中國地契展覽︰十七世紀 – 二十世紀中葉
Exhibition of Chinese Land Deeds: From the 17th to the Mid-20th Century

Event Poster

Date : 29 November 2021 - 5 April 2022
Venue : Wofoo Foundation Gallery, Run Run Shaw Library, CityU

The Exhibition of Chinese Land Deeds: From the 17th to the Mid-20th Century featured nearly 50 land deeds of the Ming and Qing dynasties, the Republican Era, and the Anti-Japanese War period.

Land deeds are legal documents concerning the ownership of and tenure of the property. They contain a wealth of information, such as the date of execution, parties involved, recitals, witnesses, official stamp, property price, etc. They are good primary sources of information from which one could derive the inheritance and trading systems of real estate, a legal system existing at a particular point in time, the history of public administration, and many more topics of interest. The research potential of old land deeds is tremendous.

The Library currently holds about 620 old Chinese land deeds, dating back from 1618 A.D., the 46th year of the Wanli era of the Ming dynasty, to 1948, covering Guangdong, Shaanxi, and Hong Kong. To learn more about the Library’s land deeds collection, visit our webpage at:

This Exhibition was held to commemorate the generous donation made by Prof. Gregory C. Chow, Prof. Richard Ho, Mr. Gabriel Yu Chi-Ming and Mrs. Teresa Yu, and Mr. Wong Chi Ching.

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