Tianshou ZHAO

Southern University of Science & Technology

Plenary Speaker


Tianshou Zhao is Dean of Energy Institute for Carbon Netrality, Chair Professor of Mechanical & Energy Engineering, Southern University of Science & Technology (SUSTech). Befor joining SUSTech in 2021, he held the named professorship of Engineering and Environment at HKUST. Prof Zhao is an elected academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Fellow of the American Society Mechanical Engineers, Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry, Fellow of the Chinese Society of Chemistry, and a Highly Cited Researcher by Clarivate/Thomson Reuters, and Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. His research aims to establish the scientific underpinnings for innovations and breakthroughs in energy storage devices. Using an interdisciplinary approach that combines thermo-fluid sciences with electrochemistry, he is exploring the best combination of materials and system structures to enable revolutionary advances in the performance, cost, and lifetime of energy storage devices. 

Long-Duration Energy Storage: the Bridge to a Net Zero Future

Tianshou ZHAO

Southern University of Science & Technology, China


Flow cells are those in which a flowable storage medium (e.g.: hydrogen, methanol, ammonia, liquid electrolytes, etc.) allows decoupling power and energy. This talk will show that flow cells are scable, safe, and particularly flexiable in storage duration and site selections. Therefore, flow cells will become game-changing technologies to facilitate the widespread deployment of renewables. In particular, we will show that common scientific issues and practical challenges pertaining to flow cell technologies can be addressed by an interdisciplinary approach combining electrochemistry and engineering thermophyiscs. 

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