DVD List:

Class M DVD List
Call Number Title
M1 .A52 2002 Anchortronic : 5.1 laboratory for updating experimental sound.
M1.A53 C55 2008 Claudio Abbado in concert.
M1 .L57 2006 Listen with your eyes : sampler 2007.
M1 .P94 2007 Prometheus : musical variations on a myth.
M1 .S57 2007 Sir Georg Solti, the maestro.
M1.S65 U65 1995 United Nations 50th anniversary concert.
M1 .U57 2006 Unrivaled! : legendary musicians in rare film footage with sound.
M3.1.B33 B33 2006 Bach : greatest hits.
M3.1.B33 E87 2007 The essential Bach.
M3.1.B33 S95 2006 Swinging Bach : Bobby McFerrin and guests.
M3.1.G75 P74 2006 La petite musique de Marie-Antoinette : un film.
M3.1.M69 C66 2006 Concert from the Stephansdom, Vienna : a concert of WienMozart 2006.
M3.1 .M693 2006 Mozart greatest hits.
M3.1.P68 F73 2005 Francis Poulenc & friends.
M5 .S44 2005 See how great they sound! : the classics DVD sampler 2004/2005.
M6.T73 G73 2007 The grand organ of Liverpool Cathedral : a recital by Ian Tracey.
M20.C526 A43 2006 Aldo Ciccolini.
M21.B47 B67 2007 Boris Berezovsky : change of plans.
M21.C87 C55 2007 Clifford Curzon : the BBC recitals.
M21.G55 E45 2007 Emil Gilels, recital : Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Schumann.
M21.L364 L58 2010 Live in Vienna.
M21.L525 Y84 2009 李雲迪.
M21.L525 Y86 2005 Yundi Li : live in concert.
M21.P64 I8 2007 Ivo Pogorelich in Castello Reale di Racconigi : Chopin, Haydn, Mozart.
M22.C45 F73 2004 Fredric Francois Chopin.
M22.C45 L53 2000 14th International Frederick Chopin Piano Competition : Warsaw, Poland October 2000.
M22.C45 M53 2006 Michelangeli plays Chopin.
M22.H36 S3 2006 Piano works.
M23 .A77 2007 Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli.
M23.B43 B374 2007 Piano sonatas. Volume 3, concerts 5 & 6.
M23.B43 B375 2007 Piano sonatas. Volume 4, concerts 7 & 8.
M24.L77 A67 2006 Années de pèlerinage : première année, Suisse ; deuxième année, Italie.
M25.L56 L57 2011 Liszt now.
M25.L56 T74 2007 A tribute to Italy.
M27.B33 G67 2000 The Goldberg variations.
M27.B33 G67 2007 Goldberg : from Villa Trissino Marzotto, Trissino (Vicenza) : Andrea Bacchetti performs J.S. Bach Goldberg variations : BWV 988.
M32.8.K57 Y48 2008 Yevgeny Kissin, Franz Schubert, Franz Liszt, Johann Sebastian Bach .
M40.G37 R63 2010 Rock symphonies : live on a summer night.
M52.B33 M34 1998 Yo-Yo Ma, inspired by Bach.
M52.B33 Y36 2005 Sechs Suiten Violoncello solo BWV 1007-1012 = 6 suites for violoncello, BWV 1007-1012.
M110.S6 G86 2008 郭雅志的吹管世界 : 嗩吶傳奇 = The wonderful winds of GuoYazhi : the suona story.
M125.K365 W55 2006 William Kanengiser.
M125.P47 G84 2006 Guitar recital : four hundred years of music in the classical guitar.
M126.A93 C55 2006 Classic guitar artistry.
M126.M37 M37 2003 Martha Masters, GFA winner 2000.
M142.C49 L855 2012 羅晶的箏情世界 = Luo Jing's world of zhengs.
M178.B33 J75 2004 J.S. Bach : famous chamber works.
M214 .H36 2007 Hangverseny a Pleyel Duplazongorán.
M219.M68 S66 2006 The violin sonatas.
M219.S84 I5 2007 In recital.
M230 .L44 2007 Legendary British performers.
M233.H57 W57 2003 A wish to the moon : Joe Hisaishi & 9 cellos : 2003 etude & encore tour.
久石讓 : 月光星願2003年巡迴演奏會
M241.R35 J43 2007 Jean-Pierre Rampal.
M292.C37 C37 2008 The Castellani-Andriaccio Duo.
M312 .B43 2007 Complete piano trios.
M312.4 .Q44 2006 Musical treasures of the 17th century.
M451.S38 S75 2005 String quartet no. 14 in D minor, D 810 : Death and the maiden.
M452.B38 T33 2006 Takacs play Bartok : from Hatchlands Park.
M452.B44 A43 2005 Beethoven string quartets. Volume 3.
M452.T34 T34 2006 Takács Quartet : Bethoven, Schubert, Haydn.
M958 .G73 2007 Gran fanfare.
M1000 .A43 2008 An American in Paris ; Rhapsody in blue.
M1000 .A77 2013 ARTiViva Gala Concert = 藝綻獻禮 : 演藝菁華音樂會.
M1000.B46 D53 2004 Ludwig van Beethoven.
M1000.B48 G35 1998 Gala from Berlin : a tribute to Carmen.
M1000.B48 H47 2009 Herbert von Karajan memorial concert.
永遠的指揮帝王 : 卡拉揚 100 歲冥誕紀念音樂會
M1000.B48 W35 1993 Russische Nacht = Russian night.
M1000.B48 W35 1995 Amerikanische Nacht = American night.
M1000.B48 W35 1996 Italienische Nacht = Italian night.
M1000.B48 W35 1997 St. Petersburger Nacht = St. Petersburg night.
M1000.B48 W35 1998 Lateinamerikanische Nacht = Latin American night.
M1000.B48 W35 1999 Eine romantische Opernnacht = A romantic opera night.
M1000.B67 D38 2006 Dawn & Siegfried's Rhine journey ; Siegfried idyll.
M1000.B72 B47 2007 Academic festival overture : Haydn variations ; Serenade no. 2 ; Tragic overture.
M1000.C48 C45 2006 Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Daniel Barenboim.
M1000.C57 C37 2007 Carnegie Hall opening night, 2006 : the Cleveland Orchestra.
M1000 .C63 2007 Concert du nouvel an 2007 à Saint Pétersbourg.
M1000.E84 S66 2014 Sommernachts konzert 2014 = Summer night concert 2014.
M1000 .E876 1996 Europakonzert der Berliner Philharmoniker 1996 = European concert by the Berliner Philharmoniker 1996.
M1000 .E876 1999 Europakonzert 1999, Berliner Philharmoniker = European concert 1999, Berliner Philharmoniker.
M1000 .E876 2000 Europakonzert 2000 aus der Philharmonie, Berlin = European concert 2000 from the Philharmonie, Berlin.
M1000.G48 K87 2007 Kurt Masur : gala concert on the occasion of his 80th birthday.
M1000 .G8 2006 古典音樂速成 : 音樂詞彙笑療法易.
M1000.G86 L56 2011 聆聽璀璨樂音 : 邁入古典音樂的殿堂 = Listen to the spectacle of sounds : entering the palace of classical music.
M1000.J37 M34 2008 Maestro Neeme Järvi 70th birthday jubilee.
M1000.K83 R36 2007 Raphael Kubelik : a portrait.
M1000.M45 Q253 2013 千水情.
M1000.M68 H66 2006 A Moazart gala from Prague.
M1000.M68 M38 2006 Marriner conducts Mozart.
M1000.M68 M68 2007 Mozart : concert at St. George Abbey.
M1000.M68 S65 2006 Spirits of Mozart.
M1000.M68 V85 2006 Symphony no. 41 : "Jupiter" ; Piano concerto no. 20 ; Divertimento K. 113.
M1000.M68 W64 2008 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
M1000.M86 C45 2007 Charles Munch.
M1000.N33 R45 2006 Rhythm and dance.
M1000 .N48 1991 Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker.
M1000 .N48 2004 Neujahrskonzert 2004 = New Year's concert 2004.
M1000 .N48 2005 Neujahrskonzert 2005 = New Year's concert 2005.
M1000 .N48 2006 Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker 2006.
M1000 .N48 2007 Neujahrskonzert 2007 = New Year's concert 2007.
M1000 .N48 2008 Neujahrskonzert 2008 = New Year's concert 2008.
M1000 .N48 2009 Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker 2009.
M1000 .N48 2010 Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker 2010.
M1000 .N48 2011 Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker 2011 = New Year's concert 2011 = Concert du nouvel an 2011.
2011 年維也納新年音樂會
M1000 .N48 2012 Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker 2012.
M1000 .N48 2013 Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker 2013.
M1000 .N48 2014 Neujahrskonzert 2014 = Neujahrskonzert 2014.
M1000.N495 P9 2008 The Pyongyang concert.
M1000 .N53 2007 Nikolaus Harnoncourt : Mozart, Schubert.
M1000.N83 A14 2007 12 Girls Band live from Shanghai = 女子十二乐坊上海.
M1000.N83 A152 2005 2005 絲綢之旅音樂會.
M1000.N83 N829 2004 女子十二樂坊 = 12 Girls Band.
M1000.N83 Q25 2003 奇迹 = Miracle live.
M1000.N83 W45 2005 White Christmas.
M1000 .O84 2007 Overture to Don Giovanni ; Piano concerto in D minor, K. 466.
M1000 .Q25 2007 奇美音樂. 古典音樂家. 極緻系列 = Music from Chi-Mei. Classical music. Exquisite.
M1000 .S544 2004 世紀名曲揭曉音樂會 = Golden Chinese classics of the century--winning selection in concert.
世紀中樂名曲頒獎音樂會 : 二十世紀最受樂迷歡迎中樂作品
M1000 .S63 2000 Spanish festival.
M1000.T34 P6 2007 破曉 = Breaking dawn.
M1000 .T47 2005 v.1 The Television concerts, 1948-52. Volume one.
M1000 .T47 2005 v.2 The Television concerts, 1948-52. Volume two.
M1000 .T47 2005 v.3 The Television concerts, 1948-52. Volume three.
M1000 .T47 2005 v.4 The Television concerts, 1948-52. Volume four.
M1000.T59 C65 2003 Concerts for peace : Giuseppe Sinopoli, conductor.
M1000.T59 C66 2004 Concerts for peace : Paavo Järvi, conductor.
Paavo Järvi meets Elisabeth Leonaskaja
M1000.T59 W64 2004 Wolfgang Sawallisch conducts Dvořák and Tchaikovsky.
M1000 .V57 2005 Virtuosos of St. Petersburg.
M1000.W36 N88 2006 王洛賓作品音樂專輯 = A tribute to Wang Luo Bin.
M1000 .W53 2007 Wien nach Noten.
M1000.X53 G86 2009 v.1 從古典經典到現代情懷 : 香港中樂團音樂會.
M1000.X53 G86 2009 v.2 與你共樂 : 香港中樂團音樂會.
M1000.X53 M65 2003 明月星輝 : 香港中樂團銀禧音樂會 = Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra silver jubilee concert.
M1000.X53 S52 2011 《山花醉》跨媒體中樂劇場.
M1000 .X56 2011 《辛亥百年》紀念音樂會.
M1000.Z36 Y84 2003 樂壇神筆 : 趙季平音樂精選之夜 = The magic notes of Zhao Jiping.
M1001 .B4 no.9 2007 Symphony no. 9 in D minor, op. 125 "Choral".
M1001 .B4 op.60 2004 Symphonies nos. 4 & 7.
M1001.B44 B474 2008 Symphonies nos. 1, 8 & 9.
M1001.B44 B475 2008 Symphonies nos. 2, 6 & 7.
M1001.B44 B476 2008 Symphonies nos. 3, 4 & 5.
M1001.B44 K37 2005 Symphonies.
M1001.B47 S962 2006 Symphonie fantastique ; Harold en Italie.
M1001.B47 S962 2007 Concerto sinfonico.
M1001.B47 S962 2007b Berlioz rediscovered.
M1001.B72 B47 2007 The symphonies.
M1001 .B72 no.1-4 2008 The symphonies.
M1001 .B72 no.1&3 2006 Symphonies nos. 1 & 3.
M1001 .B78 no.4 2006 Symphony no. 4 "Romantic".
M1001 .B78 no.4 2012 Symphony no. 4.
M1001 .B78 no.5 2007 Symphony no. 5 in B-flat major, WAB 105.
M1001 .B78 no.5 2012 Symphony no. 5.
M1001 .B78 no.6 2012 Celibidache conducts Bruckner Symphony no. 6 in A major .
M1001 .B78 no.7 2006 Sinfonie Nr. 7.
M1001 .B78 no.7 2012 Celibidache conducts Bruckner Symphony no. 7 in E major .
M1001 .B78 no.7 2012b Symphony no. 7.
M1001 .B78 no.8 2005 Symphony no. 8.
M1001 .B78 no.8 2006 Music and peace : World Philharmonic Orchestra plays in the Concert Hall, Stockholm, for UNICEF in homage to Alfred Nobel and his Foundation.
M1001 .B78 no.8 2007 Kent Nagano conducts classical masterpieces. Bruckner: Symphony no. 8 in C minor, WAB 108 (1890).
M1001 .B78 no.8 2012 Celibidache conducts Bruckner Symphony no. 8 in C minor .
M1001 .B78 no.8-9 2008 Symphonies 8 & 9 ; Te Deum.
M1001 .B78 no.9 2005 Symphony no. 9.
M1001 .C43 2007 Celibidache conducts Mozart & Schubert.
M1001 .D86 no.9 2007 Symphony no. 9 : "From the new world" (1893).
M1001 .D86 no.9 2011 Sergiu Celibidache in rehearsal and performance : Dvořák symphony no. 9 "From the new world", Prokofiev symphony no. 1 Classical".
M1001 .E94 2005 Eugen Jochum.
M1001 .G86 2005 Günter Wand.
M1001 .I73 2000 Italian festival.
M1001.M33 B47 2005 The Symphonies.
M1001 .M33 no.1-2 2006 Mahler 1 & 2.
M1001 .M33 no.1 2006 Symphonies 1 & 8.
M1001 .M33 no.2 2006 Vision Mahler.
M1001 .M33 no.3 2006 Mahler 3.
M1001 .M33 no.4 2006b Mahler 4 & 7.
M1001 .M33 no.6 2007 Symphony no. 6.
M1001 .M33 no.7 2006 Symphony no. 7 in E minor, "Lied der Nacht".
M1001 .M46 no.2 2006 Symphony no. 2 "Lobgesang".
M1001 .M68 K550 1991 Symphonies 40 & 41.
M1001.M69 B64 2006 Symphonies. I-III.
M1001 .M69 no.41 2006 Kent Nagano conducts classical masterpieces. 1 : Mozart Symphony no. 41 in C major, K 551 "Jupiter".
M1001.M69 S96 2000 Symphony no. 40 ; Symphony no. 28 ; Overtures.
M1001.M69 S967 2007 Symphony no. 41 : "Jupiter" (1788).
M1001.N54 C66 2006 Complete symphonies.
M1001 .P76 no.5 2007 Celibidache conducts Prokofiev & Strauss.
M1001 .S37 no.5 2006 Symphony no. 5.
M1001 .S382 no.1-4 2009 The symphonies.
M1001 .S56 no.9 2006 Symphony #9.
M1001 .S56 op.54 2006 Symphonies 6 & 9.
M1001 .T34 no.1 2007 The Tchaikovsky cycle. Volume 1.
M1001 .T34 no.2 2007 The Tchaikovsky cycle. Volume 2.
M1001 .T34 no.3 2007 The Tchaikovsky cycle. Volume 3.
M1001 .T34 no.4 2007 The Tchaikovsky cycle. Volume 4.
M1001 .T34 no.4-5 2008 Symphonies nos. 4 & 5 ; violin concerto ; andante cantabile.
M1001 .T34 no.5 2007 The Tchaikovsky cycle. Volume 5.
M1001 .T34 no.6 2007 The Tchaikovsky cycle. Volume 6.
M1002.C44 S47 2007 Sergiu Celibidache in rehearsal & performance.
M1002.M35 S74 2005 Standing stone.
M1003.B533 B47 2008 Bernstein conducts Bernstein.
M1003.C44 S47 2008 Sergiu Celibidache conducts Ravel and Debussy.
M1003.H36 W38 2000 Water music ; Fireworks music.
M1003 .P54 2006 Pierre Boulez conducts modern classics.
M1004.B44 B47 2008 Overtures ; String quartet, op. 131.
M1004 .B44 op.62 2004 Ouvertüre "Coriolan" : op. 62.
M1004 .V33 2007 Václav Neumann in rehearsal.
M1004.5 .C66 2007 Concert in Versailles.
M1010 .B4 no.3 2006 Piano concerto no. 3 in C minor, op. 37.
M1010 .B4 no.4 2006 Piano concerto no. 4 in G major, op. 58.
M1010.B44 B37 2007 Piano concertos.
M1010 .B44 op.73 1991 Piano concerto No. 5 in E flat major, Op, 73, "Emperor" .
M1010 .B44 op.73 2008 Piano concerto no. 5 in E-flat major : Emperor.
M1010.B44 Z55 2007 The piano concertos.
M1010.B72 B47 2007 The piano concertos.
M1010 .B72 no.1-2 2011 Piano concertos nos. 1 & 2.
M1010 .B79 2006 Bryon Janis.
M1010.C52 C43 2010 Chopin celebration : at the Palace of Lancut, Poland.
M1010 .C66 2003 Concerts for peace.
M1010.F73 S35 2007 Samson François.
M1010.F75 N44 2007 Nelson Freire in concert.
M1010.M68 B83 2006 Buchbinder spielt Mozart : aus dem Wiener Musikverein.
M1010 .M68 no.17 2006 Piano concerto no. 17 ; Symphony no. 39.
M1010 .M68 no.22 2006 Buchbinder spielt Mozart : aus dem Musikverein in Wein.
M1010.M68 P57 2007 Piazzini meets Mozart : pianoworks.
M1010.M68 U28 2006 Piano concertos 13 & 20.
M1010 .N54 2006 Nights in the gardens of Spain.
M1010.R83 P53 2006 Piano concertos.
M1010 .S332 op.54 2007 Piano concerto in A minor, op. 54.
M1010 .S332 op.54 2011 Piano concerto.
M1011 .I87 2006 It's all about the music : with Marc-André Hamelin.
M1011 .M373 2007 Marc-André Hamelin : no limits.
M1012.B33 V56 2000 Violin concertos ; double concerto ; air on the G- string.
M1012.B72 B47 2007 Violin concerto ; Double concerto.
M1012.C54 L53 1999 梁祝, 黃河.
M1012.C54 L53 2005 Butterfly lovers = 梁山伯與祝英台.
M1012 .H83 2007 The Huberman festival.
M1012 .I95 2007 Ivry Gitlis.
M1012.K46 K46 2006 Kennedy live : Vivaldi live à la Citadelle.
M1012.K46 N53 2005 Nigel Kennedy plays Bach.
M1012.K46 P65 2007 Polish spirit.
M1012 .K66 2000 Konzert für violine und orchester d moll op. 47 = Concerto for violin and orchestra in D minor op. 47.
M1012 .M46 op.64 2007 Violin concerto in E minor (1844).
M1012.M68 C66 2006 The violin concertos.
M1012.M68 M68 2006 Mozart violin concertos 1-5 ; Sinfonia concertante.
M1012.M68 S74 2007 Mozart violin concertos nos. 3&5 ; Bach, Geminiani, Kreisler.
M1012.M68 T76 2007 Piano trios : K. 502, 542, 548.
M1012 .N38 2007 Nathan Milstein & Sir Adrian Boult.
M1012.R55 H66 2006 The homecoming!.
M1016 .D86 op.104 2006 Cello concerto in B minor, op. 104.
M1016 .D86 op.104 2007 Cello concerto ; Piano concerto.
M1016.M34 M57 2007 Mischa Maisky : cello concertos.
M1016.R67 M77 2003 Mstislav Rostropovich & Placido Domingo : from the Roman theatre of Merida.
M1019.E8 H83 2005 黃安源的胡琴世界 : 胡琴之路 = The huqin world of Wong On-Yuen.
M1019.E8 J53 2004 浪漫 : 賈鵬芳コンサート = Roman : Jia Peng Fang Concert.
M1019.E8 J535 2008 "Memories" at Tokyo International Forum.
M1019.K32 W44 2009 魏冠華的胡琴世界 = The huqin world of Ngai Kwun-wa.
M1037.4.P5 X86 2008 尋找他鄉的琵琶 = Routes of Pipa.
M1038 .D66 2011 東之春 : 鼓踞雄風 = Eastern spring : impressive drums inKaohsiung.
M1038 .G83 2004 鼓王群英會. = Majestic drums.
M1038 .G832 2004 鼓王群英會. = Majestic drums.
M1038 .G833 2006 鼓王群英會. = Majestic drums.
M1038 .G834 2006 鼓王群英會. = Majestic drums.
M1038 .G835 2006 鼓王群英會. 閻學敏的鼓樂世界 = Majestic drums. The dynamic world of Yim Hok-man.
M1038 .G836 2008 鼓王群英會. 蛟龍騰飛 = Majestic drums. Dragons in the sky.
M1039.4.S5 H4 2007 和合协谐, 笙声不息 : 金秋音乐会.
M1042.B37 C67 2007 Concerto for orchestra (1943).
M1042.V58 A57 2004 Antonio Vivaldi.
Vivaldi : soothing, natural imagery
M1045 .G43 2007 Geburtstagskonzert für Papst Benedikt XVI : aus der Aula Paolo VI.
M1045.R33 R33 2007 Rachmaninoff : documentaries and performances.
M1045.S282 G53 2006 Giacinto Scelsi : the orchestral works 2.
M1049.S87 J644 1999 Johann Strauss gala.
M1060.S38 P53 2006 Piano concerto ; Symphony no. 4.
M1060 .S53 1975 沙家滨.
M1100 .C66 2007 Concert à la mémoire de Andrei Sakharov.
M1101 .K66 2006 Konzert mit dem ensemble Il Giardino armonico = Concert with the ensemble Il Giardino armonico.
M1112 .F68 2000 The four seasons ; Concerto in D minor, op. 3, no. 11.
M1112.V58 C5 2007 Vivaldi : the four seasons.
M1112.V58 C5 2007b Le quattro stagioni = The four seasons = Les quatre saisons = Die vier Jahreszeiten.
M1112.V58 C56 2008 The four seasons = Le quattro stagioni.
M1356.L37 J345 2002 James Last : a world of music.
M1356.L37 J365 2002 James Last : gentleman of music.
M1366.A75 L68 2007 Louis Armstrong & friends.
M1366.B54 B54 2007 Bill Evans Trio : live in Oslo 1966.
M1366 .B58 2010 Blue Note : a story of modern jazz.
藍調之音 : 現代爵士傳奇
M1366 .C37 2001 Calle 54.
M1366.D37 E33 2007 Eddie "Lockjaw" Davis : live in Copenhagen.
M1366.D73 K46 2007 Kenny Drew Trio at the Brewhouse : with Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen & Alvin Queen.
M1366 .E86 2005 ESP 2 : a tribute to Miles ; live in concert.
M1366.G66 G66 2006 Gonzalo Rubalcaba Trio : live at the Münchner Klaviersommer 1994.
M1366.H36 C55 2005 Cliff Hardie and the UK All Stars Orchestra : live in London.
M1366 .H37 2004 Harlem roots. Volume 1, The big bands.
M1366 .H373 2007 Harlem roots. Volume 2, The headliners.
M1366 .J378 2006 The Jacques Loussier Trio play Bach : the 1989 Munich concert.
M1366 .J385 2006 Jazz music.
Archive. Vol. 3, Jazz
M1366.J67 L682 2007 Louis Jordan & his Tympany Five.
M1366.K7553 D53 2002 Diana Krall live in Paris.
M1366 .M64 2006 The Modern Jazz Quartet and Kammerorchester Arcata.
M1366 .N54 2002 A nightingale sang .. Tribute to Nat King Cole.
M1366 .P37 2007 Paquito D'Rivera & Chano Domínguez : Jazz at Quartier latin.
M1366.R58 L44 1999 Lee Ritenour and friends : live from the Coconut Grove. Volume 1.
M1366 .S74 2007 Stephane Grappelli live in San Francisco.
M1366.W38 G76 2007 Grover Washington Jr. : live from Atlantic City.
M1366 .W67 2006 World of rhythm : Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter, Billy Cobham live in Lugano.
M1473 .A283 2001 Active score music : Scribble ; Small fish tale.
M1473 .A83 2007 ATAK011 : live DVD ATAK night 3.
M1473.C34 V37 2008 Variations VII.
M1473.C35 R63 2010 Robert Cahen, films + videos 1973-2007.
M1473 .E98 2005 Extra : a selection of outstanding electronic music videos.
M1473 .I43 2004 Images 4 music.
M1473 .I46 2000 Immersion.
M1473 .R43 2005 Recombinant art 01 : artists using Kyma.
M1473 .S44 2005 See hear now : visible music.
M1473 .S55 2004 Shitkatapult : special musick for special people.
M1473.S87 M334 2001 Morton Subotnick. Electronic works, volume 1.
M1473.T9 A15 2002 242.pilots : live in Bruxelles.
M1495 .C37 2001 Carols from King's.
M1495 .C573 2007 City University Choir : 2007 Bushan Choral Festival & Competition (31/10-4/11).
M1495 .C574 2007 CityUHK Choir 2007 Bi-AP.
M1495 .C575 2008 CityUHK Choir mini-concert, 18 November 2008.
M1495 .C576 2009 香港城市大學合唱團週年匯演 : 為世界送上祝福.
City University Choir Annual Performance, 08 April 2009
M1495.C58 D74 2000 Dream a dream, Charlotte Church in the Holy land.
M1495.J46 B44 2010 Believe : live from the O2.
M1497.B37 B37 1998 Bartoli in Italy.
M1497.B37 C43 2003 Cecilia Bartoli and Nikolaus Harnoncourt, live in concert with the orchestra of Concentus Musicus Wien : the Styriarte Festival celebrates Joseph Haydn.
M1497.C37 J67 2006 José Carreras in Salzburg.
M1497.C37 J68 2006 José Carreras in Vienna.
M1497.T47 B79 2003 Bryn Terfel live in concert : songs and arias.
M1500.A85 P4 2005 Perfect lives : an opera.
M1500.B37 K45 2008 Bluebeard's castle : an opera in one act.
M1500.B4 F52 2003 Fidelio.
M1500.B4 F52 2006 Fidelio : Oper in zwei Akten.
M1500.B4 F52 2006b Fidelio.
M1500.B4 F52 2006c Fidelio.
M1500.B44 C36 2006 I Capuleti e i Montecchi.
M1500.B44 N67 2003 Norma : opera in two acts.
M1500.B44 N67 2006 Norma : tragedia lirica in due atti.
M1500.B44 N67 2006b Norma : tragedia lirica in due atti.
M1500.B45 W6 2007 Wozzeck : an opera in three acts and fifteen scenes.
M1500.B45 W6 2007b Wozzeck.
M1500.B46 C36 2005 Leonard Bernstein's Candide : a comic operetta in two acts.
M1500.B46 C36 2006 Candide.
M1500.B47 D362 2006 La Damnation de Faust.
M1500.B47 T8 2002 Les Troyens.
M1500.B58 C37 2005 Carmen.
M1500 .B64 1998 La Boheme.
M1500.B7 J85 2007 Julie : opéra en un acte.
M1500.B736 V47 2008 Noche de verano en la verbena de la Paloma.
M1500.B74 B54 2008 Billy Budd.
M1500.B74 G56 2006 Gloriana.
M1500.B74 L38 1996 Let's make an opera.
M1500.B74 P484 2008 Peter Grimes.
M1500.B74 T872 2007 The turn of the screw = Le tour d'écrou : opera in a prologue and two acts.
M1500 .C37 1998 Carmen.
M1500 .C375 2000z Carnival of shadows.
M1500 .C38 2008 Cavalleria rusticana : Opera in one act.
M1500.C39 C34 2006 La Calisto.
M1500.C39 D5 2007 La didone : opera in un prologo e tre alli.
M1500.C55 A37 2004 Adriana Lecouvreur : opera in quattro atti.
M1500.C56 M37 2006 Il matrimonio segreto.
M1500.C626 A77 2007 Arrighetto : farsa sentimentale di un solo atto.
M1500.C63 N68 1999 Notre Dame de Paris ; d'après l'œuvre de Victor Hugo.
M1500 .C76 2006 Die Csárdásfürstin.
M1500.D38 P44 2006 Pelléas et Mélisande.
M1500.D4 V55 2003 A village Romeo and Juliet : lyric drama in six scenes after Gottfried Keller.
M1500 .D53 2002 Die Csárdás-fürstin : Operette in 3 Akten.
M1500.D57 B37 2006 Il Barone di Rocca Antica.
M1500.D66 E45 2006 L'elisir d'amore : opera in due atti.
M1500.D66 E45 2008 L'elisir d'amore.
M1500.D66 E5 2002 L'elisir d'amore.
M1500.D66 L83 2004 Lucia di Lammermoor : dramma tragico in due parti.
M1500.D83 T53 2006 天之驕子音樂劇.
M1500.D98 R92 2009 Rusalka : lyrical fairy tale in three acts.
M1500 .E25 2008 惡人谷 = Villain village.
M1500 .F73 2007 Francesca da Rimini.
M1500.G56 A53 2006 Andrea Chénier : dramma di ambiente storico in quattro quadri.
M1500.G56 F43 2006 Fedora.
M1500.G58 A43 2006 Alceste : Pariser Fassung von 1776 : tragische Opera in drei Akten.
M1500.G58 O672 2008 Orphée et Eurydice.
M1500.G71 F24 2006 Faust : Oper in drei Akten.
M1500.G711 R62 1994 Roméo et Juliette.
M1500.H35 A35 2008 Admeto : re di Tessaglia.
M1500.H35 G38 2005 Giulio Cesare : opera in three acts.
M1500.H35 G38 2006 Giulio Cesare in Egitto : opera in tre atti.
M1500.H37 S56 2007 Simplicius Simplicissimus.
M1500 .H46 2011 很久沒有敬我了你 : 電影・音樂・劇 = On the road.
M1500.H483 B68 2007 Boulevard solitude : lyric drama in seven scenes.
M1500.H675 C3 2007 Cardillac : opéra de trois actes et quatre tableaux.
M1500.H675 C3 2007b Cardillac.
M1500.H86 H362 2007 Hänsel und Gretel : fairy-tale opera in three acts.
M1500.J36 J42 2007 Jenůfa.
M1500.L37 R46 2009 Rent : filmed live on Broadway.
M1500.L4 S6 2002 Smokey Joe's Cafe : the songs of Leiber and Stoller.
M1500.L43 L87 2005 Die lustige Witwe.
Merry widow
M1500.L43 Z27 2007 Der Zarewitsch.
M1500.L46 P34 2000z Pagliacci : and in highlights from Guglielmo Tell.
M1500.L46 P34 2006 i Pagliacci : drama in a prologue and two acts.
M1500.L56 C382 2000 Cats.
M1500.L56 L68 2012 Love never dies.
M1500.L56 P532 2012 Andrew Lloyd Webber's the Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall .
歌聲魅影: 25周年現場版
M1500.L67 Z37 2006 Zar und Zimmermann : komische Oper.
M1500.M37 C382 2007 Cavalleria rusticana : opera in one act.
M1500.M39 C44 2006 Chérubin : commedia cantata in tre atti.
M1500.M39 M35 2008 Manon : opera in five acts.
M1500.M39 M36 2006 Manon : Oper in 6 Bildern.
M1500.M39 W47 2006 Werther.
M1500.M46 H5544 2007 Hilfe! Hilfe! die Globolinks : eine Oper für Kinder und solche, die Kinder lieben.
M1500.M64 M66 2007 Monteverdi cycle : L'Orfeo, Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria, L'incoronazione di Poppea, Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda : 7 DVD set.
M1500.M64 O7 2006 L'Orfeo : favola in musica.
M1500.M64 O7 2006b L'Orfeo : Favola in musica.
M1500.M64 R57 2006 Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria.
M1500.M64 R57 2009 Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria.
M1500 .M66 2008 Mozart Idomeneo.
M1500.M68 A83 2006 Ascanio in Alba.
M1500.M68 B378 2006 Bastien und Bastienne ; &, Der Schauspieldirektor.
M1500.M68 C54 2006 La clemenza di Tito.
M1500.M68 C54 2006b La clemenza di Tito.
M1500.M68 C54 2006c La clemenza di Tito.
M1500.M68 C66 2004 Così fan tutte : dramma giocoso in due atti.
M1500.M68 C66 2006 Cosí fan tutte.
M1500.M68 C66 2006b Così fan tutte : opéra bouffe en 2 actes.
M1500.M68 C66 2006c Così fan tutte.
M1500.M68 C66 2006d Così fan tutte : Opera buffa in zwei Akten.
M1500.M68 C66 2007 Così fan tutte.
M1500.M68 D66 2000 Don Giovanni.
M1500.M68 D66 2004 Don Giovanni.
M1500.M68 D66 2006 Don Giovanni.
M1500.M68 D66 2006b Don Giovanni.
M1500.M68 D66 2006c Don Giovanni : dramma giocoso in two acts, K. 527.
M1500.M68 D66 2006d Don Giovanni : dramma giocoso in two acts.
M1500.M68 E572 2003 Die Entführung aus dem Serail : deutsches Singspiel in drei Aufzügen, KV 384.
M1500.M68 E572 2006 Die Entführung aus dem Serail : Singspiel in 3 acts, K. 384.
M1500.M68 E572 2006b Die Entführung aus dem Serail : singspiel in three acts.
M1500.M68 E572 2007 Die Entführung aus dem Serail : Singspiel in three acts.
M1500.M68 F55 2005 La finta giardiniera.
M1500.M68 F55 2006 La finta giardiniera = Die Gärtnerin aus Liebe : dramma giocoso in drei Akten.
M1500.M68 F55 2006b La finta giardiniera.
M1500.M68 F55 2006c La finta giardiniera : dramma giacoso in three acts K. 196.
M1500.M68 F56 2006 Irrfahrten. I, La finta semplice : a Mozart trilogy.
M1500.M68 L83 2006 Lucio Silla.
M1500.M68 M58 2006 Mitridate, re di Ponto : opera seria in three acts, K. 87 (74a).
M1500.M68 N68252 2006 Die Hochzeit des Figaro.
M1500.M68 N684 2000 Le nozze di Figaro.
M1500.M68 N684 2001 Le nozze di Figaro.
M1500.M68 N684 2004 Le nozze di Figaro.
M1500.M68 N684 2005 Le nozze di Figaro : opera comica in quattro atti, KV 492.
M1500.M68 N684 2006 Le nozze di Figaro.
M1500.M68 N684 2006b Le nozze di Figaro : opera buffa in 4 actes (1786).
M1500.M68 R3 2006 Il re pastore : serenata in two acts, K. 208.
M1500.M68 R3 2006b Il re pastore : serenata in two acts : K. 208.
M1500.M68 S64 2007 Il sogno di scipione.
M1500.M68 Z38242 2000 Trollflöjten = The magic flute.
M1500.M68 Z38242 2002 Die Zauberflöte = The magic flute.
M1500.M68 Z38242 2006 Die Zauberflöte : Oper.
M1500 .M69 2006 The Mozart Glyndebourne collection.
M1500.M69 C54 2006 La clemenza di Tito : opera seria in two acts (1791).
M1500.M69 I36 2006 Idomeneo.
M1500.M69 I36 2006b Idomeneo.
M1500.M69 I36 2006c Idomeneo, rè di Creta.
M1500.M8 B63 2002 Boris Godunov.
M1500.M84 A76 2006 Apollo et Hyacinthus ; Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebots.
M1500.M84 I77 2006 Irrfahrten II & III : a trilogy.
M1500.M84 M58 1993 Mitridate, re di Ponto.
M1500.M87 B67 2006 Boris Godunov.
M1500.M94 D66 2001 Don Giovanni : an opera in 2 acts.
M1500.M94 Z3 2000 Die Zauberflöte.
M1500.N53 M37 2006 Maskerade.
M1500.O44 C632 2003 Les contes d'Hoffmann.
M1500.O44 C632 2006 Les contes d'Hoffmann.
M1500.O44 O77 2006 Orpheus in der Unterwelt.
M1500.P44 T48 2000z The devils of Loudun = Die teufel von Loudun.
M1500.P47 F73 2004 Lo frate 'nnamorato : comedia per musica.
M1500.P66 G56 2006 La gioconda.
M1500.P66 G56 2006b La gioconda : opera in quattro atti.
M1500.P68 D53 2007 Dialogues des Carmélites : opera in tre atti e dodici quadri.
M1500.P759 L58 2006 L'amour des trois oranges : opéra en quatre actes avec prologue.
M1500.P82 B632 2006 La bohème.
M1500.P82 F37 2004 La fanciulla del West : opera in tre atti.
M1500.P82 M355 2005 Madama Butterfly.
M1500.P82 M362 1999 Manon Lescaut.
M1500.P82 R66 2007 La rondine.
M1500.P82 T6732 2006 Tosca.
M1500.P82 T6732 2007 Tosca : melodramma in tre atti.
M1500.P82 T6732 2007b Tosca.
M1500.P82 T6732 2008 Popular Puccini : Tosca, La Bohème, Madama Butterfly.
M1500.P82 T75 2007 Il trittico.
M1500.P82 T872 2005 Turandot.
M1500.P82 T872 2007 Turandot.
M1500.P83 B642 2006 La Bohème.
M1500.P83 B642 2009 La Bohème.
M1500.R35 P36 2005 Les Paladins : comédie lyrique in three acts.
M1500.R35 Z67 2007 Zoroastre: opéra.
M1500 .R5342 2000 Rigoletto.
M1500.R67 B37 2001 Il barbiere di Siviglia.
M1500.R67 B37 2005 Der Barbier von Sevilla : komische Oper in zwei Akten.
M1500.R67 B37 2006b Il barbiere di Siviglia = Le barbier de Séville : opéra bouffe en deux actes (1816).
M1500.R67 B53 2006 Bianca e Falliero : melodramma in due atti.
M1500.R67 C35 2006 La cambiale di matrimonio : comic opera in one act.
M1500.R67 C462 2006 La cenerentola.
M1500.R67 D65 1998 La donna del lago : a melodrama in two acts.
M1500.R67 D66 2004 La donna del lago.
M1500.R67 G39 2006 La gazzetta.
M1500.R67 G85 2004 Guglielmo Tell : melodramma tragico in quattro atti.
M1500.R67 I83 2006 L'Italiana in Algeri.
M1500.R67 I833 2007 L'italiana in Algeri.
M1500.R67 O35 2006 L'occasione fa il ladro.
M1500.R67 P53 2007 La pietra del paragone.
M1500.R67 S33 2006 La scala di seta : comic opera in one act.
M1500.R67 S53 2006 Il Signor Bruschino.
M1500.R67 T352 2007 Tancredi : melodramma eroico in due atti.
M1500.R85 C46 1996 La cenerentola.
M1500.S345 S364 2004 Samson et Dalila.
M1500.S35 P35 2006 The palace.
M1500.S36 M572 2000z Les Miserables : in concert.
M1500.S36 M572 2010 Les misérables in concert : the 25th anniversary : Live O₂.
孤星淚音樂劇 25 週年演唱會
M1500.S43 G49 2006 Die Gezeichneten.
M1500.S56 L43 2006 Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk : opera in four acts.
M1500.S64 V47 2007 Die verkaufte Braut : komische Oper in drei Akten.
M1500.S77 A72 2001 Arabella.
M1500.S77 A72 2007 Arabella.
M1500.S77 A72 2008 Arabella : lyric comedy in three acts.
M1500.S77 D32 2006 Daphne : tragedia bucolica in un atto.
M1500.S77 E562 2006 Elektra.
M1500.S77 E562 2006b Elektra :
M1500.S77 F8 2002 Die Frau ohne Schatten.
M1500.S77 R672 2001 Der Rosenkavalier.
M1500.S77 R672 2006 Der Rosenkavalier.
M1500.S78 W54 2003 Wiener Blut : Operette in drei Akten.
M1500.S912 F8 2002 Die Frau ohne Schatten.
M1500.S912 S3 2007 Salome.
M1500.T33 F57 2008 The first emperor.
M1500.T34 P55 2007 La dame de pique : opéra en trois actes.
Pique dame
M1500 .T43 2007 Tea : based on Tea-opera.
M1500 .T73 1998 La traviata.
M1500.T87 G73 2007 Greek.
M1500.V47 A424 2000 Aïda.
M1500.V47 A424 2006 Aïda.
M1500.V47 A424 2006b Aida : opera in four acts.
M1500.V47 A424 2007 Aida : opéra en 4 actes.
M1500.V47 A76 2006 Aroldo : melodramma in quattro atti.
M1500.V47 A88 2004 Attila : drama lirico in un prologo e tre atti.
M1500.V47 B352 2000 Un ballo in maschera.
M1500.V47 B352 2006 Un ballo in maschera.
M1500.V47 B37 2006 La battaglia di Legnano : tragedia lirica in quattro atti.
M1500.V47 D66 2007 Don Carlos.
M1500.V47 D84 2004 I due Foscari.
M1500.V47 E742 2006 Ernani : dramma lirico in quattro parti.
M1500.V47 F352 2001 Falstaff.
M1500.V47 F352 2007 Falstaff : commedia lirica in tre atti.
M1500.V47 F672 2007 La forza del destino : melodramma in quattro atti.
M1500.V47 L83 2006 Luisa Miller.
M1500.V47 M332 2007 Macbeth : melodramma in quattro parti.
M1500.V47 N332 2005 Nabucco : opera in quattro atti.
M1500.V47 N332 2005b Nabucco.
M1500.V47 N332 2007 Nabucco 2007.
M1500.V47 O24 2007 Oberto, conte di San Bonifacio.
M1500.V47 O842 2005 Otello.
M1500.V47 O842 2005b Otello.
M1500.V47 O842 2006 Otello.
M1500.V47 P38 2008 Pavarotti sings Verdi. Ernani. Un ballo in maschera. Il trovatore .
M1500.V47 R543 2006 Rigoletto.
M1500.V47 R543 2007 Rigoletto.
M1500.V47 S562 2007 Simon Boccanegra.
M1500.V47 S562 2007b Simon Boccanegra : melodramma in einem Prolog und drei Akten.
M1500.V47 S562 2008 Simon Boccanegra.
M1500.V47 S75 2007 Stiffelio.
M1500.V47 T73 2005 La traviata.
M1500.V47 T73 2006 La Traviata.
M1500.V47 T762 2000 Il trovatore.
M1500.V47 T762 2002 Il trovatore.
M1500.V47 T762 2007 Il trovatore.
M1500.V47 V47 2004 I Vespri siciliani : dramma in cinque atti.
M1500.V47 V47 2007 I vespri siciliani : dramma in cinque atti.
M1500.V48 B35 2002 Un Ballo in maschera.
M1500.V48 D66 2008 Don Carlos : opera in four acts after Friedrich von Schiller.
M1500.V48 R3 2002 Rigoletto.
M1500.V48 R3 2004 Rigoletto.
M1500.V56 E73 2007 Ercole su'l Termodonte : in prima esecuzione assoluta in tempi moderni.
M1500.V59 R48 2006 Rêves d'un Marco Polo : opéra fleuve for two evenings.
M1500.W33 F542 2008 Der fliegende Holländer.
M1500.W33 G68 2006 Götterdämmerung.
M1500.W33 L66 2006 Lohengrin.
M1500.W33 L662 2006 Lohengrin : romantic opera in three acts.
M1500.W33 L662 2007 Lohengrin romantic opera in three acts.
M1500.W33 L662 2008 Lohengrin.
M1500.W33 M45 2007 Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg : Oper.
M1500.W33 P373 2002 Parsifal.
M1500.W33 P373 2007 Parsifal.
M1500.W33 R56 2006b Der Ring des Nibelungen.
M1500.W33 R56 pt.1 2005 Der ring des Nibelungen. Das Rheingold.
M1500.W33 R56 pt.1 2006 Der Ring des Nibelungen : ein Bühnenfestspiel für drei Tage und einen Vorabend. Vorabend, Das Rheingold.
M1500.W33 R56 pt.1 2006b Der Ring des Nibelungen : a stage festival drama for three days and a preliminary evening. Preliminary evening. Das Rheingold.
M1500.W33 R56 pt.1 2008 Das Rheingold.
M1500.W33 R56 pt.2 2005 Der ring des nibelungen. Die walküre : a stage festival drama for three days and a preliminary evening, produced at the Bayreuth Festspielhaus.
M1500.W33 R56 pt.3 2005 Der ring des Nibelungen. Siegfried.
M1500.W33 R56 pt.3 2005b Siegfried.
M1500.W33 R56 pt.4 2005 Der ring des Nibelungen. Götterdämmerung.
M1500.W33 R56 pt.4 2006 Götterdämmerung : Ein Bühnenfestspiel für drei Tage und einen Vorabend.
M1500.W33 R56 pt.4 2007 Götterdämmerung.
M1500.W33 R5635 2005 The making of the Ring : a documentary.
M1500.W33 R569 2006 Die walküre.
M1500.W33 S53 2006 Siegfried.
M1500.W33 T362 2006 Tannhäuser.
M1500.W33 T362 2006b Tannhäuser.
M1500.W34 T757 2006 Tristan und Isolde : action musicale en trois actes.
M1500.W34 T757 2008 Tristan und Isolde.
M1500.W35 R66 2002 Roman fever : opera in one act.
M1500.W37 F75 2006 Der Freischütz : Romantische Oper.
M1500.W45 S77 2001 Street scene.
M1500 .W67 2001 Working : a musical.
M1500 .X53 2009 香港・你好.
M1503.P969 L5 2007 L'Amour des trois oranges : opéra en un prologue et quatre actes (1921).
M1503.P969 L5 2007b The love for three oranges = L'amour des trois oranges.
M1505 .B46 2006 The Berlin concert : live from the "Waldbühne".
M1505.B47 C37 2005 Carlo Bergonzi : live in concert.
M1505.B78 R46 2004 Renato Bruson : live in concert.
M1505.B85 G65 2005 Grace Bumbry : Lugano recital 1991.
M1505.B85 G69 2007 Grace Bumbry in concert.
M1505.C156 M35 2007 Maria Callas : the Callas conversations, volume II.
M1505 .C3619 1998 The 3 tenors in concert 1994 : Carreras, Domingo, Pavarotti, with Mehta.
M1505.C37 A15 1998 The 3 tenors Paris 1998 : Carreras, Domingo, Pavarotti with Levine.
M1505.C37 O74 2007 The original Three Tenors concert.
M1505.D65 P55 2007 Plácido Domingo : Hommage a Sevilla.
M1505.D65 P56 2009 Plácido Domingo : my greatest roles.
M1505 .G35 2005 Gala concert Vienna State Opera.
M1505 .G65 2007 The golden ring.
M1505 .G72 2006 La grande notte a Verona 1988.
M1505 .G744 2006 Great opera gala for Armenia.
M1505 .K57 2007 Kiri : a celebration : live at the Royal Albert Hall.
M1505.M68 A43 2006 Amadeus.
M1505 .M94 1999 My favorite Broadway.
M1505 .N38 2006 Natalie Dessay : le miracle d'une voix.
M1505 .N475 2006 New Year's concert 2006 : from the Teatro La Fenice.
M1505 .N48 2007 New Year's concert 2007 : from the Teatro La Fenice.
M1505 .O642 2007 Opera highlights. Volume 2.
M1505 .O645 2006 Opera night : for the German AIDS Foundation.
M1505.P38 L835 1992 Luciano Pavarotti : 29 Aprile 1991, 30th debut anniversary.
M1505.P38 P385 2004 Pavarotti.
M1505.P38 P389 2007 Pavarotti forever : the ultimate collection.
M1505.P38 P395 2004 Pavarotti in London : the essential Pavarotti.
M1505.P82 P83 2008 Puccini gold.
M1505 .T37 2002 Taste of the arts.
M1505.V47 B86 2005 Buon compleanno maestro Verdi.
M1505 .V53 2005 Victoria De Los Angeles.
M1505.W33 O73 2007 Orchestral highlights.
M1506 .A5 2001 Andrew Lloyd Webber : the Royal Albert Hall celebration.
M1507.S65 S652 1993 Sondheim, a celebration at Carnegie Hall.
M1520.D44 S95 2007 Sylvia.
M1520.S77 P84 2006 Pulcinella : il segreto di Pulcinella.
M1520.T35 S54 2007 Sleeping beauty.
M1527.H57 H57 2009 久石譲 in 武道館 : 宮崎アニメと共に歩んだ25年間.
M1527 .S833 2001 Sweeney Todd : the demon barber of Fleet Street : in concert.
M1527.2.M67 E56 2009 Ennio Morricone : peace notes.
M1527.2.M67 M67 2006 Morricone conducts Morricone.
M1529.2.C33 M66 2006 Montserrat Caballé, José Carreras in Moscow.
M1529.2.P38 P38 2008 Pavarotti the duets.
M1530.K27 E43 2008 Eleni Karaindrou concert : elegy of the uprooting.
M1611.S58 N67 2007 Northern lights.
M1613.W47 H39 2004 Hayley Westenra : live from New Zealand.
M1619.B47 T47 2006 Teresa Berganza : live in concert.
M1619.C37 A74 2006 Arias & Misa criolla.
M1621.4.H67 M37 2007 Marilyn Horne : in concert.
M1621.4.M33 S66 2007 Lieder = Songs.
M1621.4.S27 C45 2000 Christine Schäfer.
M1621.4.S3 F56 2005 Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau : accompagné par Christoph Eschenbach dans un recital Franz Schubert, Die schöne Müllerin = La belle meunière.
M1621.4.S3 W56 2008 Winterreise.
M1625.P76 P4 2007 Peter and the wolf : a Prokofiev fantasy.
M1627 .C37 2004 Carry it on : a musical legacy.
M1627 .J85 v.1-5 The JVC video anthology of world music and dance. East Asia .
M1627 .J85 v.6-10 The JVC video anthology of world music and dance. Southeast Asia .
M1627 .J85 v.11-15 The JVC video anthology of world music and dance. South Asia .
M1627 .J85 v.16-19 The JVC video anthology of world music and dance. Middle East & Africa .
M1627 .J85 v.20-22 The JVC video anthology of world music and dance. Europe .
M1627 .J85 v.23-26 The JVC video anthology of world music and dance. Soviet Union .
M1627 .J85 v.27-28 The JVC video anthology of world music and dance. The Americas .
M1627 .J85 v.29-30 The JVC video anthology of world music and dance. Oceania .
M1627 .N63 2003 The Nobel Peace Prize Concert.
諾貝爾和平獎演唱會 2002
M1629 .H57 2006 Historic folk music films.
Classic American folk music films
M1629.3.C5 T47 2000 The three tenors Christmas.
M1629.3.C5 T47 2000b The three tenors Christmas.
M1630.18 .A17 2004 46664 : the concert.
M1630.18.A55 E94 1998 An evening with Paul Anka.
M1630.18.B43 B43 2000 Beastie Boys video anthology.
M1630.18.B63 A53 2006 Andrea Bocelli : under the desert sky.
M1630.18.B74 D73 2013 Dreamchaser in concert.
M1630.18.B74 L86 2001 La luna : live in concert.
M1630.18.B74 S36 2006 Sarah Brightman : diva, the video collection.
M1630.18.B74 S375 2004 Sarah Brightman : the Harem world tour live from Las Vegas.
M1630.18.B74 S97 2008 Symphony : live in Vienna.
M1630.18.B768 B58 2007 The blues of Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown.
M1630.18.C375 C37 2003 Carpenters : interpretations.
M1630.18.C53 E65 1999 Eric Clapton : Birmingham, England, July 1986.
M1630.18.D37 D37 2003 The dark side of the moon.
M1630.18.D54 E94 2003 An Evening With Marlene Dietrich.
M1630.18.D58 D595 2006 Il Divo : live.
M1630.18.G76 A94 2008 Awake live.
M1630.18.G76 J68 2004 Josh Groban live at the Greek.
M1630.18 .H578 2004 The history of rock 'n' roll.
M1630.18.H58 S76 2000 Storefront Hitchcock.
M1630.18.H68 W45 2008 Whitney : the greatest hits.
M1630.18.J35 M53 2010 Michael Jackson's This is it.
M1630.18.J35 N863 2003 Number ones.
M1630.18.J64 E77 2001 The essential video collection.
M1630.18.K45 K45 1997 Kenny greatest hits : video collection.
M1630.18 .L37 2002 The last waltz.
M1630.18.L43 L43 2003 Led Zeppelin.
M1630.18.M34 C44 2009 Celebration : the video collection.
M1630.18.M34 S74 2010 Sticky & sweet tour.
M1630.18.M39 J64 2003 John Mayer : any given Thursday.
M1630.18.M43 P38 2002 Paul McCartney back in the U.S. : concert film.
M1630.18.M445 E94 2004 Exhibitionist.
M1630.18.M54 S545 2004 Simon & Garfunkel, old friends : live on stage.
M1630.18.P49 B47 1999 Bernadette Peters in concert.
M1630.18 .P743 1999 The Prince's Trust rock gala 1990.
M1630.18.R47 I25 2001 Icky flix.
M1630.18 .R6199 2006 Rhythm and blues revue.
Historic rhythm & blues revue film (1955)
M1630.18.S56 F725 1999 Frank Sinatra : a man and his music.
M1630.18.S74 T86 2000 Two against nature : Steely Dan's plush TV jazz-rock party in sensuous surround sound.
M1630.18.S77 T56 2001 Timeless : live in concert.
M1630.18.T39 P85 2002 Pull over.
M1630.18.T825 T56 1998 Tina Turner live in Amsterdam : wildest dreams tour.
M1630.18 .W673 2009 Words for the dying : in distant lands on musical roads Cale and Eno find Dylan Thomas.
M1630.2.B38 B42 1998 The Beach Boys, Nashville sounds : the making of stars and stripes.
M1630.2.C37 C37 2002 Carpenters gold : greatest hits.
M1679.18.D56 A55 2000 All the way-- : a decade of song and video.
M1680 .J85 2005 The JVC Smithsonian Folkways video anthology of music and dance of the Americas.
M1688.A718 L58 2007 Live from Buenos Aires.
M1698 .J85 2005 The JVC Smithsonian Folkways video anthology of music and dance of Europe.
M1731.18.L44 M53 2006 Michel Legrand : live in Brussels.
M1731.18.L44 M53 2010 Michel Legrand : live in Brussels.
布魯塞爾音樂會 : 米榭李葛蘭
M1735.18.R33 M39 2007 Max Raabe & Palast Orchester.
M1741.18.C58 C53 2001 Charlotte Church : enchantment.
M1741.18.C65 F33 2000 Face value.
M1741.18.D87 G74 2003 Greatest.
M1741.18.J65 O64 2001 One night only : the greatest hits live.
M1741.18.K55 D45 1999 Deja VROOOM.
M1741.18.L46 C66 2002 Come together : a night for John Lennon's words & music .
M1741.18.R65 R655 2000 Rolling Stones live at the Max.
M1741.18 .U43 2005 Umbrellas in the Sun : Crepuscule/Factory Benelux DVD 1979-1987.
M1741.2.B68 D38 1999 David Bowie, Glass spider.
M1744 .C44 2005 The Celtic spirit : inspirational concerts.
M1744 .F76 2007 From Clare to here : Irish music at home and abroad.
M1745.18.C67 B47 2002 The best of the Corrs.
M1746.C34 O5 2005 On a beautiful Scottish evening.
M1749.18.B63 A53 2013 Andrea Bocelli : love in Portofino.
M1757.18 .K15 2007 K otechestvu s l︠i︡ubovʹ︠i︡u.
To Russia with love
M1779.L83 P33 2004 Paco de Lucia & group.
M1780.18.M43 V53 2003 Los videos.
M1780.18 .O64 2002 Operacion Triunfo.
M1780.18.O74 O745 2002 La Oreja de van Gogh.
M1780.18.P74 V53 2001 Ios videos.
M1804 .C43 2004 长篇弹词玉蜻蜓.
M1804 .C456 2013 禪琴不二.
M1804 .D26 2006 大地飞歌 = Flying songs on earth.
M1804 .G46 2006 更生星光樂飛翔音樂會 = A note to new life : the concert 2006.
M1804 .S54 2004 神弹子 : 长篇弹词.
M1805 .G36 2007 钢琴伴唱《红灯记》.
M1805.18 .A16 1999 20 世紀光輝印記原裝 Music Video 卡拉 OK.
M1805.18 .A88 2008 ATV 50 周年經典電視劇主題曲 karaoke = ATV 50th karaoke.
M1805.18 .B36 1999 寶麗金 99 超量級精選 MTV 卡拉 OK = 99 superhits.
M1805.18.B48 B475 2003 Beyond 20/20 : 精選卡拉 OK 20 首.
M1805.18.B48 B48 1999 Beyond 原裝卡拉 OK 金曲精選 DVD.
M1805.18.B48 B49 2005 Beyond : the story live 2005.
M1805.18.C38 D86 2010 Duo : 陳奕迅 2010 演唱會.
M1805.18.C39 Q25 2013 傾城 : 陳潔儀 X 趙增熹音樂會 = An enchanted evening withKit Chan & Chiu Tsang Hei featuring the HK Citypops.
M1805.18.C45 Y68 1999 友個人演唱會 1999 卡拉 OK = Jacky Cheung live concert '99.
M1805.18.C45 Z35 2003 世界巡迴凱歌張學友音樂之旅壓軸篇.
M1805.18.C45 Z45 1999 摯情.
M1805.18 .G83 1998 顧嘉煇, 黃霑眞友情演唱會.
M1805.18.G836 G8 2011 古巨基 amazing world 世界巡迴演唱會 : 香港站.
M1805.18.H83 C66 2012 Concert YY : 黃偉文作品展.
M1805.18.H83 M56 2012 明日之歌廳 : 黃耀明唱顧嘉煇.
M1805.18 .J57 2006 金曲情牽半世紀演唱會.
M1805.18.K86 B35 1999 百事郭富城一變傾城演唱會 98 = Pepsi Aaron Kwok live in concert 1998.
M1805.18.K86 G86 1998 郭富城最精彩的卡拉 OK 精選 1998 = The best choice of Aaron Kwok karaoke special 1998.
M1805.18 .L3 2011 《拉濶音樂會》梁漢文 x 楊千嬅 x 陳奕迅 = Music Is Live. Edmond Leung, Miriam Yeung, Eason Chan.
M1805.18.L38 L58 2011 劉德華 Unforgettable : concert 2010.
M1805.18 .L4 2007 麗的亞視半世紀精彩演唱會.
M1805.18.L48 A185 1999 903 加州紅紅人館狂熱份子音樂會.
M1805.18.L5 L53 2005 黎明 : 1 個故事.
M1805.18.L55 L53 2011 Light up my live 林峯 concert 2011.
M1805.18.M44 M44 2014 梅艷芳 = Mui music show.
M1805.18.T46 A16 1998 1995 鄧麗君懷念精選.
M1805.18.T85 T85 2010 Twins 人人彈起演唱會 2010.
M1805.18.W96 W965 1999 Wynnere 25th anniversary concert 1998.
M1805.18.X83 N362 2003 難忘許冠傑 Sam Hui 30 年 : 1974-2003.
M1805.18.Y4 Y4 2005 葉德嫻星之旅演唱會 = Deanie Ip journey to the stars.
M1805.18.Y48 Y36 2004 楊千嬅 MV karaoke DVD.
M1805.18.Y86 R66 2004 容祖兒演唱會 = Joey Yung live show up.
M1805.18.Z345 G36 2011 港樂 & 張敬軒交響音樂會 = HKPO x Hins.
M1805.18.Z348 P74 2010 Private corner : Jacky Cheung 張學友 mini concert.
M1805.18.Z348 X84 2008 學友光年世界巡迴演唱會07 = The year of Jacky Cheung world tour 07.
M1805.18.Z35 L68 2010 Love Mi : 鄭秀文 Sammi 世界巡迴演唱會香港站.
M1805.18.Z35 S35 2003 Sammi 完全精采卡拉 OK 精選 DVD.
M1805.2.C5 H85 1997 慧嫻.港樂奇妙旅程'97演唱會卡拉OK = Musical encounters with Priscilla and the Philharmonic '97 concert karaoke.
M1805.2.L48 L5 2011 李克勤, 香港小交響樂團 : 演奏廳 2011 = Hacken Lee and Hong Kong Sinfonietta.
M1805.2.L56 L562 2004 林子祥花都情懷 Karaoke DVD.
M1805.2.L56 L564 1997 林子祥寄廿載情演唱會.
M1805.2.L62 L86 1998 羅文情繫佛羅內斯 = Roman and the Voronezh State SymphonyOrchestra Karaoke DVD.
M1805.2.T3 Y66 1997 永恆的珍譚詠麟 97 金曲回歸演唱會/卡拉OK = Alan Tam '97 live concert / karaoke.
M1805.2.X8 J57 1998 金光燦爛徐小鳳演唱會 '89 卡拉 OK.
M1805.2.Y46 G36 1998 港樂, 葉麗儀獻出眞善美音樂會 '98.
M1805.2.Z5 Z542 2001 張國榮告別樂壇演唱會 = Final encounter of the legend.
M1805.3 .D8 2005 杜近芳专辑.
M1805.3 .J55 2004 京, 津, 沪京剧名家演唱会.
M1805.3 .L527 2005 李世济专辑.
M1805.3 .M45 2004 梅兰芳.
M1805.3 .Q255 2014 乾旦路 = My way.
M1805.3 .S54 2005 尚小云.
M1805.4.G83 K638 2008 蓋鳴暉 & 香港中樂團演唱會 = Koi Ming-fai & HKCO live concert.
M1805.4.G83 K639 2005 蓋鳴暉 & 香港中樂團. 演唱會 2005 = Koi Ming-fai & HKCO. Live concert 2005.
M1805.4.G83 K64 2008 蓋鳴暉 & 香港中樂團. 演唱會 = Koi Ming-fai & HICO. Live concert.
M1805.4.G83 K644 2009 蓋鳴暉至尊小曲卡拉 OK 20 首.
M1805.4.G83 N36 2000 南唐李後主.
M1805.4.G83 R46 2004 任劍輝舞台剪影.
M1805.4.G83 X56 2005 星月爭輝.
M1805.4.Z54 T534 2007 天道正义.
M1806 .M44 2008 美好台灣 = Ilha Formosa.
M1806 .W65 2005 我的部落我的歌 = My Home, my song.
M1807.18.C45 R8 2012 如果有一天我不在, 樹在 : 音樂人陳志遠紀念演唱會.
Made in Taiwan
M1807.18.L53 L47 2007 李宗盛的理性与感性世界巡迴作品音楽会.
M1807.18.S8 D36 2013 當我們一起走過 = Walk Together Live.
M1807.18.W8 D54 2010 D.N.A. : 五月天(創造)演唱會影音全紀錄 DVD = DNA World Tour in live DVD.
M1807.18.Z45 Z45 2011 周杰倫超時代演唱會 = Jay Chou, the Era 2010 World Tour.
M1813.2.H36 A15 2011 50 singles : live selection.
M1813.2.U73 W56 2011 Wild life : 2010.12.8-9 Yokohama Arena.
M1824.I5 M67 2007 Bhima Swarga : the journey of the soul from Hell to Heaven.
M1830 .J85 2005 The JVC Smithsonian Folkways video anthology of music and dance of Africa.
M1977.S5 L83 2006 Lucky Strike musical short featuring Frank Sinatra.
Classic Lucky Strike film with Frank Sinatra (1950)
M1990 .N54 2010 日本童謠 : 子供のための無数の美しい詩の後ろの葉 = Japanese nursey rhyme.
M2000 .A73 2005 Ascension oratorios.
M2000.B315 J64 2006 Johannes-Passion = St. John Passion = Passion selon Saint Jean.
M2000.B315 J64 2007 Johannes-Passion : St. John Passion : BWV 245.
M2000.B315 M342 2006 Matthäus-Passion = St. Matthew Passion = Passion selon Saint Matthieu.
M2000.B315 M342 2006b Matthäus Passion.
M2000.H36 M472 2003 Messiah : the 250th anniversary performance.
M2000.H38 S36 2007 Die Schöpfung = The creation.
M2000.M69 A35 2006 Airs sacrés.
M2000 .Y68 2006 The young Messiah : Messiah XXI.
M2010.B33 M37 2006 Mass in B minor, BWV 232 = Messe in H-Moll.
M2010.B33 M37 2006b The Mass in B minor, BWV 232 : in the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris.
M2010.B33 M37 2006c Messe in h-moll, BWV 232 = Mass in B minor, BWV 232.
M2010.B42 M532 2006 Missa solemnis : concert for the reopening of the Frauenkirche in Dresden.
M2010.B42 M532 2008 Missa solemnis : op. 123.
M2010.B42 M533 2008 Missa solemnis ; Choral fantasy ; The creatures of Prometheus.
M2010.B72 D48 1999 A German Requiem op. 45.
M2010.B72 D48 2007 Karl Richter.
M2010.B72 D48 2008 Ein Deutsches Requiem.
M2010.D86 R462 2006 Requiem, op. 89.
M2010.M69 M37 2006 Mozart Grosse Messe C-moll = Great Mass in C minor ; Ave verum corpus ; Exsultate, jubilate.
M2010.M69 R46 2005 Requiem, K. 626.
M2010.M69 R46 2006 Requiem.
M2010.M69 R46 2007 Mozart Requiem.
M2010.V47 M472 2005 Messa da requiem ; Quattro pezzi sacri.
M2010.V47 M472 2007 Messa da Requiem : per soli cor e orchestra.
M2014.6.M66 V47 2003 Vespers of the blessed Virgin.
M2020.V58 G55 2006 Gloria & other sacred music.
M2021.B3 J64 2006 J.S. Bach : St. John Passion.
M2062 .A93 2002 Ave Verum : popular choral classics.
M2065 .C58 2002 Christmas with Chanticleer.
M2065.V63 V635 2003 A Vocal Majority Christmas.
M2102.B63 S232 1999 Sacred arias.
M2102.F55 R46 2006 Renée Fleming: Sacred songs : from Mainz Cathedral.
M6537.W28 A535 2004 Andy Warhol.
ML50.P645 A7 2008 Assassinio nella cattedrale.
ML160 .H69 2008 Howard Goodall's big bangs.
ML197 .L438 2004 Leaving home : orchestral music in the 20th century.
ML240 .C53 2007 Classical destinations : an armchair guide to classical music.
ML336.5 .L58 2005 留聲 : 華人音樂家.
ML340.1 .D572 2006 Discovering the music of Japan.
ML390 .G73 2007 The great composers.
ML390 .M48 2006 The matchstick man : György Kurtág ; The seventh door : Peter Eötvös.
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.1 巴赫 = Johann Sebastian Bach.
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.2 韓爾德 = George Friedrich Haendel.
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.3 海頓 = Franz Joseph Haydn.
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.4 莫扎特 = Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.5 貝多芬 = Ludwig van Beethoven.
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.6 舒伯特 = Franz Schubert.
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.7 孟德爾頌 = Felix Mendelssohn.
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.8 舒曼 = Robert Schumann ; 布拉姆斯 = Johannes Brahms.
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.9 李斯特 = Franz Liszt ; 蕭邦 = Frederic Chopin.
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.10 威爾第 = Giuseppe Verdi ; 普契尼 = Giacomo Puccini.
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.11 柴可夫斯基 = Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky.
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.12 浪漫音樂大師 = Romantic musicians.
ML390 .T63 2006 A trail on the water : Abbado, Nono, Pollini.
ML397 .A77 1999 The art of piano : great pianists of the 20th century.
ML398 .M87 2007 A musical quartet.
ML398.S74 F762 2000 From Mao to Mozart : Isaac Stern in China.
ML399 .I725 2010 It might get loud.
ML400 .T84 2014 Twenty feet from stardom.
伴唱人生 : 聚光燈外 20 呎
ML405 .C34 2009 Cadillac records.
ML410.A648 A64 2006 Aperghis : tempête sous un crâne.
ML410.B26 B287 2000z Bartok's Sonata for two pianos and percussion.
ML410.B4 B25 2006 Barenboim on Beethoven : the complete piano sonatas live from Berlin : 8 concerts.
ML410.B4 E76 2003 Eroica.
ML410.B42 B44 2006 Beethoven's Eroica.
ML410.B5 B47 2009 Berlioz Symphonie fantastique.
ML410.C24 O63 2006 One¹¹ ; and 103.
ML410.C64 L46 2009 Leonard Cohen : I'm your man.
ML410.D416 M66 2002 Mon cinéma pour l'oreille : la musique concrète de Francis Dhomont et Paul Lansky.
ML410.G398 G53 2009 Glass : a portrait of Philip in twelve parts.
ML410.G9 L44 2007 Leif Ove Andsnes : ballad for Edvard Grieg.
ML410.H4 I52 2012 In search of Haydn.
ML410.H46 P54 2007 Pierre Henry, ou, L'art des sons.
ML410.L54 W6 2013 我心在飛舞 : 第卅二屆行政院文化獎得獎人李泰祥先生紀錄片 = Flying with my heart : the 32nd National Cultural Award Laureate Li Tai-Hsiang's documentary film.
ML410.M23 L58 2007 The little drummer boy : an essay on Gustav Mahler.
ML410.M9 G74 2005 The great composers. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.
ML410.M9 I5 2005 In search of Mozart.
ML410.P176 E5357 2006 Enclosure. 7 : Harry Partch.
ML410.P176 E5358 2007 Enclosure. 8.
ML410.P45 H55 2005 The Hilliard Ensemble in Thy kiss of a divine nature : the contemporary Perotin : a film.
ML410.P579 P53 2007 The next tango : Astor Piazzolla in conversation and in concert.
ML410.S3 T76 2005 The trout ; The greatest love & the greatest sorrow.
ML410.S53 W37 2005 The war symphonies : Shostakovich against Stalin.
ML410.S54 J432 2006 Jean Sibelius : the early years ; maturity & silence.
ML410.U45 F74 2007 Fremde passagiere : auf den Spuren von Viktor Ullmann = Estranged passengers : in search of Viktor Ullmann.
ML410.V484 T735 2008 La traviata : love and sacrifice.
ML417.B74 A43 2011 Alfred Brendel on music : three lectures.
ML417.B74 A44 2007 Alfred Brendel plays and introduces Schubert piano works .
ML417.G68 H47 2006 Hereafter = Au delà du temps.
ML417.G85 S6 2007 So what?! : Friedrich Gulda.
ML417.H856 Y56 2010 音樂人生 = KJ.
KJ : music and life
ML417.J37 K45 2010 Keith Jarrett : the art of improvisation.
凱斯・傑瑞特 : 即興創作藝術
ML417.L36 L36 2006 Lang Lang : dragon songs.
ML417.M846 T474 2001 Thelonious Monk, straight no chaser.
ML418.D85 J33 2007 Jacqueline du Pré : a celebration.
ML418.H44 H45 2004 Heifetz in performance.
ML418.M27 Y44 2005 Yehudi Menuhin : le violon du siecle : album - souvenir.
ML418.M4 N38 2007 Nathan Milstein : in portrait (some memories of a quiet magician).
ML418.O37 D38 1998 David Oistrakh : artist of the people?
ML418.V365 M39 2007 Maxim Vengerov : living the dream.
ML419.L83 P33 2003 Paco de Lucia : Francisco Sánchez.
ML419.S54 J35 2013 Jake Shimabukuro : life on four strings.
傑克島袋 : 烏克麗麗神人
ML420.C18 E84 2007 The eternal Maria Callas.
ML420.C25 M6 1998 The original three tenors concert.
ML420.C259 C37 2004 Caruso, voice of the century.
ML420.C265 J646 2007 Johnny Cash : music in review.
ML420.C468 Z45 2003 張國榮最後的謝幕.
ML420.D46 H4 2005 何日君再來 : 鄧麗君 10 週年祭.
ML420.D98 D68 2010 Down the tracks : the music that influenced Bob Dylan.
ML420.D98 N6 2005 No direction home : Bob Dylan.
ML420.F51 A78 2005 The art of Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau.
ML420.F545 R45 2002 Renée Fleming.
ML420.H167 G46 2011 George Harrison : living in the material world.
ML420.H66 A7 2012 阿爸 : 思慕的人.
ML420.J175 M557 2011 Michael Jackson : the life of an icon.
一代天王 : 米高積遜
ML420.J225 J36 2003 Jandek on Corwood.
ML420.L185 B43 2010 Behind the poker face.
ML420.L38 J64 2011 John Lennon : love is all you need.
ML420.L38 L46 2013 Lennonyc.
約翰藍儂 : 紐約城瞬間
ML420.L46 I432 2005 Imagine : John Lennon.
ML420.N67 J47 2008 Jessye Norman : a portrait.
ML420.R637 S43 2013 Searching for Sugar Man.
ML420.S55 M33 2006 Made in America.
ML420.S856 S55 2003 Sting : inside : the songs of sacred love.
ML420.V37 J84 2007 Julia Varady : song of passion ; Wagner recital with Viktoria Postnikova.
ML420.W96 F75 2006 Fritz Wunderlich, Leben und Legende = Life and legend.
ML421.B4 B4 2003 The Beatles anthology.
ML421.C28 C5 1998 Close to you : remembering the Carpenters.
ML421.K48 F53 2006 Der flamenco clan.
ML421.L393 S58 2013 Shut up and play the hits.
ML421.P47 K68 2013 The punk syndrome.
搖滾吧! 唐氏龐克哥
ML421.P48 P48 2006 Pet Shop Boys : a life in pop.
ML421.R64 G555 2000 Gimme shelter.
ML421.R64 S95 2003 Sympathy for the Devil.
ML421.R64 S952 2006 Sympathy for the Devil.
ML422.N33 K46 2007 Kent Nagano : Neue wege, neue Klänge : ein Porträt = Kent Nagano : seeking new ways.
ML422.R52 L43 2006 The legacy of Karl Richter.
ML422.T67 A3 2004 Toscanini, the maestro.
ML422.W285 G78 2004 Günter Wand : my life, my music.
ML423.B52 M334 2007 Mademoiselle.
ML424.R83 V57 2006 A visit to Wurlitzer.
Vintage Wurlitzer Jukebox Factory tour film
ML458 .K43 2007 Kent Nagano conducts classical masterpieces. Beethoven : Symphony no. 3 in E flat major, op. 55 "Eroica".
ML458 .K44 2007 Kent Nagano conducts classical masterpieces. Brahms : Symphony no. 4 in E minor, op. 98.
ML458 .K46 2007 Kent Nagano conducts classical masterpieces. Schumann : Symphony no. 3 in E flat major, op. 97 "The Rhenish".
ML458 .K47 2007 Kent Nagano conducts classical masterpieces. Strauss : an Alpine symphony : op. 64.
ML531 .Z43 2010z 中国古代乐器.
ML531.2 .Z45 2006 中国古代乐器(上,下).
ML1015.C5 H344 2010 海角琹心 = Heart of qin in Hong Kong.
ML1092 .M66 2005 Moog.
ML1218.V48 C376 2008 The promise of music.
ML1249.8.L82 S395 2007 Lucerne Festival Orchestra : the first 5 years : Claudio Abbado.
ML1251.T288 T34 2012 築夢・逐夢 : 我就是愛國樂.
ML1351.H85 D3 2002 大你 = Dare ya!
ML1351.R66 B73 2012 The brassy bands.
ML1380 .M635 1998 Modulations : cinema for the ear.
ML1380 .P34 2006 pd~ release 01.
ML1700 .E53 2008 Les enfants de l'Opéra de Pékin = Die kinder der Peking -oper.
ML2075 .B472 2007 Bernard Herrmann.
ML2075 .G462 2007 Georges Delerue.
ML2075 .H6572 2000z The Hollywood sound.
ML2075 .L54 2007 Lights, action, music.
ML2951.C648 H667 2010 唐少偉教授感恩分享 40 年 : 童聲 10 載响噹噹音樂會.
ML3187 .S76 2004 The story of gospel music : the power in the voice.
ML3477 .W39 2004 The way the music died.
ML3502.T26 T53 2004 跳舞時代 = Vival tonal, the dance age.
ML3503.C688 K564 2011 Benda Bilili.
ML3503.Z55 M87 2010 Music by Prudence.
ML3509.C6 A8 2013 As time goes by in Shanghai.
ML3521 .L54 2010 Lightning in a bottle.
ML3531 .F74 2004e Freestyle : the art of rhyme.
ML3531 .S39 2002 Scratch.
ML3534.3 .O54 2006 One for the money : the birth of rock 'n' roll.
ML3534.6.C45 W37 2010 Wasted orient : brewed for bros : about Joyside.
ML3540.5 .D5 2001 DJ QBert's Wave twisters.
ML3561.J3 B658 2002 Blues masters : the essential history of the blues.
ML3600.6 .W46 2003 Whose is this song?
ML3621.I58 I57 2000 The Internationale.
ML3776 .W4 2004 We want the light.
ML3792.F33 S53 2006 Shadowplayers : Factory Records and Manchester post- punk 1978-81.
ML3820 .M87 2009 The music instinct : science & song.
MT1 .A6967 2014 안녕?! 오케스트라 = Hello?! Orchestra.
MT1 .H724 2010 香港音樂教育研討會 2010.
MT3.V4 S57 2009 El sistema.
MT7 .U53 2007 Understanding the fundamentals of music.
MT90 .H57 2006 Historic music appreciation film.
MT90 .H69 2006 How to listen to and understand great music.
MT95 .H69 1997 How to listen to and understand opera.
MT130.B68 E26 2006 Eclat.
MT145.B42 B37 2006 Barenboim on Beethoven : the masterclasses : 6 films / directed by Allan Miller.
MT165 .P53 2011 Pianomania.
MT180 .M53 2005 v.1 Michel Chapuis notes personnelles. Volume 1, 18è sciècle Français : dynastie Clicquot.
MT180 .M53 2005 v.2 Michel Chapuis notes personnelles. Volume 2, Improvisations dans le style romantique : orgues Cavaillé-Coll.
MT418 .C36 2003 Inside brass : strings, winds and all that brass ; master class ; brass spectacular.
MT723 .M87 2006 Music animation machine : DVD #1.
MT955 .T87 2002 The Turandot project.