Click on the <Reserve PC Workstation> / <Reserve Group Study Room> / <Reserve Study Carrel> to make bookings for the PC Workstations in the Information Space and Oval Computer Area of the Library or Group Study Room in the Library Humanities Academy or Study Carrel in the Purple Zone of the Library. Enter your Electronic ID, Password.
Select the booking status of different types, dates, and hours, you need to adjust the corresponding lists accordingly.
Click on the <Check Availability> to select the number of PC Workstations/Group Study Room/Study Carrel.
After booking, a confirmation message will appear.
To delete the reservation, click <View My Reservation> on the first screen, then select the time slot and click the link below to cancel the reservation.
For HA Group Study Room booking, on confirmation of your booking, you have agreed to accept the Service Agreement of the Group Study Rooms in Humanities Academy.