

JobRooster is an AI-powered internship matching platform that allows students to rank and score companies based on various factors, such as work culture, work-load and skill-set requirements. Through the platform, students can share their internship experience, upload their CVs, and receive personalised internship or job recommendations. JobRooster compares students’ skills with those of their peers and provides them with insights into their competitiveness in the job market. It also helps students match their job preferences with available internships, based on factors such as work environment, work mode and required skills.

JobRooster's AI algorithms analyze the data provided by students and companies to continuously improve its matching accuracy.


Team member(s)

Miss Yu Suet-hung* (UG, Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong)
Mr Chan Ka-hoi (The University of Hong Kong)
Ms Nicole Kong Tsz-yan (The University of Hong Kong)
Ms Ella Chung Tsz-kei (The University of Hong Kong)

* Person-in-charge
(Info based on the team's application form)


  1. CityU HK Tech 300 Seed Fund (2023)