Audio Recording and Mixing Studio


The Audio Studio aims at providing a noise-free environment with state-of-the-art recording and mixing equipment and software for students and staff to develop projects and prepare teaching materials. The professional-grade audio system enables a one-stop and easy-to-operate user experience for making special sound effects, multi-sound source mixing, waveform editing, etc., to produce high-quality audio content, perform live streaming events, Podcast creation, etc.

Venue and Equipment

  • At the Humanities Academy’s (HA) Group Study Room #1010 (Floorplan).
  • The Audio Recording System comprises:
    • A Tascam Mixcast 4 Podcast Station
    • Four Neatron NPDK380 Desktop Microphones
    • A Behringer MS16 Monitor Speaker
    • The Tascam Podcast Editor software
    • Key features
      • Support up to four people with auto-mix and four headphone outputs
      • Self-explanatory sound pad menu for real-time sound and advanced effects, e.g., reverb, delay, echo, voice tone, etc.
      • Direct internal multi-track recording (up to fourteen tracks)
    • User Manual → Audio Recording Studio User Manual.pdf

Service Hours

Mon – Fri (except public holidays) from 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Booking Policy and Procedure

Eligible users

Staff and students are eligible to use the Audio Recording and Mixing Studio. Users can either reserve the service in advance or use it by walk-in.

Booking Policy and Procedure

  • Since the equipment is installed within HA Room 1010, users must reserve Room 1010 at the Humanities Academy via the Resource Booker.

    N.B.Users who do not need to use the Audio Recording and Mixing equipment are advised to reserve other available HA Group Study Rooms

  • Each user will be given an allotment of ten hours in one semester (combined quota with HA Group Study Room booking).
  • All unreserved timeslots are on a first-come-first-served basis.
  • Reservations can be made three days in advance or four days ahead on Fridays.
  • The total number of timeslots that can be reserved at any one time is limited to two, i.e. two hours.

Check-in and Check-out Procedures

  • Eligible users can simply tap their CityUHK smartcard against the access control system outside the room that they have booked to access it.
  • When the booked sessions have expired, users are required to turn off the lights of the rooms, return the equipment and furniture to their original setting and lock the rooms.
  • It is important that users must lock the room after use so that they are completely signed off. The principal user who makes the actual booking will be held liable for damage done to the equipment or furniture inside the room if the room is unlocked after use.

Regulations and Important Notes

  • Keep the noise to the lowest possible level.
  • Any damage/disorder of equipment/furniture should be reported to the IT Help Desk immediately. In case of misuse or negligence, users will be held responsible for the total cost incurred for repair or replacement.
  • The Studio is for academic use only.
  • Do not leave valuable items unattended. The Library will not be responsible for any lost or stolen items.
  • The Library staff will remove any personal belongings left behind without prior notice and may be treated as “lost and found” items.
  • During revision and examination periods, the Library reserves the right to open the studios and convert them into temporary study areas.
  • The studio is under CCTV surveillance.