Congratulations to the Year 5 Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine (BVM) students who received their symbolic white coats at the 4th annual JCC White Coat Ceremony on March 14, 2025. This event marked the 2020 Cohort’s transition from coursework to clinical training, where they were cloaked in white coats and recited the Veterinarian’s Oath, affirming their professional commitment.
The event commenced with an inspiring welcome from Dean Vanessa Barrs, highlighting the white coat as a symbol of trust, compassion, and responsibility in veterinary medicine. She encouraged the students to approach the challenges ahead with confidence and integrity. Following the Dean’s address, Professor Kate Flay, BVM Programme Leader, took the stage to share valuable insights about the significance of their journey as veterinary students.
As the ceremony progressed, the 2020 Cohort students were cloaked in white coats by their mentors and recited the Veterinarian’s Oath alongside Professor Kate Flay. This moment served as a testament to professional integrity and commitment to the profession, witness by faculty, families, friends and peers.
The event was further enriched by the presence of Guest of Honour Dr. David Lee, Executive Director of CityU Veterinary Medical Centre, deliver a heartfelt speech, offering four key tips for success:
1. Discover the Magic of Mistakes: Treat errors as valuable learning moments.
2. The Art of Receiving Feedback: Using the 3 S’s of self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-reflection.
3. Value All Team Members: Nurses and Technicians will teach you just as much as the vets if not more
4. Heed Maya Angelou’s Wisdom: ‘People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.’
At JCC, we take pride in nurturing the next generation of veterinary surgeons. These students represent years of hard work and dedication, embodying the values of professionalism, empathy, and excellence that define our programme.
We look forward to seeing how they will apply their passion and compassion to enhance animal welfare and strengthen the veterinary profession. The future of veterinary medicine is bright with these aspiring professionals leading the way!