We are pleased to announce that a new Department of Neuroscience has been established on 1 July 2019 under the Jockey Club College of Veterinary Medicine and Life Sciences.
Of all the human body’s organs, only our brain remains mysterious regarding its highest functions including learning, memory and intellectual creativity. Brain science has now reached a critical threshold where these profound questions, and innumerable related ones, can be addressed experimentally. Beginning to understand the brain’s highest functions may be this generation’s ‘moon-shot’, a target so extraordinary it has seemed unapproachable.
The vision of the Department of Neuroscience is to become a world-class environment for groundbreaking nervous system research and a highly regarded educational platform for training outstanding future neuroscientists and related professionals. The department will create a modern neuroscience curriculum, which will produce graduates with skill sets suited for a variety of career options (research, education, industry, and hybrids of these various positions). An outstanding neuroscience research environment will be established to attract innovative scientists working across a broad range of topic areas in this field and to encourage interdisciplinary research endeavours that draw on existing strengths of CityU in the biological sciences, veterinary medicine, engineering and computational science. This is a fast-growing scientific enterprise with expected implications ranging from improved educational strategies to optimising our interactions with computing devices to advances in the treatment of neurological diseases.
Professor Bruce Robert Ransom, Chair Professor of Neuroscience, has been appointed as Acting Head.