Algorithmic Art: Shuffling Space & Time 演算藝術:劃破時空 Talks & Seminars 講座及研討會:


Date 日期:  28/12/2018
Time 時間:  6pm -9.30pm
Venue 地點: Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Centre 光華新聞文化中心
Suite 4907, 49/F Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong

Online registration 網上登記:

Talk/Lecture 講座:

Black Swan and White Elephant: Science Fiction and Visual Languages in the Age of Big Data 黑天鵝和白大象 – 大數據時代的科幻與視覺語言

Speaker 講者:
Prof. Chang Shi-kuo (professor in visual languages and software engineering) 
張系國教授 (視覺語言與軟件工程教授)

There is a lot of hype about Big Data. Prof. Chang will examine the "black swan theory" and the phenomenon of the white elephant to better understand what Data Mining and other techniques can and cannot do. In such an analysis, the unique role of science fiction arts, including novels, movies and visual arts, will become more distinct. Prof. Chang will use many examples to illustrate sci-fi as the means to explore alternate universe and plausible realities in a holistic way. This talk is meant to provoke you and stimulate discussion. Comments and critiques after Prof. Chang's lecture are welcome. 

簡介: 大數據無疑是當今熱門話題﹐引來很多熱烈討論與追捧。張系國教授將透過分析黑天鵝理論和白大象現象來說明數據尋寶以及其他數據分析技術的優勢與限制。科幻與視覺語言﹐包括小說、電影﹑多媒體和視覺藝術的角色將隨著張教授分析變得清晰。張教授將以許多例子說明科幻與視覺語言如何能成為探索平行宇宙和另類現實的整體工具。這講座希望能激發更多討論,講座後歡迎提出意見和批評。

*Student participants can acquire a Statement of Attendance upon completion of the lecture, please request at the reception of the lecture.

Bio Sketch of Professor Shi-kuo Chang:

Prof. Chang received a B.S. degree from National Taiwan University in 1965, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1967 and 1969, respectively. He is currently Professor, School of Computing and Information, University of Pittsburgh. He is a Fellow of IEEE. His research interests include visual languages and software engineering. He published over two hundred and ninety papers and wrote or edited sixteen technical books on visual languages and software engineering. Prof. Chang's literary activities include the writing of thirty-nine novels, collections of short stories and critical essays. He is credited to be the "Father of Science Fiction" in Taiwan.

個人簡介: 台大電機系畢業,留美專攻電腦科學,獲柏克萊加州大學碩士及博士,曾任教於康乃爾大學、伊利諾大學﹐伊利諾理工學院(電機系主任),匹茲堡大學(計算機系主任),現任匹茲堡大學計算與資訊學院教授。在專業領域裡張系國早負盛名,他是電機暨電子計算工程學會會士,已出版的學術論文兩百九十篇,編輯及撰述的專書十六部﹐指導的博士生和碩士生超過兩百人。張系國的文學生命發端於大學時期,作品兼採科幻、寓言和寫實手法,亦極重視時代的脈動。其燴炙人口的代表作《棋王》,現已翻成英文﹑德文等,並曾搬上銀幕、改編成音樂舞台劇、電視劇等。另著有《地》、《昨日之怒》、《遊子魂組曲》、《星雲組曲》、《沙豬傳奇》、《男人的手帕》、《一羽毛》、《玻璃世界》、《V托邦》﹑《城三部曲》﹑《海默三部曲》等三十九種﹐在台灣被譽為科幻文學之父。

Seminar 研討會:

Title 主題: "Visions of Alternate Futures" 「未來的想像:從科幻小說到科幻視像」

Speakers 講者:
Prof. Chang Shi-kuo (chair), Mr. Ng Kam Yuen, Mr. Cheung Chi Sing, Mr. Hou Lei
張系國教授 (主持),吳錦源導演,張志成編劇,侯磊編劇

In this seminar chaired by Prof. Chang Shi-kuo, there will be a discussion on the adaptation of sci-fi to movies and television dramas with the three guests, director Mr. Ng Kam Yuen, script writer Mr. Cheung Chi Sing and Mr. Hou Lei. The visions and imagination of alternative futures represented in sci-fi, movies and televisions will be further explored throughout the discussion.

簡介:此研討會由張系國教授主持,並將與三位嘉賓講者 - 吳錦源導演, 張志成編劇和侯磊編劇討論科幻小說改編電影電視的各種可能性,亦會探討科幻小說、電影與電視對於各種可能性的未來所表現的視野與想像。


All registrations must be made by providing a valid email account. Delegates are not allowed to share a registration - one registration per delegate.

City University of Hong Kong reserves the right to change the programme content, take photo or video documentation on the seminar and use these records for publicity without prior notice.

Activities will be cancelled in case of closure of schools due to tropical cyclones or heavy persistent rainfall. Please refer to EDB Circular No.4/2016 on "Tropical Cyclones and Heavy Persistent Rain Arrangements for Kindergartens and Day Schools" for details.

For further enquiries, please contact 3442 9473 or email to


Presented by: School of Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong

Sponsored by: City University of Hong Kong Cultural & Sports Committee, Innovation and Technology Commission, U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong and Macau

Supported by: Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Centre

*Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material/event (or by members of the project team) do not reflect the views of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Innovation and Technology Commission or the General Support Programme Vetting Committee of the Innovation and Technology Fund.