Class M | DVD List |
Call Number | Title |
M1 .A52 2002 | Anchortronic : 5.1 laboratory for updating experimental sound. |
M1.A53 C55 2008 | Claudio Abbado in concert. |
M1 .L57 2006 | Listen with your eyes : sampler 2007. |
M1 .P94 2007 | Prometheus : musical variations on a myth. |
M1 .S57 2007 | Sir Georg Solti, the maestro. |
M1.S65 U65 1995 | United Nations 50th anniversary concert. |
M1 .U57 2006 | Unrivaled! : legendary musicians in rare film footage with sound. |
M3.1.B33 B33 2006 | Bach : greatest hits. |
M3.1.B33 E87 2007 | The essential Bach. |
M3.1.B33 S95 2006 | Swinging Bach : Bobby McFerrin and guests. |
M3.1.G75 P74 2006 | La petite musique de Marie-Antoinette : un film. |
M3.1.M69 C66 2006 | Concert from the Stephansdom, Vienna : a concert of WienMozart 2006. |
M3.1 .M693 2006 | Mozart greatest hits. |
M3.1.P68 F73 2005 | Francis Poulenc & friends. |
M5 .S44 2005 | See how great they sound! : the classics DVD sampler 2004/2005. |
M6.T73 G73 2007 | The grand organ of Liverpool Cathedral : a recital by Ian Tracey. |
M20.C526 A43 2006 | Aldo Ciccolini. |
M21.B47 B67 2007 | Boris Berezovsky : change of plans. |
M21.C87 C55 2007 | Clifford Curzon : the BBC recitals. |
M21.G55 E45 2007 | Emil Gilels, recital : Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Schumann. |
M21.L364 L58 2010 | Live in Vienna. |
M21.L525 Y84 2009 | 李雲迪. |
M21.L525 Y86 2005 | Yundi Li : live in concert. |
M21.P64 I8 2007 | Ivo Pogorelich in Castello Reale di Racconigi : Chopin, Haydn, Mozart. |
M22.C45 F73 2004 | Fredric Francois Chopin. |
M22.C45 L53 2000 | 14th International Frederick Chopin Piano Competition : Warsaw, Poland October 2000. |
M22.C45 M53 2006 | Michelangeli plays Chopin. |
M22.H36 S3 2006 | Piano works. |
M23 .A77 2007 | Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli. |
M23.B43 B374 2007 | Piano sonatas. Volume 3, concerts 5 & 6. |
M23.B43 B375 2007 | Piano sonatas. Volume 4, concerts 7 & 8. |
M24.L77 A67 2006 | Années de pèlerinage : première année, Suisse ; deuxième année, Italie. |
M25.L56 L57 2011 | Liszt now. |
M25.L56 T74 2007 | A tribute to Italy. |
M27.B33 G67 2000 | The Goldberg variations. |
M27.B33 G67 2007 | Goldberg : from Villa Trissino Marzotto, Trissino (Vicenza) : Andrea Bacchetti performs J.S. Bach Goldberg variations : BWV 988. |
M32.8.K57 Y48 2008 | Yevgeny Kissin, Franz Schubert, Franz Liszt, Johann Sebastian Bach . |
M40.G37 R63 2010 | Rock symphonies : live on a summer night. |
M52.B33 M34 1998 | Yo-Yo Ma, inspired by Bach. |
M52.B33 Y36 2005 | Sechs Suiten Violoncello solo BWV 1007-1012 = 6 suites for violoncello, BWV 1007-1012. |
M110.S6 G86 2008 | 郭雅志的吹管世界 : 嗩吶傳奇 = The wonderful winds of GuoYazhi : the suona story. |
M125.K365 W55 2006 | William Kanengiser. |
M125.P47 G84 2006 | Guitar recital : four hundred years of music in the classical guitar. |
M126.A93 C55 2006 | Classic guitar artistry. |
M126.M37 M37 2003 | Martha Masters, GFA winner 2000. |
M142.C49 L855 2012 | 羅晶的箏情世界 = Luo Jing's world of zhengs. |
M178.B33 J75 2004 | J.S. Bach : famous chamber works. |
M214 .H36 2007 | Hangverseny a Pleyel Duplazongorán. |
M219.M68 S66 2006 | The violin sonatas. |
M219.S84 I5 2007 | In recital. |
M230 .L44 2007 | Legendary British performers. |
M233.H57 W57 2003 | A wish to the moon : Joe Hisaishi & 9 cellos : 2003 etude & encore tour. 久石讓 : 月光星願2003年巡迴演奏會 |
M241.R35 J43 2007 | Jean-Pierre Rampal. |
M292.C37 C37 2008 | The Castellani-Andriaccio Duo. |
M312 .B43 2007 | Complete piano trios. |
M312.4 .Q44 2006 | Musical treasures of the 17th century. |
M451.S38 S75 2005 | String quartet no. 14 in D minor, D 810 : Death and the maiden. |
M452.B38 T33 2006 | Takacs play Bartok : from Hatchlands Park. |
M452.B44 A43 2005 | Beethoven string quartets. Volume 3. |
M452.T34 T34 2006 | Takács Quartet : Bethoven, Schubert, Haydn. |
M958 .G73 2007 | Gran fanfare. |
M1000 .A43 2008 | An American in Paris ; Rhapsody in blue. |
M1000 .A77 2013 | ARTiViva Gala Concert = 藝綻獻禮 : 演藝菁華音樂會. |
M1000.B46 D53 2004 | Ludwig van Beethoven. |
M1000.B48 G35 1998 | Gala from Berlin : a tribute to Carmen. |
M1000.B48 H47 2009 | Herbert von Karajan memorial concert. 永遠的指揮帝王 : 卡拉揚 100 歲冥誕紀念音樂會 |
M1000.B48 W35 1993 | Russische Nacht = Russian night. |
M1000.B48 W35 1995 | Amerikanische Nacht = American night. |
M1000.B48 W35 1996 | Italienische Nacht = Italian night. |
M1000.B48 W35 1997 | St. Petersburger Nacht = St. Petersburg night. |
M1000.B48 W35 1998 | Lateinamerikanische Nacht = Latin American night. |
M1000.B48 W35 1999 | Eine romantische Opernnacht = A romantic opera night. |
M1000.B67 D38 2006 | Dawn & Siegfried's Rhine journey ; Siegfried idyll. |
M1000.B72 B47 2007 | Academic festival overture : Haydn variations ; Serenade no. 2 ; Tragic overture. |
M1000.C48 C45 2006 | Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Daniel Barenboim. |
M1000.C57 C37 2007 | Carnegie Hall opening night, 2006 : the Cleveland Orchestra. |
M1000 .C63 2007 | Concert du nouvel an 2007 à Saint Pétersbourg. |
M1000.E84 S66 2014 | Sommernachts konzert 2014 = Summer night concert 2014. |
M1000 .E876 1996 | Europakonzert der Berliner Philharmoniker 1996 = European concert by the Berliner Philharmoniker 1996. |
M1000 .E876 1999 | Europakonzert 1999, Berliner Philharmoniker = European concert 1999, Berliner Philharmoniker. |
M1000 .E876 2000 | Europakonzert 2000 aus der Philharmonie, Berlin = European concert 2000 from the Philharmonie, Berlin. |
M1000.G48 K87 2007 | Kurt Masur : gala concert on the occasion of his 80th birthday. |
M1000 .G8 2006 | 古典音樂速成 : 音樂詞彙笑療法易. |
M1000.G86 L56 2011 | 聆聽璀璨樂音 : 邁入古典音樂的殿堂 = Listen to the spectacle of sounds : entering the palace of classical music. |
M1000.J37 M34 2008 | Maestro Neeme Järvi 70th birthday jubilee. |
M1000.K83 R36 2007 | Raphael Kubelik : a portrait. |
M1000.M45 Q253 2013 | 千水情. |
M1000.M68 H66 2006 | A Moazart gala from Prague. |
M1000.M68 M38 2006 | Marriner conducts Mozart. |
M1000.M68 M68 2007 | Mozart : concert at St. George Abbey. |
M1000.M68 S65 2006 | Spirits of Mozart. |
M1000.M68 V85 2006 | Symphony no. 41 : "Jupiter" ; Piano concerto no. 20 ; Divertimento K. 113. |
M1000.M68 W64 2008 | Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. |
M1000.M86 C45 2007 | Charles Munch. |
M1000.N33 R45 2006 | Rhythm and dance. |
M1000 .N48 1991 | Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker. |
M1000 .N48 2004 | Neujahrskonzert 2004 = New Year's concert 2004. |
M1000 .N48 2005 | Neujahrskonzert 2005 = New Year's concert 2005. |
M1000 .N48 2006 | Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker 2006. |
M1000 .N48 2007 | Neujahrskonzert 2007 = New Year's concert 2007. |
M1000 .N48 2008 | Neujahrskonzert 2008 = New Year's concert 2008. |
M1000 .N48 2009 | Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker 2009. |
M1000 .N48 2010 | Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker 2010. |
M1000 .N48 2011 | Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker 2011 = New Year's concert 2011 = Concert du nouvel an 2011. 2011 年維也納新年音樂會 |
M1000 .N48 2012 | Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker 2012. |
M1000 .N48 2013 | Neujahrskonzert der Wiener Philharmoniker 2013. |
M1000 .N48 2014 | Neujahrskonzert 2014 = Neujahrskonzert 2014. |
M1000.N495 P9 2008 | The Pyongyang concert. |
M1000 .N53 2007 | Nikolaus Harnoncourt : Mozart, Schubert. |
M1000.N83 A14 2007 | 12 Girls Band live from Shanghai = 女子十二乐坊上海. |
M1000.N83 A152 2005 | 2005 絲綢之旅音樂會. |
M1000.N83 N829 2004 | 女子十二樂坊 = 12 Girls Band. |
M1000.N83 Q25 2003 | 奇迹 = Miracle live. |
M1000.N83 W45 2005 | White Christmas. |
M1000 .O84 2007 | Overture to Don Giovanni ; Piano concerto in D minor, K. 466. |
M1000 .Q25 2007 | 奇美音樂. 古典音樂家. 極緻系列 = Music from Chi-Mei. Classical music. Exquisite. |
M1000 .S544 2004 | 世紀名曲揭曉音樂會 = Golden Chinese classics of the century--winning selection in concert. 世紀中樂名曲頒獎音樂會 : 二十世紀最受樂迷歡迎中樂作品 |
M1000 .S63 2000 | Spanish festival. |
M1000.T34 P6 2007 | 破曉 = Breaking dawn. |
M1000 .T47 2005 v.1 | The Television concerts, 1948-52. Volume one. |
M1000 .T47 2005 v.2 | The Television concerts, 1948-52. Volume two. |
M1000 .T47 2005 v.3 | The Television concerts, 1948-52. Volume three. |
M1000 .T47 2005 v.4 | The Television concerts, 1948-52. Volume four. |
M1000.T59 C65 2003 | Concerts for peace : Giuseppe Sinopoli, conductor. |
M1000.T59 C66 2004 | Concerts for peace : Paavo Järvi, conductor. Paavo Järvi meets Elisabeth Leonaskaja |
M1000.T59 W64 2004 | Wolfgang Sawallisch conducts Dvořák and Tchaikovsky. |
M1000 .V57 2005 | Virtuosos of St. Petersburg. |
M1000.W36 N88 2006 | 王洛賓作品音樂專輯 = A tribute to Wang Luo Bin. |
M1000 .W53 2007 | Wien nach Noten. |
M1000.X53 G86 2009 v.1 | 從古典經典到現代情懷 : 香港中樂團音樂會. |
M1000.X53 G86 2009 v.2 | 與你共樂 : 香港中樂團音樂會. |
M1000.X53 M65 2003 | 明月星輝 : 香港中樂團銀禧音樂會 = Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra silver jubilee concert. |
M1000.X53 S52 2011 | 《山花醉》跨媒體中樂劇場. |
M1000 .X56 2011 | 《辛亥百年》紀念音樂會. |
M1000.Z36 Y84 2003 | 樂壇神筆 : 趙季平音樂精選之夜 = The magic notes of Zhao Jiping. |
M1001 .B4 no.9 2007 | Symphony no. 9 in D minor, op. 125 "Choral". |
M1001 .B4 op.60 2004 | Symphonies nos. 4 & 7. |
M1001.B44 B474 2008 | Symphonies nos. 1, 8 & 9. |
M1001.B44 B475 2008 | Symphonies nos. 2, 6 & 7. |
M1001.B44 B476 2008 | Symphonies nos. 3, 4 & 5. |
M1001.B44 K37 2005 | Symphonies. |
M1001.B47 S962 2006 | Symphonie fantastique ; Harold en Italie. |
M1001.B47 S962 2007 | Concerto sinfonico. |
M1001.B47 S962 2007b | Berlioz rediscovered. |
M1001.B72 B47 2007 | The symphonies. |
M1001 .B72 no.1-4 2008 | The symphonies. |
M1001 .B72 no.1&3 2006 | Symphonies nos. 1 & 3. |
M1001 .B78 no.4 2006 | Symphony no. 4 "Romantic". |
M1001 .B78 no.4 2012 | Symphony no. 4. |
M1001 .B78 no.5 2007 | Symphony no. 5 in B-flat major, WAB 105. |
M1001 .B78 no.5 2012 | Symphony no. 5. |
M1001 .B78 no.6 2012 | Celibidache conducts Bruckner Symphony no. 6 in A major . |
M1001 .B78 no.7 2006 | Sinfonie Nr. 7. |
M1001 .B78 no.7 2012 | Celibidache conducts Bruckner Symphony no. 7 in E major . |
M1001 .B78 no.7 2012b | Symphony no. 7. |
M1001 .B78 no.8 2005 | Symphony no. 8. |
M1001 .B78 no.8 2006 | Music and peace : World Philharmonic Orchestra plays in the Concert Hall, Stockholm, for UNICEF in homage to Alfred Nobel and his Foundation. |
M1001 .B78 no.8 2007 | Kent Nagano conducts classical masterpieces. Bruckner: Symphony no. 8 in C minor, WAB 108 (1890). |
M1001 .B78 no.8 2012 | Celibidache conducts Bruckner Symphony no. 8 in C minor . |
M1001 .B78 no.8-9 2008 | Symphonies 8 & 9 ; Te Deum. |
M1001 .B78 no.9 2005 | Symphony no. 9. |
M1001 .C43 2007 | Celibidache conducts Mozart & Schubert. |
M1001 .D86 no.9 2007 | Symphony no. 9 : "From the new world" (1893). |
M1001 .D86 no.9 2011 | Sergiu Celibidache in rehearsal and performance : Dvořák symphony no. 9 "From the new world", Prokofiev symphony no. 1 Classical". |
M1001 .E94 2005 | Eugen Jochum. |
M1001 .G86 2005 | Günter Wand. |
M1001 .I73 2000 | Italian festival. |
M1001.M33 B47 2005 | The Symphonies. |
M1001 .M33 no.1-2 2006 | Mahler 1 & 2. |
M1001 .M33 no.1 2006 | Symphonies 1 & 8. |
M1001 .M33 no.2 2006 | Vision Mahler. |
M1001 .M33 no.3 2006 | Mahler 3. |
M1001 .M33 no.4 2006b | Mahler 4 & 7. |
M1001 .M33 no.6 2007 | Symphony no. 6. |
M1001 .M33 no.7 2006 | Symphony no. 7 in E minor, "Lied der Nacht". |
M1001 .M46 no.2 2006 | Symphony no. 2 "Lobgesang". |
M1001 .M68 K550 1991 | Symphonies 40 & 41. |
M1001.M69 B64 2006 | Symphonies. I-III. |
M1001 .M69 no.41 2006 | Kent Nagano conducts classical masterpieces. 1 : Mozart Symphony no. 41 in C major, K 551 "Jupiter". |
M1001.M69 S96 2000 | Symphony no. 40 ; Symphony no. 28 ; Overtures. |
M1001.M69 S967 2007 | Symphony no. 41 : "Jupiter" (1788). |
M1001.N54 C66 2006 | Complete symphonies. |
M1001 .P76 no.5 2007 | Celibidache conducts Prokofiev & Strauss. |
M1001 .S37 no.5 2006 | Symphony no. 5. |
M1001 .S382 no.1-4 2009 | The symphonies. |
M1001 .S56 no.9 2006 | Symphony #9. |
M1001 .S56 op.54 2006 | Symphonies 6 & 9. |
M1001 .T34 no.1 2007 | The Tchaikovsky cycle. Volume 1. |
M1001 .T34 no.2 2007 | The Tchaikovsky cycle. Volume 2. |
M1001 .T34 no.3 2007 | The Tchaikovsky cycle. Volume 3. |
M1001 .T34 no.4 2007 | The Tchaikovsky cycle. Volume 4. |
M1001 .T34 no.4-5 2008 | Symphonies nos. 4 & 5 ; violin concerto ; andante cantabile. |
M1001 .T34 no.5 2007 | The Tchaikovsky cycle. Volume 5. |
M1001 .T34 no.6 2007 | The Tchaikovsky cycle. Volume 6. |
M1002.C44 S47 2007 | Sergiu Celibidache in rehearsal & performance. |
M1002.M35 S74 2005 | Standing stone. |
M1003.B533 B47 2008 | Bernstein conducts Bernstein. |
M1003.C44 S47 2008 | Sergiu Celibidache conducts Ravel and Debussy. |
M1003.H36 W38 2000 | Water music ; Fireworks music. |
M1003 .P54 2006 | Pierre Boulez conducts modern classics. |
M1004.B44 B47 2008 | Overtures ; String quartet, op. 131. |
M1004 .B44 op.62 2004 | Ouvertüre "Coriolan" : op. 62. |
M1004 .V33 2007 | Václav Neumann in rehearsal. |
M1004.5 .C66 2007 | Concert in Versailles. |
M1010 .B4 no.3 2006 | Piano concerto no. 3 in C minor, op. 37. |
M1010 .B4 no.4 2006 | Piano concerto no. 4 in G major, op. 58. |
M1010.B44 B37 2007 | Piano concertos. |
M1010 .B44 op.73 1991 | Piano concerto No. 5 in E flat major, Op, 73, "Emperor" . |
M1010 .B44 op.73 2008 | Piano concerto no. 5 in E-flat major : Emperor. |
M1010.B44 Z55 2007 | The piano concertos. |
M1010.B72 B47 2007 | The piano concertos. |
M1010 .B72 no.1-2 2011 | Piano concertos nos. 1 & 2. |
M1010 .B79 2006 | Bryon Janis. |
M1010.C52 C43 2010 | Chopin celebration : at the Palace of Lancut, Poland. |
M1010 .C66 2003 | Concerts for peace. |
M1010.F73 S35 2007 | Samson François. |
M1010.F75 N44 2007 | Nelson Freire in concert. |
M1010.M68 B83 2006 | Buchbinder spielt Mozart : aus dem Wiener Musikverein. |
M1010 .M68 no.17 2006 | Piano concerto no. 17 ; Symphony no. 39. |
M1010 .M68 no.22 2006 | Buchbinder spielt Mozart : aus dem Musikverein in Wein. |
M1010.M68 P57 2007 | Piazzini meets Mozart : pianoworks. |
M1010.M68 U28 2006 | Piano concertos 13 & 20. |
M1010 .N54 2006 | Nights in the gardens of Spain. |
M1010.R83 P53 2006 | Piano concertos. |
M1010 .S332 op.54 2007 | Piano concerto in A minor, op. 54. |
M1010 .S332 op.54 2011 | Piano concerto. |
M1011 .I87 2006 | It's all about the music : with Marc-André Hamelin. |
M1011 .M373 2007 | Marc-André Hamelin : no limits. |
M1012.B33 V56 2000 | Violin concertos ; double concerto ; air on the G- string. |
M1012.B72 B47 2007 | Violin concerto ; Double concerto. |
M1012.C54 L53 1999 | 梁祝, 黃河. |
M1012.C54 L53 2005 | Butterfly lovers = 梁山伯與祝英台. |
M1012 .H83 2007 | The Huberman festival. |
M1012 .I95 2007 | Ivry Gitlis. |
M1012.K46 K46 2006 | Kennedy live : Vivaldi live à la Citadelle. |
M1012.K46 N53 2005 | Nigel Kennedy plays Bach. |
M1012.K46 P65 2007 | Polish spirit. |
M1012 .K66 2000 | Konzert für violine und orchester d moll op. 47 = Concerto for violin and orchestra in D minor op. 47. |
M1012 .M46 op.64 2007 | Violin concerto in E minor (1844). |
M1012.M68 C66 2006 | The violin concertos. |
M1012.M68 M68 2006 | Mozart violin concertos 1-5 ; Sinfonia concertante. |
M1012.M68 S74 2007 | Mozart violin concertos nos. 3&5 ; Bach, Geminiani, Kreisler. |
M1012.M68 T76 2007 | Piano trios : K. 502, 542, 548. |
M1012 .N38 2007 | Nathan Milstein & Sir Adrian Boult. |
M1012.R55 H66 2006 | The homecoming!. |
M1016 .D86 op.104 2006 | Cello concerto in B minor, op. 104. |
M1016 .D86 op.104 2007 | Cello concerto ; Piano concerto. |
M1016.M34 M57 2007 | Mischa Maisky : cello concertos. |
M1016.R67 M77 2003 | Mstislav Rostropovich & Placido Domingo : from the Roman theatre of Merida. |
M1019.E8 H83 2005 | 黃安源的胡琴世界 : 胡琴之路 = The huqin world of Wong On-Yuen. |
M1019.E8 J53 2004 | 浪漫 : 賈鵬芳コンサート = Roman : Jia Peng Fang Concert. |
M1019.E8 J535 2008 | "Memories" at Tokyo International Forum. |
M1019.K32 W44 2009 | 魏冠華的胡琴世界 = The huqin world of Ngai Kwun-wa. |
M1037.4.P5 X86 2008 | 尋找他鄉的琵琶 = Routes of Pipa. |
M1038 .D66 2011 | 東之春 : 鼓踞雄風 = Eastern spring : impressive drums inKaohsiung. |
M1038 .G83 2004 | 鼓王群英會. = Majestic drums. |
M1038 .G832 2004 | 鼓王群英會. = Majestic drums. |
M1038 .G833 2006 | 鼓王群英會. = Majestic drums. |
M1038 .G834 2006 | 鼓王群英會. = Majestic drums. |
M1038 .G835 2006 | 鼓王群英會. 閻學敏的鼓樂世界 = Majestic drums. The dynamic world of Yim Hok-man. |
M1038 .G836 2008 | 鼓王群英會. 蛟龍騰飛 = Majestic drums. Dragons in the sky. |
M1039.4.S5 H4 2007 | 和合协谐, 笙声不息 : 金秋音乐会. |
M1042.B37 C67 2007 | Concerto for orchestra (1943). |
M1042.V58 A57 2004 | Antonio Vivaldi. Vivaldi : soothing, natural imagery |
M1045 .G43 2007 | Geburtstagskonzert für Papst Benedikt XVI : aus der Aula Paolo VI. |
M1045.R33 R33 2007 | Rachmaninoff : documentaries and performances. |
M1045.S282 G53 2006 | Giacinto Scelsi : the orchestral works 2. |
M1049.S87 J644 1999 | Johann Strauss gala. |
M1060.S38 P53 2006 | Piano concerto ; Symphony no. 4. |
M1060 .S53 1975 | 沙家滨. |
M1100 .C66 2007 | Concert à la mémoire de Andrei Sakharov. |
M1101 .K66 2006 | Konzert mit dem ensemble Il Giardino armonico = Concert with the ensemble Il Giardino armonico. |
M1112 .F68 2000 | The four seasons ; Concerto in D minor, op. 3, no. 11. |
M1112.V58 C5 2007 | Vivaldi : the four seasons. |
M1112.V58 C5 2007b | Le quattro stagioni = The four seasons = Les quatre saisons = Die vier Jahreszeiten. |
M1112.V58 C56 2008 | The four seasons = Le quattro stagioni. |
M1356.L37 J345 2002 | James Last : a world of music. |
M1356.L37 J365 2002 | James Last : gentleman of music. |
M1366.A75 L68 2007 | Louis Armstrong & friends. |
M1366.B54 B54 2007 | Bill Evans Trio : live in Oslo 1966. |
M1366 .B58 2010 | Blue Note : a story of modern jazz. 藍調之音 : 現代爵士傳奇 |
M1366 .C37 2001 | Calle 54. |
M1366.D37 E33 2007 | Eddie "Lockjaw" Davis : live in Copenhagen. |
M1366.D73 K46 2007 | Kenny Drew Trio at the Brewhouse : with Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen & Alvin Queen. |
M1366 .E86 2005 | ESP 2 : a tribute to Miles ; live in concert. |
M1366.G66 G66 2006 | Gonzalo Rubalcaba Trio : live at the Münchner Klaviersommer 1994. |
M1366.H36 C55 2005 | Cliff Hardie and the UK All Stars Orchestra : live in London. |
M1366 .H37 2004 | Harlem roots. Volume 1, The big bands. |
M1366 .H373 2007 | Harlem roots. Volume 2, The headliners. |
M1366 .J378 2006 | The Jacques Loussier Trio play Bach : the 1989 Munich concert. |
M1366 .J385 2006 | Jazz music. Archive. Vol. 3, Jazz |
M1366.J67 L682 2007 | Louis Jordan & his Tympany Five. |
M1366.K7553 D53 2002 | Diana Krall live in Paris. |
M1366 .M64 2006 | The Modern Jazz Quartet and Kammerorchester Arcata. |
M1366 .N54 2002 | A nightingale sang .. Tribute to Nat King Cole. |
M1366 .P37 2007 | Paquito D'Rivera & Chano Domínguez : Jazz at Quartier latin. |
M1366.R58 L44 1999 | Lee Ritenour and friends : live from the Coconut Grove. Volume 1. |
M1366 .S74 2007 | Stephane Grappelli live in San Francisco. |
M1366.W38 G76 2007 | Grover Washington Jr. : live from Atlantic City. |
M1366 .W67 2006 | World of rhythm : Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter, Billy Cobham live in Lugano. |
M1473 .A283 2001 | Active score music : Scribble ; Small fish tale. |
M1473 .A83 2007 | ATAK011 : live DVD ATAK night 3. |
M1473.C34 V37 2008 | Variations VII. |
M1473.C35 R63 2010 | Robert Cahen, films + videos 1973-2007. |
M1473 .E98 2005 | Extra : a selection of outstanding electronic music videos. |
M1473 .I43 2004 | Images 4 music. |
M1473 .I46 2000 | Immersion. |
M1473 .R43 2005 | Recombinant art 01 : artists using Kyma. |
M1473 .S44 2005 | See hear now : visible music. |
M1473 .S55 2004 | Shitkatapult : special musick for special people. |
M1473.S87 M334 2001 | Morton Subotnick. Electronic works, volume 1. |
M1473.T9 A15 2002 | 242.pilots : live in Bruxelles. |
M1495 .C37 2001 | Carols from King's. |
M1495 .C573 2007 | City University Choir : 2007 Bushan Choral Festival & Competition (31/10-4/11). |
M1495 .C574 2007 | CityUHK Choir 2007 Bi-AP. |
M1495 .C575 2008 | CityUHK Choir mini-concert, 18 November 2008. |
M1495 .C576 2009 | 香港城市大學合唱團週年匯演 : 為世界送上祝福. City University Choir Annual Performance, 08 April 2009 |
M1495.C58 D74 2000 | Dream a dream, Charlotte Church in the Holy land. |
M1495.J46 B44 2010 | Believe : live from the O2. |
M1497.B37 B37 1998 | Bartoli in Italy. |
M1497.B37 C43 2003 | Cecilia Bartoli and Nikolaus Harnoncourt, live in concert with the orchestra of Concentus Musicus Wien : the Styriarte Festival celebrates Joseph Haydn. |
M1497.C37 J67 2006 | José Carreras in Salzburg. |
M1497.C37 J68 2006 | José Carreras in Vienna. |
M1497.T47 B79 2003 | Bryn Terfel live in concert : songs and arias. |
M1500.A85 P4 2005 | Perfect lives : an opera. |
M1500.B37 K45 2008 | Bluebeard's castle : an opera in one act. |
M1500.B4 F52 2003 | Fidelio. |
M1500.B4 F52 2006 | Fidelio : Oper in zwei Akten. |
M1500.B4 F52 2006b | Fidelio. |
M1500.B4 F52 2006c | Fidelio. |
M1500.B44 C36 2006 | I Capuleti e i Montecchi. |
M1500.B44 N67 2003 | Norma : opera in two acts. |
M1500.B44 N67 2006 | Norma : tragedia lirica in due atti. |
M1500.B44 N67 2006b | Norma : tragedia lirica in due atti. |
M1500.B45 W6 2007 | Wozzeck : an opera in three acts and fifteen scenes. |
M1500.B45 W6 2007b | Wozzeck. |
M1500.B46 C36 2005 | Leonard Bernstein's Candide : a comic operetta in two acts. |
M1500.B46 C36 2006 | Candide. |
M1500.B47 D362 2006 | La Damnation de Faust. |
M1500.B47 T8 2002 | Les Troyens. |
M1500.B58 C37 2005 | Carmen. |
M1500 .B64 1998 | La Boheme. |
M1500.B7 J85 2007 | Julie : opéra en un acte. |
M1500.B736 V47 2008 | Noche de verano en la verbena de la Paloma. |
M1500.B74 B54 2008 | Billy Budd. |
M1500.B74 G56 2006 | Gloriana. |
M1500.B74 L38 1996 | Let's make an opera. |
M1500.B74 P484 2008 | Peter Grimes. |
M1500.B74 T872 2007 | The turn of the screw = Le tour d'écrou : opera in a prologue and two acts. |
M1500 .C37 1998 | Carmen. |
M1500 .C375 2000z | Carnival of shadows. |
M1500 .C38 2008 | Cavalleria rusticana : Opera in one act. |
M1500.C39 C34 2006 | La Calisto. |
M1500.C39 D5 2007 | La didone : opera in un prologo e tre alli. |
M1500.C55 A37 2004 | Adriana Lecouvreur : opera in quattro atti. |
M1500.C56 M37 2006 | Il matrimonio segreto. |
M1500.C626 A77 2007 | Arrighetto : farsa sentimentale di un solo atto. |
M1500.C63 N68 1999 | Notre Dame de Paris ; d'après l'œuvre de Victor Hugo. |
M1500 .C76 2006 | Die Csárdásfürstin. |
M1500.D38 P44 2006 | Pelléas et Mélisande. |
M1500.D4 V55 2003 | A village Romeo and Juliet : lyric drama in six scenes after Gottfried Keller. |
M1500 .D53 2002 | Die Csárdás-fürstin : Operette in 3 Akten. |
M1500.D57 B37 2006 | Il Barone di Rocca Antica. |
M1500.D66 E45 2006 | L'elisir d'amore : opera in due atti. |
M1500.D66 E45 2008 | L'elisir d'amore. |
M1500.D66 E5 2002 | L'elisir d'amore. |
M1500.D66 L83 2004 | Lucia di Lammermoor : dramma tragico in due parti. |
M1500.D83 T53 2006 | 天之驕子音樂劇. |
M1500.D98 R92 2009 | Rusalka : lyrical fairy tale in three acts. |
M1500 .E25 2008 | 惡人谷 = Villain village. |
M1500 .F73 2007 | Francesca da Rimini. |
M1500.G56 A53 2006 | Andrea Chénier : dramma di ambiente storico in quattro quadri. |
M1500.G56 F43 2006 | Fedora. |
M1500.G58 A43 2006 | Alceste : Pariser Fassung von 1776 : tragische Opera in drei Akten. |
M1500.G58 O672 2008 | Orphée et Eurydice. |
M1500.G71 F24 2006 | Faust : Oper in drei Akten. |
M1500.G711 R62 1994 | Roméo et Juliette. |
M1500.H35 A35 2008 | Admeto : re di Tessaglia. |
M1500.H35 G38 2005 | Giulio Cesare : opera in three acts. |
M1500.H35 G38 2006 | Giulio Cesare in Egitto : opera in tre atti. |
M1500.H37 S56 2007 | Simplicius Simplicissimus. |
M1500 .H46 2011 | 很久沒有敬我了你 : 電影・音樂・劇 = On the road. |
M1500.H483 B68 2007 | Boulevard solitude : lyric drama in seven scenes. |
M1500.H675 C3 2007 | Cardillac : opéra de trois actes et quatre tableaux. |
M1500.H675 C3 2007b | Cardillac. |
M1500.H86 H362 2007 | Hänsel und Gretel : fairy-tale opera in three acts. |
M1500.J36 J42 2007 | Jenůfa. |
M1500.L37 R46 2009 | Rent : filmed live on Broadway. |
M1500.L4 S6 2002 | Smokey Joe's Cafe : the songs of Leiber and Stoller. |
M1500.L43 L87 2005 | Die lustige Witwe. Merry widow |
M1500.L43 Z27 2007 | Der Zarewitsch. |
M1500.L46 P34 2000z | Pagliacci : and in highlights from Guglielmo Tell. |
M1500.L46 P34 2006 | i Pagliacci : drama in a prologue and two acts. |
M1500.L56 C382 2000 | Cats. |
M1500.L56 L68 2012 | Love never dies. 歌聲魅影續篇 |
M1500.L56 P532 2012 | Andrew Lloyd Webber's the Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall . 歌聲魅影: 25周年現場版 |
M1500.L67 Z37 2006 | Zar und Zimmermann : komische Oper. |
M1500.M37 C382 2007 | Cavalleria rusticana : opera in one act. |
M1500.M39 C44 2006 | Chérubin : commedia cantata in tre atti. |
M1500.M39 M35 2008 | Manon : opera in five acts. |
M1500.M39 M36 2006 | Manon : Oper in 6 Bildern. |
M1500.M39 W47 2006 | Werther. |
M1500.M46 H5544 2007 | Hilfe! Hilfe! die Globolinks : eine Oper für Kinder und solche, die Kinder lieben. |
M1500.M64 M66 2007 | Monteverdi cycle : L'Orfeo, Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria, L'incoronazione di Poppea, Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda : 7 DVD set. |
M1500.M64 O7 2006 | L'Orfeo : favola in musica. |
M1500.M64 O7 2006b | L'Orfeo : Favola in musica. |
M1500.M64 R57 2006 | Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria. |
M1500.M64 R57 2009 | Il ritorno d'Ulisse in patria. |
M1500 .M66 2008 | Mozart Idomeneo. |
M1500.M68 A83 2006 | Ascanio in Alba. |
M1500.M68 B378 2006 | Bastien und Bastienne ; &, Der Schauspieldirektor. |
M1500.M68 C54 2006 | La clemenza di Tito. |
M1500.M68 C54 2006b | La clemenza di Tito. |
M1500.M68 C54 2006c | La clemenza di Tito. |
M1500.M68 C66 2004 | Così fan tutte : dramma giocoso in due atti. |
M1500.M68 C66 2006 | Cosí fan tutte. |
M1500.M68 C66 2006b | Così fan tutte : opéra bouffe en 2 actes. |
M1500.M68 C66 2006c | Così fan tutte. |
M1500.M68 C66 2006d | Così fan tutte : Opera buffa in zwei Akten. |
M1500.M68 C66 2007 | Così fan tutte. |
M1500.M68 D66 2000 | Don Giovanni. |
M1500.M68 D66 2004 | Don Giovanni. |
M1500.M68 D66 2006 | Don Giovanni. |
M1500.M68 D66 2006b | Don Giovanni. |
M1500.M68 D66 2006c | Don Giovanni : dramma giocoso in two acts, K. 527. |
M1500.M68 D66 2006d | Don Giovanni : dramma giocoso in two acts. |
M1500.M68 E572 2003 | Die Entführung aus dem Serail : deutsches Singspiel in drei Aufzügen, KV 384. |
M1500.M68 E572 2006 | Die Entführung aus dem Serail : Singspiel in 3 acts, K. 384. |
M1500.M68 E572 2006b | Die Entführung aus dem Serail : singspiel in three acts. |
M1500.M68 E572 2007 | Die Entführung aus dem Serail : Singspiel in three acts. |
M1500.M68 F55 2005 | La finta giardiniera. |
M1500.M68 F55 2006 | La finta giardiniera = Die Gärtnerin aus Liebe : dramma giocoso in drei Akten. |
M1500.M68 F55 2006b | La finta giardiniera. |
M1500.M68 F55 2006c | La finta giardiniera : dramma giacoso in three acts K. 196. |
M1500.M68 F56 2006 | Irrfahrten. I, La finta semplice : a Mozart trilogy. |
M1500.M68 L83 2006 | Lucio Silla. |
M1500.M68 M58 2006 | Mitridate, re di Ponto : opera seria in three acts, K. 87 (74a). |
M1500.M68 N68252 2006 | Die Hochzeit des Figaro. |
M1500.M68 N684 2000 | Le nozze di Figaro. |
M1500.M68 N684 2001 | Le nozze di Figaro. |
M1500.M68 N684 2004 | Le nozze di Figaro. |
M1500.M68 N684 2005 | Le nozze di Figaro : opera comica in quattro atti, KV 492. |
M1500.M68 N684 2006 | Le nozze di Figaro. |
M1500.M68 N684 2006b | Le nozze di Figaro : opera buffa in 4 actes (1786). |
M1500.M68 R3 2006 | Il re pastore : serenata in two acts, K. 208. |
M1500.M68 R3 2006b | Il re pastore : serenata in two acts : K. 208. |
M1500.M68 S64 2007 | Il sogno di scipione. |
M1500.M68 Z38242 2000 | Trollflöjten = The magic flute. |
M1500.M68 Z38242 2002 | Die Zauberflöte = The magic flute. |
M1500.M68 Z38242 2006 | Die Zauberflöte : Oper. |
M1500 .M69 2006 | The Mozart Glyndebourne collection. |
M1500.M69 C54 2006 | La clemenza di Tito : opera seria in two acts (1791). |
M1500.M69 I36 2006 | Idomeneo. |
M1500.M69 I36 2006b | Idomeneo. |
M1500.M69 I36 2006c | Idomeneo, rè di Creta. |
M1500.M8 B63 2002 | Boris Godunov. |
M1500.M84 A76 2006 | Apollo et Hyacinthus ; Die Schuldigkeit des ersten Gebots. |
M1500.M84 I77 2006 | Irrfahrten II & III : a trilogy. |
M1500.M84 M58 1993 | Mitridate, re di Ponto. |
M1500.M87 B67 2006 | Boris Godunov. |
M1500.M94 D66 2001 | Don Giovanni : an opera in 2 acts. |
M1500.M94 Z3 2000 | Die Zauberflöte. |
M1500.N53 M37 2006 | Maskerade. |
M1500.O44 C632 2003 | Les contes d'Hoffmann. |
M1500.O44 C632 2006 | Les contes d'Hoffmann. |
M1500.O44 O77 2006 | Orpheus in der Unterwelt. |
M1500.P44 T48 2000z | The devils of Loudun = Die teufel von Loudun. |
M1500.P47 F73 2004 | Lo frate 'nnamorato : comedia per musica. |
M1500.P66 G56 2006 | La gioconda. |
M1500.P66 G56 2006b | La gioconda : opera in quattro atti. |
M1500.P68 D53 2007 | Dialogues des Carmélites : opera in tre atti e dodici quadri. |
M1500.P759 L58 2006 | L'amour des trois oranges : opéra en quatre actes avec prologue. |
M1500.P82 B632 2006 | La bohème. |
M1500.P82 F37 2004 | La fanciulla del West : opera in tre atti. |
M1500.P82 M355 2005 | Madama Butterfly. |
M1500.P82 M362 1999 | Manon Lescaut. |
M1500.P82 R66 2007 | La rondine. |
M1500.P82 T6732 2006 | Tosca. |
M1500.P82 T6732 2007 | Tosca : melodramma in tre atti. |
M1500.P82 T6732 2007b | Tosca. |
M1500.P82 T6732 2008 | Popular Puccini : Tosca, La Bohème, Madama Butterfly. |
M1500.P82 T75 2007 | Il trittico. |
M1500.P82 T872 2005 | Turandot. |
M1500.P82 T872 2007 | Turandot. |
M1500.P83 B642 2006 | La Bohème. |
M1500.P83 B642 2009 | La Bohème. |
M1500.R35 P36 2005 | Les Paladins : comédie lyrique in three acts. |
M1500.R35 Z67 2007 | Zoroastre: opéra. |
M1500 .R5342 2000 | Rigoletto. |
M1500.R67 B37 2001 | Il barbiere di Siviglia. |
M1500.R67 B37 2005 | Der Barbier von Sevilla : komische Oper in zwei Akten. |
M1500.R67 B37 2006b | Il barbiere di Siviglia = Le barbier de Séville : opéra bouffe en deux actes (1816). |
M1500.R67 B53 2006 | Bianca e Falliero : melodramma in due atti. |
M1500.R67 C35 2006 | La cambiale di matrimonio : comic opera in one act. |
M1500.R67 C462 2006 | La cenerentola. |
M1500.R67 D65 1998 | La donna del lago : a melodrama in two acts. |
M1500.R67 D66 2004 | La donna del lago. |
M1500.R67 G39 2006 | La gazzetta. |
M1500.R67 G85 2004 | Guglielmo Tell : melodramma tragico in quattro atti. |
M1500.R67 I83 2006 | L'Italiana in Algeri. |
M1500.R67 I833 2007 | L'italiana in Algeri. |
M1500.R67 O35 2006 | L'occasione fa il ladro. |
M1500.R67 P53 2007 | La pietra del paragone. |
M1500.R67 S33 2006 | La scala di seta : comic opera in one act. |
M1500.R67 S53 2006 | Il Signor Bruschino. |
M1500.R67 T352 2007 | Tancredi : melodramma eroico in due atti. |
M1500.R85 C46 1996 | La cenerentola. |
M1500.S345 S364 2004 | Samson et Dalila. |
M1500.S35 P35 2006 | The palace. |
M1500.S36 M572 2000z | Les Miserables : in concert. |
M1500.S36 M572 2010 | Les misérables in concert : the 25th anniversary : Live O₂. 孤星淚音樂劇 25 週年演唱會 |
M1500.S43 G49 2006 | Die Gezeichneten. |
M1500.S56 L43 2006 | Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk : opera in four acts. |
M1500.S64 V47 2007 | Die verkaufte Braut : komische Oper in drei Akten. |
M1500.S77 A72 2001 | Arabella. |
M1500.S77 A72 2007 | Arabella. |
M1500.S77 A72 2008 | Arabella : lyric comedy in three acts. |
M1500.S77 D32 2006 | Daphne : tragedia bucolica in un atto. |
M1500.S77 E562 2006 | Elektra. |
M1500.S77 E562 2006b | Elektra : |
M1500.S77 F8 2002 | Die Frau ohne Schatten. |
M1500.S77 R672 2001 | Der Rosenkavalier. |
M1500.S77 R672 2006 | Der Rosenkavalier. |
M1500.S78 W54 2003 | Wiener Blut : Operette in drei Akten. |
M1500.S912 F8 2002 | Die Frau ohne Schatten. |
M1500.S912 S3 2007 | Salome. |
M1500.T33 F57 2008 | The first emperor. |
M1500.T34 P55 2007 | La dame de pique : opéra en trois actes. Pique dame |
M1500 .T43 2007 | Tea : based on Tea-opera. |
M1500 .T73 1998 | La traviata. |
M1500.T87 G73 2007 | Greek. |
M1500.V47 A424 2000 | Aïda. |
M1500.V47 A424 2006 | Aïda. |
M1500.V47 A424 2006b | Aida : opera in four acts. |
M1500.V47 A424 2007 | Aida : opéra en 4 actes. |
M1500.V47 A76 2006 | Aroldo : melodramma in quattro atti. |
M1500.V47 A88 2004 | Attila : drama lirico in un prologo e tre atti. |
M1500.V47 B352 2000 | Un ballo in maschera. |
M1500.V47 B352 2006 | Un ballo in maschera. |
M1500.V47 B37 2006 | La battaglia di Legnano : tragedia lirica in quattro atti. |
M1500.V47 D66 2007 | Don Carlos. |
M1500.V47 D84 2004 | I due Foscari. |
M1500.V47 E742 2006 | Ernani : dramma lirico in quattro parti. |
M1500.V47 F352 2001 | Falstaff. |
M1500.V47 F352 2007 | Falstaff : commedia lirica in tre atti. |
M1500.V47 F672 2007 | La forza del destino : melodramma in quattro atti. |
M1500.V47 L83 2006 | Luisa Miller. |
M1500.V47 M332 2007 | Macbeth : melodramma in quattro parti. |
M1500.V47 N332 2005 | Nabucco : opera in quattro atti. |
M1500.V47 N332 2005b | Nabucco. |
M1500.V47 N332 2007 | Nabucco 2007. |
M1500.V47 O24 2007 | Oberto, conte di San Bonifacio. |
M1500.V47 O842 2005 | Otello. |
M1500.V47 O842 2005b | Otello. |
M1500.V47 O842 2006 | Otello. |
M1500.V47 P38 2008 | Pavarotti sings Verdi. Ernani. Un ballo in maschera. Il trovatore . |
M1500.V47 R543 2006 | Rigoletto. |
M1500.V47 R543 2007 | Rigoletto. |
M1500.V47 S562 2007 | Simon Boccanegra. |
M1500.V47 S562 2007b | Simon Boccanegra : melodramma in einem Prolog und drei Akten. |
M1500.V47 S562 2008 | Simon Boccanegra. |
M1500.V47 S75 2007 | Stiffelio. |
M1500.V47 T73 2005 | La traviata. |
M1500.V47 T73 2006 | La Traviata. |
M1500.V47 T762 2000 | Il trovatore. |
M1500.V47 T762 2002 | Il trovatore. |
M1500.V47 T762 2007 | Il trovatore. |
M1500.V47 V47 2004 | I Vespri siciliani : dramma in cinque atti. |
M1500.V47 V47 2007 | I vespri siciliani : dramma in cinque atti. |
M1500.V48 B35 2002 | Un Ballo in maschera. |
M1500.V48 D66 2008 | Don Carlos : opera in four acts after Friedrich von Schiller. |
M1500.V48 R3 2002 | Rigoletto. |
M1500.V48 R3 2004 | Rigoletto. |
M1500.V56 E73 2007 | Ercole su'l Termodonte : in prima esecuzione assoluta in tempi moderni. |
M1500.V59 R48 2006 | Rêves d'un Marco Polo : opéra fleuve for two evenings. |
M1500.W33 F542 2008 | Der fliegende Holländer. |
M1500.W33 G68 2006 | Götterdämmerung. |
M1500.W33 L66 2006 | Lohengrin. |
M1500.W33 L662 2006 | Lohengrin : romantic opera in three acts. |
M1500.W33 L662 2007 | Lohengrin romantic opera in three acts. |
M1500.W33 L662 2008 | Lohengrin. |
M1500.W33 M45 2007 | Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg : Oper. |
M1500.W33 P373 2002 | Parsifal. |
M1500.W33 P373 2007 | Parsifal. |
M1500.W33 R56 2006b | Der Ring des Nibelungen. |
M1500.W33 R56 pt.1 2005 | Der ring des Nibelungen. Das Rheingold. |
M1500.W33 R56 pt.1 2006 | Der Ring des Nibelungen : ein Bühnenfestspiel für drei Tage und einen Vorabend. Vorabend, Das Rheingold. |
M1500.W33 R56 pt.1 2006b | Der Ring des Nibelungen : a stage festival drama for three days and a preliminary evening. Preliminary evening. Das Rheingold. |
M1500.W33 R56 pt.1 2008 | Das Rheingold. |
M1500.W33 R56 pt.2 2005 | Der ring des nibelungen. Die walküre : a stage festival drama for three days and a preliminary evening, produced at the Bayreuth Festspielhaus. |
M1500.W33 R56 pt.3 2005 | Der ring des Nibelungen. Siegfried. |
M1500.W33 R56 pt.3 2005b | Siegfried. |
M1500.W33 R56 pt.4 2005 | Der ring des Nibelungen. Götterdämmerung. |
M1500.W33 R56 pt.4 2006 | Götterdämmerung : Ein Bühnenfestspiel für drei Tage und einen Vorabend. |
M1500.W33 R56 pt.4 2007 | Götterdämmerung. |
M1500.W33 R5635 2005 | The making of the Ring : a documentary. |
M1500.W33 R569 2006 | Die walküre. |
M1500.W33 S53 2006 | Siegfried. |
M1500.W33 T362 2006 | Tannhäuser. |
M1500.W33 T362 2006b | Tannhäuser. |
M1500.W34 T757 2006 | Tristan und Isolde : action musicale en trois actes. |
M1500.W34 T757 2008 | Tristan und Isolde. |
M1500.W35 R66 2002 | Roman fever : opera in one act. |
M1500.W37 F75 2006 | Der Freischütz : Romantische Oper. |
M1500.W45 S77 2001 | Street scene. |
M1500 .W67 2001 | Working : a musical. |
M1500 .X53 2009 | 香港・你好. |
M1503.P969 L5 2007 | L'Amour des trois oranges : opéra en un prologue et quatre actes (1921). |
M1503.P969 L5 2007b | The love for three oranges = L'amour des trois oranges. |
M1505 .B46 2006 | The Berlin concert : live from the "Waldbühne". |
M1505.B47 C37 2005 | Carlo Bergonzi : live in concert. |
M1505.B78 R46 2004 | Renato Bruson : live in concert. |
M1505.B85 G65 2005 | Grace Bumbry : Lugano recital 1991. |
M1505.B85 G69 2007 | Grace Bumbry in concert. |
M1505.C156 M35 2007 | Maria Callas : the Callas conversations, volume II. |
M1505 .C3619 1998 | The 3 tenors in concert 1994 : Carreras, Domingo, Pavarotti, with Mehta. |
M1505.C37 A15 1998 | The 3 tenors Paris 1998 : Carreras, Domingo, Pavarotti with Levine. |
M1505.C37 O74 2007 | The original Three Tenors concert. |
M1505.D65 P55 2007 | Plácido Domingo : Hommage a Sevilla. |
M1505.D65 P56 2009 | Plácido Domingo : my greatest roles. |
M1505 .G35 2005 | Gala concert Vienna State Opera. |
M1505 .G65 2007 | The golden ring. |
M1505 .G72 2006 | La grande notte a Verona 1988. |
M1505 .G744 2006 | Great opera gala for Armenia. |
M1505 .K57 2007 | Kiri : a celebration : live at the Royal Albert Hall. |
M1505.M68 A43 2006 | Amadeus. |
M1505 .M94 1999 | My favorite Broadway. |
M1505 .N38 2006 | Natalie Dessay : le miracle d'une voix. |
M1505 .N475 2006 | New Year's concert 2006 : from the Teatro La Fenice. |
M1505 .N48 2007 | New Year's concert 2007 : from the Teatro La Fenice. |
M1505 .O642 2007 | Opera highlights. Volume 2. |
M1505 .O645 2006 | Opera night : for the German AIDS Foundation. |
M1505.P38 L835 1992 | Luciano Pavarotti : 29 Aprile 1991, 30th debut anniversary. |
M1505.P38 P385 2004 | Pavarotti. |
M1505.P38 P389 2007 | Pavarotti forever : the ultimate collection. |
M1505.P38 P395 2004 | Pavarotti in London : the essential Pavarotti. |
M1505.P82 P83 2008 | Puccini gold. |
M1505 .T37 2002 | Taste of the arts. |
M1505.V47 B86 2005 | Buon compleanno maestro Verdi. |
M1505 .V53 2005 | Victoria De Los Angeles. |
M1505.W33 O73 2007 | Orchestral highlights. |
M1506 .A5 2001 | Andrew Lloyd Webber : the Royal Albert Hall celebration. |
M1507.S65 S652 1993 | Sondheim, a celebration at Carnegie Hall. |
M1520.D44 S95 2007 | Sylvia. |
M1520.S77 P84 2006 | Pulcinella : il segreto di Pulcinella. |
M1520.T35 S54 2007 | Sleeping beauty. |
M1527.H57 H57 2009 | 久石譲 in 武道館 : 宮崎アニメと共に歩んだ25年間. |
M1527 .S833 2001 | Sweeney Todd : the demon barber of Fleet Street : in concert. |
M1527.2.M67 E56 2009 | Ennio Morricone : peace notes. |
M1527.2.M67 M67 2006 | Morricone conducts Morricone. |
M1529.2.C33 M66 2006 | Montserrat Caballé, José Carreras in Moscow. |
M1529.2.P38 P38 2008 | Pavarotti the duets. |
M1530.K27 E43 2008 | Eleni Karaindrou concert : elegy of the uprooting. |
M1611.S58 N67 2007 | Northern lights. |
M1613.W47 H39 2004 | Hayley Westenra : live from New Zealand. |
M1619.B47 T47 2006 | Teresa Berganza : live in concert. |
M1619.C37 A74 2006 | Arias & Misa criolla. |
M1621.4.H67 M37 2007 | Marilyn Horne : in concert. |
M1621.4.M33 S66 2007 | Lieder = Songs. |
M1621.4.S27 C45 2000 | Christine Schäfer. |
M1621.4.S3 F56 2005 | Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau : accompagné par Christoph Eschenbach dans un recital Franz Schubert, Die schöne Müllerin = La belle meunière. |
M1621.4.S3 W56 2008 | Winterreise. |
M1625.P76 P4 2007 | Peter and the wolf : a Prokofiev fantasy. |
M1627 .C37 2004 | Carry it on : a musical legacy. |
M1627 .J85 v.1-5 | The JVC video anthology of world music and dance. East Asia . |
M1627 .J85 v.6-10 | The JVC video anthology of world music and dance. Southeast Asia . |
M1627 .J85 v.11-15 | The JVC video anthology of world music and dance. South Asia . |
M1627 .J85 v.16-19 | The JVC video anthology of world music and dance. Middle East & Africa . |
M1627 .J85 v.20-22 | The JVC video anthology of world music and dance. Europe . |
M1627 .J85 v.23-26 | The JVC video anthology of world music and dance. Soviet Union . |
M1627 .J85 v.27-28 | The JVC video anthology of world music and dance. The Americas . |
M1627 .J85 v.29-30 | The JVC video anthology of world music and dance. Oceania . |
M1627 .N63 2003 | The Nobel Peace Prize Concert. 諾貝爾和平獎演唱會 2002 |
M1629 .H57 2006 | Historic folk music films. Classic American folk music films |
M1629.3.C5 T47 2000 | The three tenors Christmas. |
M1629.3.C5 T47 2000b | The three tenors Christmas. |
M1630.18 .A17 2004 | 46664 : the concert. |
M1630.18.A55 E94 1998 | An evening with Paul Anka. |
M1630.18.B43 B43 2000 | Beastie Boys video anthology. |
M1630.18.B63 A53 2006 | Andrea Bocelli : under the desert sky. |
M1630.18.B74 D73 2013 | Dreamchaser in concert. |
M1630.18.B74 L86 2001 | La luna : live in concert. |
M1630.18.B74 S36 2006 | Sarah Brightman : diva, the video collection. |
M1630.18.B74 S375 2004 | Sarah Brightman : the Harem world tour live from Las Vegas. |
M1630.18.B74 S97 2008 | Symphony : live in Vienna. |
M1630.18.B768 B58 2007 | The blues of Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown. |
M1630.18.C375 C37 2003 | Carpenters : interpretations. |
M1630.18.C53 E65 1999 | Eric Clapton : Birmingham, England, July 1986. |
M1630.18.D37 D37 2003 | The dark side of the moon. |
M1630.18.D54 E94 2003 | An Evening With Marlene Dietrich. |
M1630.18.D58 D595 2006 | Il Divo : live. |
M1630.18.G76 A94 2008 | Awake live. |
M1630.18.G76 J68 2004 | Josh Groban live at the Greek. |
M1630.18 .H578 2004 | The history of rock 'n' roll. |
M1630.18.H58 S76 2000 | Storefront Hitchcock. |
M1630.18.H68 W45 2008 | Whitney : the greatest hits. |
M1630.18.J35 M53 2010 | Michael Jackson's This is it. |
M1630.18.J35 N863 2003 | Number ones. |
M1630.18.J64 E77 2001 | The essential video collection. |
M1630.18.K45 K45 1997 | Kenny greatest hits : video collection. |
M1630.18 .L37 2002 | The last waltz. |
M1630.18.L43 L43 2003 | Led Zeppelin. |
M1630.18.M34 C44 2009 | Celebration : the video collection. |
M1630.18.M34 S74 2010 | Sticky & sweet tour. |
M1630.18.M39 J64 2003 | John Mayer : any given Thursday. |
M1630.18.M43 P38 2002 | Paul McCartney back in the U.S. : concert film. |
M1630.18.M445 E94 2004 | Exhibitionist. |
M1630.18.M54 S545 2004 | Simon & Garfunkel, old friends : live on stage. |
M1630.18.P49 B47 1999 | Bernadette Peters in concert. |
M1630.18 .P743 1999 | The Prince's Trust rock gala 1990. |
M1630.18.R47 I25 2001 | Icky flix. |
M1630.18 .R6199 2006 | Rhythm and blues revue. Historic rhythm & blues revue film (1955) |
M1630.18.S56 F725 1999 | Frank Sinatra : a man and his music. |
M1630.18.S74 T86 2000 | Two against nature : Steely Dan's plush TV jazz-rock party in sensuous surround sound. |
M1630.18.S77 T56 2001 | Timeless : live in concert. |
M1630.18.T39 P85 2002 | Pull over. |
M1630.18.T825 T56 1998 | Tina Turner live in Amsterdam : wildest dreams tour. |
M1630.18 .W673 2009 | Words for the dying : in distant lands on musical roads Cale and Eno find Dylan Thomas. |
M1630.2.B38 B42 1998 | The Beach Boys, Nashville sounds : the making of stars and stripes. |
M1630.2.C37 C37 2002 | Carpenters gold : greatest hits. |
M1679.18.D56 A55 2000 | All the way-- : a decade of song and video. |
M1680 .J85 2005 | The JVC Smithsonian Folkways video anthology of music and dance of the Americas. |
M1688.A718 L58 2007 | Live from Buenos Aires. |
M1698 .J85 2005 | The JVC Smithsonian Folkways video anthology of music and dance of Europe. |
M1731.18.L44 M53 2006 | Michel Legrand : live in Brussels. |
M1731.18.L44 M53 2010 | Michel Legrand : live in Brussels. 布魯塞爾音樂會 : 米榭李葛蘭 |
M1735.18.R33 M39 2007 | Max Raabe & Palast Orchester. |
M1741.18.C58 C53 2001 | Charlotte Church : enchantment. |
M1741.18.C65 F33 2000 | Face value. |
M1741.18.D87 G74 2003 | Greatest. |
M1741.18.J65 O64 2001 | One night only : the greatest hits live. |
M1741.18.K55 D45 1999 | Deja VROOOM. |
M1741.18.L46 C66 2002 | Come together : a night for John Lennon's words & music . |
M1741.18.R65 R655 2000 | Rolling Stones live at the Max. |
M1741.18 .U43 2005 | Umbrellas in the Sun : Crepuscule/Factory Benelux DVD 1979-1987. |
M1741.2.B68 D38 1999 | David Bowie, Glass spider. |
M1744 .C44 2005 | The Celtic spirit : inspirational concerts. |
M1744 .F76 2007 | From Clare to here : Irish music at home and abroad. |
M1745.18.C67 B47 2002 | The best of the Corrs. |
M1746.C34 O5 2005 | On a beautiful Scottish evening. |
M1749.18.B63 A53 2013 | Andrea Bocelli : love in Portofino. |
M1757.18 .K15 2007 | K otechestvu s l︠i︡ubovʹ︠i︡u. To Russia with love |
M1779.L83 P33 2004 | Paco de Lucia & group. |
M1780.18.M43 V53 2003 | Los videos. |
M1780.18 .O64 2002 | Operacion Triunfo. |
M1780.18.O74 O745 2002 | La Oreja de van Gogh. |
M1780.18.P74 V53 2001 | Ios videos. |
M1804 .C43 2004 | 长篇弹词玉蜻蜓. |
M1804 .C456 2013 | 禪琴不二. |
M1804 .D26 2006 | 大地飞歌 = Flying songs on earth. |
M1804 .G46 2006 | 更生星光樂飛翔音樂會 = A note to new life : the concert 2006. |
M1804 .S54 2004 | 神弹子 : 长篇弹词. |
M1805 .G36 2007 | 钢琴伴唱《红灯记》. |
M1805.18 .A16 1999 | 20 世紀光輝印記原裝 Music Video 卡拉 OK. |
M1805.18 .A88 2008 | ATV 50 周年經典電視劇主題曲 karaoke = ATV 50th karaoke. |
M1805.18 .B36 1999 | 寶麗金 99 超量級精選 MTV 卡拉 OK = 99 superhits. |
M1805.18.B48 B475 2003 | Beyond 20/20 : 精選卡拉 OK 20 首. |
M1805.18.B48 B48 1999 | Beyond 原裝卡拉 OK 金曲精選 DVD. |
M1805.18.B48 B49 2005 | Beyond : the story live 2005. |
M1805.18.C38 D86 2010 | Duo : 陳奕迅 2010 演唱會. |
M1805.18.C39 Q25 2013 | 傾城 : 陳潔儀 X 趙增熹音樂會 = An enchanted evening withKit Chan & Chiu Tsang Hei featuring the HK Citypops. |
M1805.18.C45 Y68 1999 | 友個人演唱會 1999 卡拉 OK = Jacky Cheung live concert '99. |
M1805.18.C45 Z35 2003 | 世界巡迴凱歌張學友音樂之旅壓軸篇. |
M1805.18.C45 Z45 1999 | 摯情. |
M1805.18 .G83 1998 | 顧嘉煇, 黃霑眞友情演唱會. |
M1805.18.G836 G8 2011 | 古巨基 amazing world 世界巡迴演唱會 : 香港站. |
M1805.18.H83 C66 2012 | Concert YY : 黃偉文作品展. |
M1805.18.H83 M56 2012 | 明日之歌廳 : 黃耀明唱顧嘉煇. |
M1805.18 .J57 2006 | 金曲情牽半世紀演唱會. |
M1805.18.K86 B35 1999 | 百事郭富城一變傾城演唱會 98 = Pepsi Aaron Kwok live in concert 1998. |
M1805.18.K86 G86 1998 | 郭富城最精彩的卡拉 OK 精選 1998 = The best choice of Aaron Kwok karaoke special 1998. |
M1805.18 .L3 2011 | 《拉濶音樂會》梁漢文 x 楊千嬅 x 陳奕迅 = Music Is Live. Edmond Leung, Miriam Yeung, Eason Chan. |
M1805.18.L38 L58 2011 | 劉德華 Unforgettable : concert 2010. |
M1805.18 .L4 2007 | 麗的亞視半世紀精彩演唱會. |
M1805.18.L48 A185 1999 | 903 加州紅紅人館狂熱份子音樂會. |
M1805.18.L5 L53 2005 | 黎明 : 1 個故事. |
M1805.18.L55 L53 2011 | Light up my live 林峯 concert 2011. |
M1805.18.M44 M44 2014 | 梅艷芳 = Mui music show. |
M1805.18.T46 A16 1998 | 1995 鄧麗君懷念精選. |
M1805.18.T85 T85 2010 | Twins 人人彈起演唱會 2010. |
M1805.18.W96 W965 1999 | Wynnere 25th anniversary concert 1998. |
M1805.18.X83 N362 2003 | 難忘許冠傑 Sam Hui 30 年 : 1974-2003. |
M1805.18.Y4 Y4 2005 | 葉德嫻星之旅演唱會 = Deanie Ip journey to the stars. |
M1805.18.Y48 Y36 2004 | 楊千嬅 MV karaoke DVD. |
M1805.18.Y86 R66 2004 | 容祖兒演唱會 = Joey Yung live show up. |
M1805.18.Z345 G36 2011 | 港樂 & 張敬軒交響音樂會 = HKPO x Hins. |
M1805.18.Z348 P74 2010 | Private corner : Jacky Cheung 張學友 mini concert. |
M1805.18.Z348 X84 2008 | 學友光年世界巡迴演唱會07 = The year of Jacky Cheung world tour 07. |
M1805.18.Z35 L68 2010 | Love Mi : 鄭秀文 Sammi 世界巡迴演唱會香港站. |
M1805.18.Z35 S35 2003 | Sammi 完全精采卡拉 OK 精選 DVD. |
M1805.2.C5 H85 1997 | 慧嫻.港樂奇妙旅程'97演唱會卡拉OK = Musical encounters with Priscilla and the Philharmonic '97 concert karaoke. |
M1805.2.L48 L5 2011 | 李克勤, 香港小交響樂團 : 演奏廳 2011 = Hacken Lee and Hong Kong Sinfonietta. |
M1805.2.L56 L562 2004 | 林子祥花都情懷 Karaoke DVD. |
M1805.2.L56 L564 1997 | 林子祥寄廿載情演唱會. |
M1805.2.L62 L86 1998 | 羅文情繫佛羅內斯 = Roman and the Voronezh State SymphonyOrchestra Karaoke DVD. |
M1805.2.T3 Y66 1997 | 永恆的珍譚詠麟 97 金曲回歸演唱會/卡拉OK = Alan Tam '97 live concert / karaoke. |
M1805.2.X8 J57 1998 | 金光燦爛徐小鳳演唱會 '89 卡拉 OK. |
M1805.2.Y46 G36 1998 | 港樂, 葉麗儀獻出眞善美音樂會 '98. |
M1805.2.Z5 Z542 2001 | 張國榮告別樂壇演唱會 = Final encounter of the legend. |
M1805.3 .D8 2005 | 杜近芳专辑. |
M1805.3 .J55 2004 | 京, 津, 沪京剧名家演唱会. |
M1805.3 .L527 2005 | 李世济专辑. |
M1805.3 .M45 2004 | 梅兰芳. |
M1805.3 .Q255 2014 | 乾旦路 = My way. |
M1805.3 .S54 2005 | 尚小云. |
M1805.4.G83 K638 2008 | 蓋鳴暉 & 香港中樂團演唱會 = Koi Ming-fai & HKCO live concert. |
M1805.4.G83 K639 2005 | 蓋鳴暉 & 香港中樂團. 演唱會 2005 = Koi Ming-fai & HKCO. Live concert 2005. |
M1805.4.G83 K64 2008 | 蓋鳴暉 & 香港中樂團. 演唱會 = Koi Ming-fai & HICO. Live concert. |
M1805.4.G83 K644 2009 | 蓋鳴暉至尊小曲卡拉 OK 20 首. |
M1805.4.G83 N36 2000 | 南唐李後主. |
M1805.4.G83 R46 2004 | 任劍輝舞台剪影. |
M1805.4.G83 X56 2005 | 星月爭輝. |
M1805.4.Z54 T534 2007 | 天道正义. |
M1806 .M44 2008 | 美好台灣 = Ilha Formosa. |
M1806 .W65 2005 | 我的部落我的歌 = My Home, my song. |
M1807.18.C45 R8 2012 | 如果有一天我不在, 樹在 : 音樂人陳志遠紀念演唱會. Made in Taiwan |
M1807.18.L53 L47 2007 | 李宗盛的理性与感性世界巡迴作品音楽会. |
M1807.18.S8 D36 2013 | 當我們一起走過 = Walk Together Live. |
M1807.18.W8 D54 2010 | D.N.A. : 五月天(創造)演唱會影音全紀錄 DVD = DNA World Tour in live DVD. |
M1807.18.Z45 Z45 2011 | 周杰倫超時代演唱會 = Jay Chou, the Era 2010 World Tour. |
M1813.2.H36 A15 2011 | 50 singles : live selection. |
M1813.2.U73 W56 2011 | Wild life : 2010.12.8-9 Yokohama Arena. |
M1824.I5 M67 2007 | Bhima Swarga : the journey of the soul from Hell to Heaven. |
M1830 .J85 2005 | The JVC Smithsonian Folkways video anthology of music and dance of Africa. |
M1977.S5 L83 2006 | Lucky Strike musical short featuring Frank Sinatra. Classic Lucky Strike film with Frank Sinatra (1950) |
M1990 .N54 2010 | 日本童謠 : 子供のための無数の美しい詩の後ろの葉 = Japanese nursey rhyme. |
M2000 .A73 2005 | Ascension oratorios. |
M2000.B315 J64 2006 | Johannes-Passion = St. John Passion = Passion selon Saint Jean. |
M2000.B315 J64 2007 | Johannes-Passion : St. John Passion : BWV 245. |
M2000.B315 M342 2006 | Matthäus-Passion = St. Matthew Passion = Passion selon Saint Matthieu. |
M2000.B315 M342 2006b | Matthäus Passion. |
M2000.H36 M472 2003 | Messiah : the 250th anniversary performance. |
M2000.H38 S36 2007 | Die Schöpfung = The creation. |
M2000.M69 A35 2006 | Airs sacrés. |
M2000 .Y68 2006 | The young Messiah : Messiah XXI. |
M2010.B33 M37 2006 | Mass in B minor, BWV 232 = Messe in H-Moll. |
M2010.B33 M37 2006b | The Mass in B minor, BWV 232 : in the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris. |
M2010.B33 M37 2006c | Messe in h-moll, BWV 232 = Mass in B minor, BWV 232. |
M2010.B42 M532 2006 | Missa solemnis : concert for the reopening of the Frauenkirche in Dresden. |
M2010.B42 M532 2008 | Missa solemnis : op. 123. |
M2010.B42 M533 2008 | Missa solemnis ; Choral fantasy ; The creatures of Prometheus. |
M2010.B72 D48 1999 | A German Requiem op. 45. |
M2010.B72 D48 2007 | Karl Richter. |
M2010.B72 D48 2008 | Ein Deutsches Requiem. |
M2010.D86 R462 2006 | Requiem, op. 89. |
M2010.M69 M37 2006 | Mozart Grosse Messe C-moll = Great Mass in C minor ; Ave verum corpus ; Exsultate, jubilate. |
M2010.M69 R46 2005 | Requiem, K. 626. |
M2010.M69 R46 2006 | Requiem. |
M2010.M69 R46 2007 | Mozart Requiem. |
M2010.V47 M472 2005 | Messa da requiem ; Quattro pezzi sacri. |
M2010.V47 M472 2007 | Messa da Requiem : per soli cor e orchestra. |
M2014.6.M66 V47 2003 | Vespers of the blessed Virgin. |
M2020.V58 G55 2006 | Gloria & other sacred music. |
M2021.B3 J64 2006 | J.S. Bach : St. John Passion. |
M2062 .A93 2002 | Ave Verum : popular choral classics. |
M2065 .C58 2002 | Christmas with Chanticleer. |
M2065.V63 V635 2003 | A Vocal Majority Christmas. |
M2102.B63 S232 1999 | Sacred arias. |
M2102.F55 R46 2006 | Renée Fleming: Sacred songs : from Mainz Cathedral. |
M6537.W28 A535 2004 | Andy Warhol. |
ML50.P645 A7 2008 | Assassinio nella cattedrale. |
ML160 .H69 2008 | Howard Goodall's big bangs. |
ML197 .L438 2004 | Leaving home : orchestral music in the 20th century. |
ML240 .C53 2007 | Classical destinations : an armchair guide to classical music. |
ML336.5 .L58 2005 | 留聲 : 華人音樂家. |
ML340.1 .D572 2006 | Discovering the music of Japan. |
ML390 .G73 2007 | The great composers. |
ML390 .M48 2006 | The matchstick man : György Kurtág ; The seventh door : Peter Eötvös. |
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.1 | 巴赫 = Johann Sebastian Bach. |
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.2 | 韓爾德 = George Friedrich Haendel. |
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.3 | 海頓 = Franz Joseph Haydn. |
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.4 | 莫扎特 = Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. |
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.5 | 貝多芬 = Ludwig van Beethoven. |
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.6 | 舒伯特 = Franz Schubert. |
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.7 | 孟德爾頌 = Felix Mendelssohn. |
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.8 | 舒曼 = Robert Schumann ; 布拉姆斯 = Johannes Brahms. |
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.9 | 李斯特 = Franz Liszt ; 蕭邦 = Frederic Chopin. |
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.10 | 威爾第 = Giuseppe Verdi ; 普契尼 = Giacomo Puccini. |
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.11 | 柴可夫斯基 = Pyotr Il'yich Tchaikovsky. |
ML390 .Q25 2000z v.12 | 浪漫音樂大師 = Romantic musicians. |
ML390 .T63 2006 | A trail on the water : Abbado, Nono, Pollini. |
ML397 .A77 1999 | The art of piano : great pianists of the 20th century. |
ML398 .M87 2007 | A musical quartet. |
ML398.S74 F762 2000 | From Mao to Mozart : Isaac Stern in China. |
ML399 .I725 2010 | It might get loud. 吉他英雄 |
ML400 .T84 2014 | Twenty feet from stardom. 伴唱人生 : 聚光燈外 20 呎 |
ML405 .C34 2009 | Cadillac records. |
ML410.A648 A64 2006 | Aperghis : tempête sous un crâne. |
ML410.B26 B287 2000z | Bartok's Sonata for two pianos and percussion. |
ML410.B4 B25 2006 | Barenboim on Beethoven : the complete piano sonatas live from Berlin : 8 concerts. |
ML410.B4 E76 2003 | Eroica. |
ML410.B42 B44 2006 | Beethoven's Eroica. |
ML410.B5 B47 2009 | Berlioz Symphonie fantastique. |
ML410.C24 O63 2006 | One¹¹ ; and 103. |
ML410.C64 L46 2009 | Leonard Cohen : I'm your man. |
ML410.D416 M66 2002 | Mon cinéma pour l'oreille : la musique concrète de Francis Dhomont et Paul Lansky. |
ML410.G398 G53 2009 | Glass : a portrait of Philip in twelve parts. |
ML410.G9 L44 2007 | Leif Ove Andsnes : ballad for Edvard Grieg. |
ML410.H4 I52 2012 | In search of Haydn. |
ML410.H46 P54 2007 | Pierre Henry, ou, L'art des sons. |
ML410.L54 W6 2013 | 我心在飛舞 : 第卅二屆行政院文化獎得獎人李泰祥先生紀錄片 = Flying with my heart : the 32nd National Cultural Award Laureate Li Tai-Hsiang's documentary film. |
ML410.M23 L58 2007 | The little drummer boy : an essay on Gustav Mahler. |
ML410.M9 G74 2005 | The great composers. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. |
ML410.M9 I5 2005 | In search of Mozart. |
ML410.P176 E5357 2006 | Enclosure. 7 : Harry Partch. |
ML410.P176 E5358 2007 | Enclosure. 8. |
ML410.P45 H55 2005 | The Hilliard Ensemble in Thy kiss of a divine nature : the contemporary Perotin : a film. |
ML410.P579 P53 2007 | The next tango : Astor Piazzolla in conversation and in concert. |
ML410.S3 T76 2005 | The trout ; The greatest love & the greatest sorrow. |
ML410.S53 W37 2005 | The war symphonies : Shostakovich against Stalin. |
ML410.S54 J432 2006 | Jean Sibelius : the early years ; maturity & silence. |
ML410.U45 F74 2007 | Fremde passagiere : auf den Spuren von Viktor Ullmann = Estranged passengers : in search of Viktor Ullmann. |
ML410.V484 T735 2008 | La traviata : love and sacrifice. |
ML417.B74 A43 2011 | Alfred Brendel on music : three lectures. |
ML417.B74 A44 2007 | Alfred Brendel plays and introduces Schubert piano works . |
ML417.G68 H47 2006 | Hereafter = Au delà du temps. |
ML417.G85 S6 2007 | So what?! : Friedrich Gulda. |
ML417.H856 Y56 2010 | 音樂人生 = KJ. KJ : music and life |
ML417.J37 K45 2010 | Keith Jarrett : the art of improvisation. 凱斯・傑瑞特 : 即興創作藝術 |
ML417.L36 L36 2006 | Lang Lang : dragon songs. |
ML417.M846 T474 2001 | Thelonious Monk, straight no chaser. |
ML418.D85 J33 2007 | Jacqueline du Pré : a celebration. |
ML418.H44 H45 2004 | Heifetz in performance. |
ML418.M27 Y44 2005 | Yehudi Menuhin : le violon du siecle : album - souvenir. |
ML418.M4 N38 2007 | Nathan Milstein : in portrait (some memories of a quiet magician). |
ML418.O37 D38 1998 | David Oistrakh : artist of the people? |
ML418.V365 M39 2007 | Maxim Vengerov : living the dream. |
ML419.L83 P33 2003 | Paco de Lucia : Francisco Sánchez. |
ML419.S54 J35 2013 | Jake Shimabukuro : life on four strings. 傑克島袋 : 烏克麗麗神人 |
ML420.C18 E84 2007 | The eternal Maria Callas. |
ML420.C25 M6 1998 | The original three tenors concert. |
ML420.C259 C37 2004 | Caruso, voice of the century. |
ML420.C265 J646 2007 | Johnny Cash : music in review. |
ML420.C468 Z45 2003 | 張國榮最後的謝幕. |
ML420.D46 H4 2005 | 何日君再來 : 鄧麗君 10 週年祭. |
ML420.D98 D68 2010 | Down the tracks : the music that influenced Bob Dylan. 巴布迪倫音樂事件簿 |
ML420.D98 N6 2005 | No direction home : Bob Dylan. |
ML420.F51 A78 2005 | The art of Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. |
ML420.F545 R45 2002 | Renée Fleming. |
ML420.H167 G46 2011 | George Harrison : living in the material world. |
ML420.H66 A7 2012 | 阿爸 : 思慕的人. |
ML420.J175 M557 2011 | Michael Jackson : the life of an icon. 一代天王 : 米高積遜 |
ML420.J225 J36 2003 | Jandek on Corwood. |
ML420.L185 B43 2010 | Behind the poker face. |
ML420.L38 J64 2011 | John Lennon : love is all you need. |
ML420.L38 L46 2013 | Lennonyc. 約翰藍儂 : 紐約城瞬間 |
ML420.L46 I432 2005 | Imagine : John Lennon. 約翰連儂的理想世界 |
ML420.N67 J47 2008 | Jessye Norman : a portrait. |
ML420.R637 S43 2013 | Searching for Sugar Man. 尋找隱世巨聲 |
ML420.S55 M33 2006 | Made in America. |
ML420.S856 S55 2003 | Sting : inside : the songs of sacred love. |
ML420.V37 J84 2007 | Julia Varady : song of passion ; Wagner recital with Viktoria Postnikova. |
ML420.W96 F75 2006 | Fritz Wunderlich, Leben und Legende = Life and legend. |
ML421.B4 B4 2003 | The Beatles anthology. |
ML421.C28 C5 1998 | Close to you : remembering the Carpenters. |
ML421.K48 F53 2006 | Der flamenco clan. |
ML421.L393 S58 2013 | Shut up and play the hits. 閉嘴聽音樂 |
ML421.P47 K68 2013 | The punk syndrome. 搖滾吧! 唐氏龐克哥 |
ML421.P48 P48 2006 | Pet Shop Boys : a life in pop. |
ML421.R64 G555 2000 | Gimme shelter. |
ML421.R64 S95 2003 | Sympathy for the Devil. |
ML421.R64 S952 2006 | Sympathy for the Devil. |
ML422.N33 K46 2007 | Kent Nagano : Neue wege, neue Klänge : ein Porträt = Kent Nagano : seeking new ways. |
ML422.R52 L43 2006 | The legacy of Karl Richter. |
ML422.T67 A3 2004 | Toscanini, the maestro. |
ML422.W285 G78 2004 | Günter Wand : my life, my music. |
ML423.B52 M334 2007 | Mademoiselle. |
ML424.R83 V57 2006 | A visit to Wurlitzer. Vintage Wurlitzer Jukebox Factory tour film |
ML458 .K43 2007 | Kent Nagano conducts classical masterpieces. Beethoven : Symphony no. 3 in E flat major, op. 55 "Eroica". |
ML458 .K44 2007 | Kent Nagano conducts classical masterpieces. Brahms : Symphony no. 4 in E minor, op. 98. |
ML458 .K46 2007 | Kent Nagano conducts classical masterpieces. Schumann : Symphony no. 3 in E flat major, op. 97 "The Rhenish". |
ML458 .K47 2007 | Kent Nagano conducts classical masterpieces. Strauss : an Alpine symphony : op. 64. |
ML531 .Z43 2010z | 中国古代乐器. |
ML531.2 .Z45 2006 | 中国古代乐器(上,下). |
ML1015.C5 H344 2010 | 海角琹心 = Heart of qin in Hong Kong. |
ML1092 .M66 2005 | Moog. |
ML1218.V48 C376 2008 | The promise of music. |
ML1249.8.L82 S395 2007 | Lucerne Festival Orchestra : the first 5 years : Claudio Abbado. |
ML1251.T288 T34 2012 | 築夢・逐夢 : 我就是愛國樂. |
ML1351.H85 D3 2002 | 大你 = Dare ya! |
ML1351.R66 B73 2012 | The brassy bands. 青春銅管大樂隊 |
ML1380 .M635 1998 | Modulations : cinema for the ear. |
ML1380 .P34 2006 | pd~ release 01. |
ML1700 .E53 2008 | Les enfants de l'Opéra de Pékin = Die kinder der Peking -oper. |
ML2075 .B472 2007 | Bernard Herrmann. |
ML2075 .G462 2007 | Georges Delerue. |
ML2075 .H6572 2000z | The Hollywood sound. |
ML2075 .L54 2007 | Lights, action, music. |
ML2951.C648 H667 2010 | 唐少偉教授感恩分享 40 年 : 童聲 10 載响噹噹音樂會. |
ML3187 .S76 2004 | The story of gospel music : the power in the voice. |
ML3477 .W39 2004 | The way the music died. |
ML3502.T26 T53 2004 | 跳舞時代 = Vival tonal, the dance age. |
ML3503.C688 K564 2011 | Benda Bilili. |
ML3503.Z55 M87 2010 | Music by Prudence. |
ML3509.C6 A8 2013 | As time goes by in Shanghai. 上海老爵士 |
ML3521 .L54 2010 | Lightning in a bottle. 馬丁史柯西斯向藍調致敬 |
ML3531 .F74 2004e | Freestyle : the art of rhyme. |
ML3531 .S39 2002 | Scratch. |
ML3534.3 .O54 2006 | One for the money : the birth of rock 'n' roll. |
ML3534.6.C45 W37 2010 | Wasted orient : brewed for bros : about Joyside. 亚洲摇滚乐的噩梦 |
ML3540.5 .D5 2001 | DJ QBert's Wave twisters. |
ML3561.J3 B658 2002 | Blues masters : the essential history of the blues. |
ML3600.6 .W46 2003 | Whose is this song? |
ML3621.I58 I57 2000 | The Internationale. |
ML3776 .W4 2004 | We want the light. |
ML3792.F33 S53 2006 | Shadowplayers : Factory Records and Manchester post- punk 1978-81. |
ML3820 .M87 2009 | The music instinct : science & song. |
MT1 .A6967 2014 | 안녕?! 오케스트라 = Hello?! Orchestra. 哈囉?!交響樂團 |
MT1 .H724 2010 | 香港音樂教育研討會 2010. |
MT3.V4 S57 2009 | El sistema. |
MT7 .U53 2007 | Understanding the fundamentals of music. |
MT90 .H57 2006 | Historic music appreciation film. |
MT90 .H69 2006 | How to listen to and understand great music. |
MT95 .H69 1997 | How to listen to and understand opera. |
MT130.B68 E26 2006 | Eclat. |
MT145.B42 B37 2006 | Barenboim on Beethoven : the masterclasses : 6 films / directed by Allan Miller. |
MT165 .P53 2011 | Pianomania. 我為琴狂 |
MT180 .M53 2005 v.1 | Michel Chapuis notes personnelles. Volume 1, 18è sciècle Français : dynastie Clicquot. |
MT180 .M53 2005 v.2 | Michel Chapuis notes personnelles. Volume 2, Improvisations dans le style romantique : orgues Cavaillé-Coll. |
MT418 .C36 2003 | Inside brass : strings, winds and all that brass ; master class ; brass spectacular. |
MT723 .M87 2006 | Music animation machine : DVD #1. |
MT955 .T87 2002 | The Turandot project. 圖蘭朶 |