City University of Hong Kong

Invited Speaker


Dr. Xue Wang received her Ph.D. degree in Chemistry from Xiamen University in 2015. During her graduate studies, she worked at the Georgia Institute of Technology as a visiting graduate student (2013-2015). After her Ph.D. graduation, she was appointed as associate professor at Lanzhou Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2016-2017). Then she worked as a postdoctoral fellow at University of Toronto, prior to joining the City University of Hong Kong as an assistant professor in the School of Energy and Environment in January 2023. Dr. Wang’s research expertise covers nanomaterial design, electrocatalysis, and reaction engineering, with a particular emphasis on energy-related applications. To date, she has published over 50 peer-reviewed articles (including Nature Energy, Nature Commun., Nature Catalysis, JACS, Nano Letters, ACS Nano, Advanced Materials, Green Chem., etc. as the first/co-first/co-corresponding author) with > 5,000 citations. 

Efficient Upgrading of C1 Molecules to Fuels


School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong


The CO2 electroreduction reaction (CO2RR) to feedstocks and valuable fuels, powered using renewable electricity, offers a sustainable approach to store intermittent renewable energy, and also to reduce CO2 emission associated with chemicals (Figure 1). A wide range of different products from C1 to C3 is typically generated in CO2thus, to realize industrial application, improved selectivity, as well as high activity, stability, and energy efficiency, must be further pursued. In this talk, I will present our recent progress towards the more practical electrosynthesis of fuels from C1 molecules, looking both at the catalyst and at the system. The mechanism of fuel electrosynthesis on the catalysts will also be discussed [1-3].

Figure 1: CO2RR to fuels and chemicals using renewable electricity.


[1] X. Wang et al., Nature Energy 5, 478 (2020).

[2] X. Wang et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 142, 3525 (2020).

[3] X. Wang et al. Nature Energy 7, 170 (2022).

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