. Rebuilding New York City's subway.
工程大突破. 擴建紐約地鐵
TF847.S56 B84 2010 超限建築. 地底下的新加坡 = Building the biggest. Underground Singapore.
TF1402.J56 M36 2011 Man made marvels. World's fastest railway.
建築奇觀. 京滬高速鐵路
TG101 .H66 2003 虹橋尋蹤.
TG140.M3 M35 2007 Maillarts Brücken = Maillart's bridges.
TG145 .B88 2009 Bridging the future.
TG300 .B76 2001 Bridges : reaching out = 偉大橋樑.
TG307 .S63 2005 Spaghetti bridges.
TG425 .O84 2003 Overseas highway.
TH113.H85 Y68 2002 優質工序系列.
TH145 .B84 2012 Building and construction.
TH145 .E53 2004 Enclosing, finishing and landscaping.
TH145 .E74 2004 Erecting substructures and superstructures.
TH145 .I57 2004 Installing utilities.
TH145 .I587 2004 Introduction to construction technology.
TH145 .P76 2004 Project design and site preparation.
TH153 .B85 2003 Building planning and construction. Chapter three of the International Residential Code.
TH165 .D47 2006 Design and planning.
TH375 .H68 2002 Housekeeping on the job site.
TH425 .D475 2006 Design risk.
TH425 .W43 2006 What is completion?
TH435 .E88 2003 Estimating building materials for home construction.
TH435 .R23 2007 Raising the 'standard' of life cycle costing.
TH441 .S34 2001 Stress test. Collapse.
"壓力測試. 3, 崩塌"
TH443 .S92 2002 Subcontractor safety orientation.
TH880 .G46 2007 The Genesis Project.
TH880 .G75 2009 The greening of Southie.
TH1098 .M36 2011 Man made marvels. Taiwan's prefab magic.
建築奇觀. 台灣預鑄工法
TH1461 .T67 2005 Top ten myths in concrete construction.
TH2025 .F56 2010 Finishes.
TH2235 .E982 2004 Exterior walls & roof construction.
TH2275 .W55 1997 Windows : design, construction & installation.
TH2391 .R645 2001 Roof structure.
TH2409 .F535 2000z Flat roofs.
TH2521 .F562 2004 Floor and wall construction.
TH2525 .F56 2004 Flooring 2.
TH3361 .Z47 2009 Safety of working-at-height and renovation and maintenance works = 裝修及維修工程和高空工作的安全.
TH3401 .P76 2007 Project Horizon.
TH4763 .B84 2014 Build it bigger. London's Olympic Aquatic Stadium.
工程大突破. 倫敦奧運游泳館
TH4809.G7 A15 2002 300 years of housing.
TH4811 .F68 2013 Foundation to roof.
解構住宅建築 : 從地基到屋頂
TH4811 .H64 2006 House 2006.
TH4812 .G74 2006 Green building : your edge in the home building marketplace.
TH4818.A3 Z5 2011 自然建築 : 永續的謙遜實踐.
TH4818.M37 M37 2006 Masonry.
TH4860 .G74 2012 Greening the cube : 100-mile housing.
TH4860 .M53 2014 Microtopia.
TH5281 .S3175 2000 Scaffolding safety for employees.
TH5607 .I68 2004 Interior doors, frame and trim.
TH5607 .I683 2004 Interior wall and ceiling finish.
TH6122 .P58 2006 Plumbing : rough-in and final.
TH6123 .P54 2006 Plumbing.
TH6571 .D73 2005 Drainage.
TH7414 .D472 2005 Design with the sun : passive solar architecture.
TH7417.5 .G76 2010 Ground source energy using heat pumps.
TH9241 .F575 2002 Fire prevention.
TJ163.2 .A485 2004 Alternative energy 101 : an introduction to manufacturing fuel cells & advanced batteries.
TJ163.2 .E535 2007 Energy alternatives : the cool fuel road trip. Biodiesel and vegetable oil.
TJ163.2 .E5355 2007 Energy alternatives : the cool fuel road trip. An introduction to clean and green fuels.
TJ163.2 .E536 2007 Energy alternatives : the cool fuel road trip. Water and wind power.
TJ163.2 .E57 2005 Energy, nature's power source. Chemical, electrical, and nuclear energy .
TJ163.2 .P76 2001 The Prometheus principle.
TJ163.2 .S937 2013 Switch : discover the future of energy.
TJ163.2 .W65 2009 The world needs new energy : Dr. Valone's complete story of free energy, bioenergetics and carbonless propulsion.
TJ163.23 .E54 2005 Energy, there are bett[er ways].
TJ163.3 .E534 2002 Energy conservation.
TJ163.3 .F74 2005 Free energy : the race to zero point.
TJ163.5.D86 J53 2011 節能減碳達人.
TJ210.2 .F86 2005 Fundamentals of robotics.
TJ211 .R636 2005 Robots : an important place in world industry.
TJ211 .R637 2005 Robots : designed to meet almost any need.
TJ211 .R638 2005 Robots : putting them to work.
TJ262 .D46 2006 Dennis Lee.
TJ808 .B54 2009 The big energy gamble.
TJ808 .E265 2012 Earth : the operators' manual.
TJ808 .E27 2011 Earth : the sequel.
TJ808 .E43 2009 The energy alternative.
TJ808 .L54 2008 Life after oil : the new energy alternatives.
TJ808 .R465 2000z Renewable energy resources : wind, water, and solar rays.
TJ808 .R472 2007 Renewable energy.
TJ808 .R4723 2008 Renewable energy.
TJ808 .T73 2006 Transforming energy.
What is our future after oil?
TJ808.6 .M36 2005 Manufacturing alternative energy systems.
TJ810 .A482 2004 Alternative energy sources.
TJ810 .G73 2008 Green matters. Alternative energy.
TJ810 .S285 2007 Saved by the sun.
Solar energy
TJ810 .S646 2008 Solar energy : hope for the future.
TJ820 .E2 2007 E². Energy.
TJ820 .W5788 2010 Windfall.
TJ828 .D57 2011 Discovery project earth. Infinite winds.
同心協力救地球. 無窮風力
TJ1075 .R33 2000z Friction, wear and lubrication.
TJ1185 .C88 2002 Cutting metal.
TJ1313 .M382 2000z Measurement and gaging.
TJ1363 .C722 2002 Crane safety.
TK145 .B3725 2000z Basic electronics review.
TK1087 .A73 2009 Architectural integration of photovoltaics.
TK1362.S65 L59 1995 Living under the cloud : Chernobyl today.
TK1362.U38 C34 2009 Chernobyl : chronicle of difficult weeks.
TK1365.C5 G8325 2007 廣東大亞灣核電廠 : 可靠供電 : 源源動力創未來 = GuangdongDaya Bay Nuclear Power Station : dependable power : now and into the future.
TK1365.J3 I57 2012 Inside Japan's nuclear meltdown.
TK1365.J3 K64 2013 子どもたちの夏 : チェルノブイリと福島.
孩子們的夏天 : 切爾諾貝爾與福島 = Cherunobuiri to Fukushima
TK1365.J3 N83 2012 Nuclear aftershocks.
TK2189 .J64 2006 John Hutchison.
TK2189 .J67 2006 Joseph Newman.
TK2189 .T76 2006 Troy Reed.
TK3201 .E44 2006 Electrical : rough-in and final.
TK3285 .E43 2006 Electrical wiring.
TK5101 .X528 2004 下一代網.
TK5103.4885 .W54 2012 WiFi Intrastructures DVD : what to buy, and how to hook it up! : how to connect and configure your network and internet equipment.
TK5105.875.I57 U525 2006 U.S. House of Representatives International Relations Committee : the internet in China : a tool for freedom or suppression.
TK5105.8867 .V525 2007 Video for the web : what you need to know.
TK5105.8868.Y68 L53 2011 Life in a day.
TK5105.887 .I59 2011 Internet filmmaking sensations Matt Sloan & Aaron Yonda of Blame Society Productions.
TK5105.888 .D465 2007 Designing a website : practitioners tell their stories.
TK5105.888 .U64 2009 Upgrade your communication skills at work. 9, Websites & blogs .
TK5105.888 .W3634195 2006 Web analytics : the impact of visitor data on site optimization.
TK6570.M6 F85 2010 Full signal.
TK7868.D5 U672 2000z UMR high-speed digital design.
TK7868.P7 B3752 1992 Basic multilayer fabrication.
TK7868.P7 D682 1992 Double sided board fabrication : tin-lead / pattern plating.
TK7870 .E45 2006 Electronic components. Part III, Thyristors, Piezo crystals, solar cells, and fiber optics /.
TK7871.85 .S446 2000z Semiconductor devices.
TK7874 .S524 2004 v.1 Silicon Run. I.
TK7874 .S524 2004 v.2 Silicon run. II.
TK7874 .S524 2004 v.3 Silicon run. [III], Lite.
TK7874 .S524 2004 v.4 Silicon run. [IV], Deposition.
TK7874 .S524 2004 v.5 Silicon run. [V], Lithography.
TK7874 .S524 2004 v.6 Silicon run. [VI], Etch.
TK7874 .S524 2004 v.7 Silicon run. [VII], Implantation.
TK7875 .M396 2009 MEMS : making micro machines.
TK7881.4 .H578 2006 Historic tape player film.
Vintage cassette tape & 4-track films
TK7881.4 .L63 2004 Location sound for video with Wes Cavalier.
TK7881.4 .R43 2000z Recording the office interview.
Basic field production : sound recording
TK7881.4 .S467 2002 Shaping your sound with microphones, mixers & multitrack recording : professional techniques for creative recording.
TK7881.4 .S687 2002 Sound success : the essential guide to audio for video.
TK7882.B56 B58 2008 Biometrics.
TK7882.D93 T68 2004 Total training for Adobe Encore DVD 1.5.
TK7895.M5 I53 2004 The incredible shrinking chip.
TK9145 .N75 1986 Nuclear energy : peril or promise?
TK9145 .N8296 2007 Nuclear power.
TK9145 .N833 2012 Nuclear energy : the issues.
TK9145 .N835 2008 Nuclear tech.
TL15 .Q24 2011 汽車百年 = A century with cars.
TL210 .E5342 2008 Engine fundamentals.
TL215.C6 D47 2005 Design engineering challenges of the Corvette : an interview with Jim Campbell and David C. Hill.
TL215.M4 D47 2005 Design for safety & quality : lessons learned from the analysis of crashed Daimler-Benz/Mercedes automobiles : an interview with Miklos F. Ranky.
TL220 .R48 2012 Revenge of the electric car.
TL220 .W46 2006 Who killed the electric car?
TL222 .S65 2012 Solartaxi : around the world with the sun.
TL236 .M45 2006 夢想無限 = For more sun.
追逐太陽 3000 公里
TL240 .H694 season 1-2 2011 How it's made. Seasons 1 and 2.
TL242 .C37 2005 Cars that think.
TL440.2 .H54 2012 The highest pass.
TL515 .D742 2000 Dreams of flight.
TL540.Q25 Q24 2010 钱学森.
TL553.525.N49 M57 2009 Miracle on the Hudson : and other extraordinary air crash events.
TL570 .E782 2005 Principles of flight.
TL660.4 .W45 2010 The white diamond.
TL670 .T53 2004 天工开物之《航空》系列.
TL671.2 .B85 2005 Building the Rutan composites.
TL716 .M35 2000z Maiden flights.
處女航 : 飛行的基本原理
TL726.7.C62 H654 2003 Extreme engineering. Building Hong Kong's airport.
TL726.7.C62 M36 2010 Man made marvels. Beijing Airport.
建築奇觀. 北京首都國際機場
TL788.5 .S63 2006 Space race.
TL788.7 .V69 2005 Voyage to the planets and beyond.
TL789.8.C5 F56 2003 飛天夢圓 : 中國首次載人航天飛行紀實.
TL789.8.C5 T36 2004 太空英雄.
TL789.8.U6 A553 1999 One giant leap.
TL789.8.U6 A5828 2000 To the moon.
TL796 .E94 1999 Eyes in the sky.
TL796.5.U5 W44 2012 When we left Earth : the NASA missions.
從地球出發 : NASA 任務 50 年
TL797.15 .I575 2000 Inside the space station.
TL799.M3 C36 2011 Can we make it to Mars?
TN311 .R47 2011 Rescued : the Chilean mine story.
TN580.N6 N6 2002 Non-ferrous metals : properties, processes and uses.
TN665 .M272 2007 Materials characterization and the selection process.
TN665 .M432 2007 Mechanical properties and their measurement.
TN690 .P4352 2007 Physical metallurgy : structure and properties.
TN690 .P752 2007 Principles of metallography.
TN705 .B37 2003 Basic metallurgy.
TN705 .H68 2014 How stuff works. Iron.
原來如此. 鐵質處處有
TN705 .I76 1997 Iron and steel production.
TN805.A5 C625 2009 Coal country.
TN870 .C78 2007 A crude awakening : the oil crash.
TN900 .H68 2014 How stuff works. Salt.
原來如此. 食鹽不可少
TP248.65.F66 F886 2007 The future of food.
TP317.U5 A33 2010 Addicted to oil.
石油的省思: 佛利曼報導
TP359.H8 I8 2009 It runs on water.
TP370 .F56 2013 Food design.
TP370 .N67 2009 Nos enfants nous accuseront = That should not be.
Food beware: the French organic revolution
TP492 .R447 2006 Refrigeration cycle.
TP555 .C425 2014 香檳酒莊之旅.
TP579 .C84 2010 Culinary travels with Dave Eckert. [Japan savoring sake : Japan] .
TP827 .B75 2001 Bricks & brickmaking.
TP1120 .A33 2009 Addicted to plastic = Accros au plastique.
TP1120 .B328 2010 Bag it : is your life too plastic?
TP1120 .P48 2011 Plastic planet.
TP1150 .E98 2000 Extrusion blow molding.
TP1150 .I5525 1999 Injection molding machine.
TP1150 .P54 2003 Plastics in manufacturing.
TP1180.D45 M36 2001 The man who loved trees.
TP1180.P55 N94 2004 Nylon : fibre to fabric.
TP1180.V48 B58 2002 Blue vinyl.
The world's first toxic comedy
TR139 .S449 2010 摄影师系列.
TR140.B87 M36 2007 Manufactured landscapes.
TR140.C67 A57 2013 Anton Corbijn inside out.
TR140.S68 T552 2006 This is Edward Steichen.
TR267 .S45 2011 生活寫真攝影 : 拍攝技巧講座.
TR575 .R53 2009 Rick Sammon's DVD guide to basic lighting and portraiture .
TR575 .S54 2010 數位單眼相機專用 : 人像寫真攝影進階講座 = Level-up portrait lecture.
TR575 .X53 2011 消費型相機 : 人物寫真完美拍攝技巧講座 = Photo shooting techniques.
TR610 .S54 2011 實踐! : 數位單眼相機夜景拍攝技巧講座 = Night view photography techniques.
TR654 .A71 2005 Arakimentari.
TR654 .D43 2007 The decisive moment : photographs and words.
TR654 .H46 2010 Henri Cartier-Bresson.
TR655 .L58 2013 劉振雄攝影紀念集.
TR675 .B56 2005 Ein Bild = An image.
TR690 .S545 2011 實踐! : 數位單眼相機商品拍攝技巧講座 = Still life photography techniques.
TR690.2 .S54 2006 攝影業界面面觀.
點影・點印・點數碼 IV : 攝影講座 2006 = Seminar on How to Shoot, Print, Digitize? Part IV
TR690.4 .S752 2010 Stilleben = Nature morte = Still life.
TR692.5 .I582 1999 The invisible world.
TR721 .S55 2011 實踐! : 數位單眼相機大自然拍攝技巧講座 = Nature photogrophy techniques.
TR721 .T736 series-1 2007 Art Wolfe's travels to the edge. Season 1.
TR721 .T736 series-2 2008 Art Wolfe's travels to the edge. Season 2.
TR724 .S54 2011 實踐! : 數位單眼相機花朵拍攝技巧講座 = Flower photography techniques.
TR800 .X52 2002 香港潛攝大賽 2002 = Hong Kong underwater photo and videocompetition 2002.
TR810 .E278 2008 Earth from the air : the extraordinary images of Yann Arthus-Bertrand.
TR810 .K36 2014 看見台灣 = Beyond beauty : Taiwan from above.
TR820 .C656 2007 The compassionate eye : Horace Bristol : photojournalist.
TR820 .U55 2010 An unlikely weapon : Eddie Adams photographer.
TR820 .U55 2012 An unlikely weapon : Eddie Adams photographer.
沒有武器的士兵 : 戰地攝記風雲
TR820 .W78 2008 舞影者 : 戰後台灣攝影記者與歷史的對話.
I am not the only one, imagining all the people
TR820 .Y83 2008 遠去的光影 : 記紅墻攝影師.
Red lens : Red Wall photographer
TR820.5 .W66 2009 The wonderful world of Albert Kahn.
TR849.L5 C45 2011 乘著光影旅行 : 李屏賓的攝影人生 = Let the wind carry me : the fleeting moments of Mark Lee.
TR850 .D54 2004 Digital magic.
Revolution in film and TV
TR850 .V572 2006 Visions of light : the art of cinematography.
TR858 .S54 2012 世界電影製造元素.
Movie world
TR858 .T675 2004 Total Training for Adobe After Effects 6.5.
TR860 .C7 2000z Creating digital movies.
TR860 .G48 2003 Getting started with DV filmmaking : how we made the feature movie "Secret messages".
TR882.3 .B37 2002 Basic shooting : the essential guide to basic camcorder techniques.
TR882.3 .C36 2010 Camera confidence : skills and techniques for camcorder success.
TR882.3 .G48 2003 Getting started with digital video camcorders.
TR882.3 .G49 2003 Getting Started with the Sony VX2000.
TR891 .B38 2003 Basics in lighting.
TR891 .L545 2007 Light it right : contemporary lessons in video lighting.
TR891 .L548 2002 Light it right! : the essential guide to lighting for video.
TR892 .C36 2004 Cameras & lenses : an introduction.
TR893.8 .S34 2009 Science is fiction : 23 films by Jean Painlevé.
TR897 .M58 2008 Mixing the audio.
TR897.5 .A5353 2000 Animation.
TR897.5 .A56 2008 The animator's survival kit : animated.
TR897.5 .C53 2005 Clay animation.
TR897.5 .C6584 1997 Computer animation classics.
TR897.5 .C6585 2000 Computer animation extravaganza.
TR897.5 .C6587 1996 Computer animation festival.
TR897.5 .L49 2003 Level13.net : weird and mysterious.
TR897.5 .L56 2004 Lightrhythm Visuals. Singles 01-05.
TR897.5 .L562 2004 Lightrhythm Visuals. Singles 06-10.
TR897.5 .L688 2005 The lost magic of the Shanghai Art Studios.
TR897.7 .C42 2005 Characters in motion.
TR897.7 .D465 Designflux.
TR897.7 .D535 2006 Digital memories. 1, The best of Commodore 64. Vol. 1 .
TR897.7 .D75 2005 Drifter TV : drifters from outspace.
TR897.7 .H38 2004 荷.
TR897.7 .J64 2009 The John Whitney collection.
TR897.7 .M382 2000z Matrix.
TR897.7 .P39 2001 Particles for visual effects.
TR899 .A276 v.6 2005 Absolute training for Final Cut Studio. Volume 6, Titling effects in Apple Motion.
TR899 .A276 v.7 2005 Absolute training for Final Cut Studio. Volume 7, Special effects and abstract graphics in Apple Motion.
TR899 .A276 v.15 2008 Absolute training for Final Cut Studio. Volume 15, Advanced techniques with Apple Motion.
TR899 .A37 2004 Adobe Premiere Pro : tips and tricks.
TR899 .C88 2005 The cutting edge : the magic of movie editing.
TR899 .G48 2002 Getting started with Adobe Premiere 6.5 : and the matrox power of 'x'.
TR899 .H63 2005 The Hold up : an editing exercise : the rushes.
TR899 .I57 2010 Introduction to editing with Final cut pro.
TR899 .S626 2006 Smithee's lecture.
TR899 .T675 2004 Total training for Adobe Premiere Pro 1.5.
TR899 .T87 2001 Total training for Adobe Premiere 6.
TS155 .F66 2007 Force-field analysis.
TS155.6 .C643 2009 Computer-aided design.
TS155.6 .E432 2000z Elements of computer integrated manufacturing in industry and education .
TS156.8 .C675 2000 Control charts for attribute data.
TS156.8 .C676 2000 Control charts for variable data.
TS157.4 .C6619 2000z Converting to a JIT System. Part 1. JIT assessment and planning .
TS171 .D456 2013 Design = 當代經典設計.
TS171 .D457 2006 Design. Vol.1.
TS171 .D464 2000 Design in our lives : business meets aesthetics.
TS171 .D468 2003 Design works.
TS171 .D478 2005 Design for manufacture & assembly.
TS171 .D4785 2010 Designing for the user : inclusive design.
TS171 .D544 2008 Digital product design : design for manufacturing (DFM) and assembly (DFA) principles, and practical product design examples.
TS171 .D545 2008 Digital product design : design for quality (DFQ) principles, and practical product design examples.
TS171 .F882 2006 Future wave : Japan design.
TS171 .O25 2009 Objectified.
TS171.4 .D45 2010 Design and the environment.
TS171.4 .D46 2003 Design & the environment.
TS171.4 .D47 2003 Designing a lawnmower.
TS171.4 .G46 2010 The genius of design.
TS171.4 .R35 2003 Rapid prototyping.
TS176 .D472 1990 Design for manufacturing.
TS176 .F35 2002 Failure mode effects analysis.
TS176 .I6382 2000 Introduction to lean manufacturing.
TS176 .L43 2009 Lean product design.
TS176 .M352 2004 Manufacturing technology.
TS183 .A375 2010 Advanced, difficult manufacturing technology challenges & working solutions. Vol. 1.
TS192 .D48 2000z Developing troubleshooting skills.
TS205 .F67 2002 Forming and shaping metal : heating, cold forming & milling.
TS205 .M47 2006 Metal forming simulation.
TS205 .W67 2006 Working with metals in the plant.
TS227.2 .W447 2006 Weld quality assurance and quality control. Section 3, Welding procedures and qualificaton.
TS227.2 .W449 2006 Weld quality assurance and quality control. Section 5, Destructive testing methods.
TS227.2 .W45 2006 Weld quality assurance and quality control. Section 6, Non-destructive testing methods.
TS227.8 .L44 2004 雷霆烈火之焊接工作重安全.
TS236 .M652 2006 Molding processes and materials.
TS239 .M4832 2000 Metal casting : die casting.
TS250 .F8642 1997 Fundamental manufacturing processes : sheet metal stamping dies & processes.
TS250 .F8652 1997 Fundamental manufacturing processes : sheet metal stamping presses.
TS543.S9 Y68 2007 優秀設計師海外深造實習經驗分享會.
TS545 .M37 2006 Mastering design for business excellence : from strategies to applications.
TS1090 .P45 2011 페이퍼로드 = Paper road.
TS1955 .R58 2009 A river of waste : the hazardous truth about factory farms.
TT101 .Z46 2009 中国手藝.
TT105 .J37 2000 Japan.
TT105 .T34 2011 pt.1 匠の国ジパング.
工匠達人. 上
TT105 .T34 2011 pt.2 匠の国ジパング.
工匠達人. 下
TT180 .S34 2007 Safety in the woodshop.
TT196 .L58 2012 Living green.
TT500.A1 S47 2009 The September issue.
TT505.L34 L34 2010 Lagerfeld confidentiel.
TT505.S255 A56 2012 L'amour fou.
Yves Saint Laurent--Pierre Berge = YSL 瘋狂的愛
TT505.V74 D533 2013 Diana Vreeland : the eye has to travel.
時尚教主 : 黛安娜佛里蘭
TT515 .B44 2014 Behind the label.
TT870 .B48 2009 Between the folds : a film about finding inspiration in unexpected places.
TT870 .Z453 2010z 中国剪纸艺术荟萃.
TT957 .G68 2010 Good hair.
TX298 .I58 2003 Inventing the modern home : 150 years of change.
TX335 .W459 2002 Why you buy : 21st century advertising.
TX355 .F656 2011 Food and beverage.
TX355 .N87 2009 Nutrition made clear.
TX360.U6 L67 2004 Losing it.
TX361.A8 S652 2000 Sport + nutrition.
TX392 .V44 2010 Vegucated.
TX531 .Z594 2011 滋味科學.
TX533 .C36 2012 Can I eat that?
TX551 .S54 2011 識睇標籤至有型.
Be cool about nutrition labelling
TX631 .S663 2013 Slow food story.
道德飲食 : 慢食的故事
TX649.O66 J57 2011 小野二郎,
Jiro dreams of sushi = 壽司之神
TX714 .E94 2013 The everyday gourmet : making healthy food taste great.
TX714 .N35 2005 The naked chef. Series 1.
TX714 .N352 2005 The naked chef. Series 2.
TX714 .N353 2005 The naked chef. Series 3.
TX724.5.C5 X57 2008 香港味道 = Taste of Hong Kong.
TX724.5.J3 C84 2010 Culinary travels with Dave Eckert. [Japan farm raised treasures : Ehime, Japan].
TX724.5.K65 S8 2008 Su wun jab bang : traditions beyond 500 years : Korea's traditional tastes.
需云杂方 : 千年饮食文化之乡
TX725.A1 C847 2012 Cuisine culture= 米其林饗宴.
TX809.N65 N83 2009 누들로드.
東西面面觀 = Noodle road
TX809.N65 R36 2013 ラーメンより大切なもの [electronic resource].
拉麵之神 = God of ramen
TX837 .V43 2004 Vegetarian cooking / with Compassionate Cooks.
TX871 .T332 2004 Table settings : banquets to barbecues.
TX945 .S65 2014 Spinning plates.
TX945.5.E45 E4 2011 El Bulli : cooking in progress.
TX945.5.M33 I5742 2000z International business : McDonald's.
TX945.5.M33 S87 2004 Super size me.
TX945.5.N65 N65 2013 Noma = 冠軍廚房.
U54.C6 Z57 2005 中华名将.
U58 .G74 2008 Great SAS missions.
特種雄獅 SAS
U101.S96 S74 2005 孫子.
U355.C6 Z44 2006 中华人民共和国成立六十周年 = 60th anniversary of founding of the People's Republic of China.
U355.C6 Z45 2009 中华人民共和国成立六十周年大阅兵 = 60th anniversary of founding of the People's Republic of China national day military parade & mass pageant celebrations.
U793 .A96 2003 Avoiding Armageddon : our future, our choice.
U815 .B34 2000 百年兵器.
U821.C6 Z44 2006 中国古代兵器(上,下).
U852 .R43 2009 Reclaiming the blade.
UA23 .N23 2006 National Intelligence Director John D. Negroponte address to the 21st Annual Meeting of the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) ; Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Nicholas Burns address to the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) ; Ambassador Henry Crumpton, Department of State Coordinator for Counterterrorism address to the Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC).
UA23 .U43 2006 U.S. Senate Armed Services Committee hearing : "current and future worldwide threats to U.S. security".
UA837 .B45 2008 碧血黃沙 : 70 年前的西路軍魂.
UA837 .Z42 2006 中国工农红军.
UA839.S458 X53 2006 西土赞歌.
UA853.I8 N83 2000z Nuclear secrets. Vanunu and the bomb.
核戰秘錄. 4
UB251.C6 L66 2004 龙潭三杰.
UB251.U5 D57 2013 Dirty wars.
UB271.C62 F75 2004 From China with love.
UB359.T28 L8 1998 路有多長.
How long is the road?
UB359.T28 Y45 2000z 銀簪子 : Grandma's hairpin.
UB418.G38 A85 2008 Ask not.
UB445.C5 L36 2004 老兵 ; 苦力大軍.
UG1242.R4 T34 2007 台灣天空的袐密.
UG1242.R4 T34 2007b 台灣天空的袐密.
UG1282.A8 N83 2000z Nuclear secrets. Superbomb.
核戰秘錄. 3, 氫彈檔案
V858 .V69 2009 Voyages of discovery. Hanging by a thread.
發現之旅. 5, 生死一線間
VK200 .P47 2002 Personal injury prevention : building a safety culture.
VK200 .P472 2002 Personal injury prevention : work safe, stay safe.
VK1299 .I23 2008 The iceberg that sank the Titanic.
冰海緝兇 : 鐵達尼之死
VM299.7.I4 S55 2006 Shipbreakers.
VM961 .T56 2004 Time for a change : alternatives to copper-based boat bottom paint.
Z4 .B43 2012 The beauty of books.
Z45 .Z45 2000z 中國文房之寶.
Z244.3 .P642 2000 Pocket Pal : the Millennium edition.
Z246 .H45 2007 Helvetica.
Z251.C5 Z48 2012 鑄字人 = The lead type founder.
Z253.53 .D465 2008 Desktop publishing : getting the message out.
Z278 .H68 2014 How to make a book with Steidl.
Z464.T353 W86 2010 Portraits Taiwan. Wu Ching-Yu = 台灣人物誌. 吳清友.
Z665 .L675 2002 The library in crisis.
Z679.6 .R45 2004 RFID in libraries.
Z679.6 .S34 2004 Safety & security.
Z682 .H65 2009 The Hollywood librarian : a look at librarians through film.
Z733.U6 R43 2010 The real national treasure : an inside look at the Library of Congress.
Z846.G86 I57 2010 Introduction to the National Central Library = 國家圖書館簡介.
Z846.S56 S56 2006 书海旗舰, 知识津梁 : 深圳图书馆新馆巡礼.
Z1003.5.C45 Y85 2006 打開書櫃 ; 足球看世界.
Z1003.5.C45 Y85 2006 打開書櫃 ; 政治人物傳記.
Z1003.5.C45 Y85 2006 旅遊文化 ; 打開書櫃. 再見・曙光, 馬國明.
Z1003.5.C45 Y85 2006 [食與書的邊緣] ; 打開書櫃.
Z1003.5.C45 Y85 2006 [驚慄小說] ; 打開書櫃.
Z1003.5.C45 Y85 2006 我城 : 人, 景, 物 ; 打開書櫃.
Z1003.5.C45 Y85 2006 夢想圖書館 ; 許定銘 : 藏書家.
Z1003.5.C45 Y85 2006 [新好男人] ; 打開書櫃.
Z1003.5.C45 Y85 2006 打開書櫃 ; 禁書誘惑.
Z1003.5.C45 Y85 2008 打開書櫃. 程翔 ; 專題書介. 財經書 ; 旅遊書店.
Z1003.5.C45 Y85 2008 打開書櫃. 練乙錚 ; 專題書介. 瘟疫與流感 ; 二手舊書店.
Z1003.5.C45 Y85 2008 打開書櫃. 林燕妮 ; 專題書介. 愛情小說 ; 設計書店.
Z1003.5.C45 Y85 2008 打開書櫃. 米奇・艾爾邦 ; 專題書介. 字典 ; 英文二手書.
Z1003.5.C45 Y85 2008 打開書櫃. 劉偉強 ; 專題書介. 奧運 ; 文史哲書店.
Z1003.5.C45 Y85 2008 打開書櫃. 劉細良 ; 專題書介. 參選人出書攻略 ; 台灣同志書店.
Z1003.5.C45 Y85 2008 打開書櫃. 健吾 ; 專題書介. 地圖 ; 飲食書店.
Z1003.5.C45 Y85 2008 專題書介. 天災與地震 ; 打開書櫃. 黎堅惠.
Z1003.5.C45 Y85 2008 打開書櫃. 高行健 ; 專題書介. 寵物書籍 ; 深圳書店.
Z1003.5.C45 Y85 2008 打開書櫃. 曾俊華 ; 專題書介. 中國威脅論 ; 網上書店.
Z1039.W65 D8 2006 讀書 36 計.
ZA3075 .I547 2006 Information literacy : the perils of online research.
ZA4082.T35 I57 2010 Introduction to the digital archives of the NCL = 國家圖書館數位典藏簡介.
ZA4082.T35 S58 2004 數位典藏在台灣 : 數位典藏國家型科技計畫 = Digital archives in Taiwan : National Digital Archives Program.
ZA4235 .C55 2007 Click stream analysis : capture & retain customers in your Web.