IFP Énergies nouvelles

Keynote Speaker


Hélène Olivier-Bourbigou obtained her PhD in Chemistry from the University of Paris VI under the guidance of Prof. Henri Kagan and Yves Chauvin in 1988. She joined IFP Energies nouvelles (IFPEN) in 1989 where she has been the leader of different projects combining fundamental studies and the development of new industrial processes in the field of catalysis for energy and chemistry. In 2020 she joined the IFPEN Scientific management as program manager to coordinate the overall fundamental research. Her scientific and technical achievements focus on highly competitive areas with special emphasis on the design of new homogeneous catalytic systems and the development of eco-efficient and more sustainable processes. She was one of the pioneers in the design and applications of ionic liquids. As a result of 30 years of intense research on Catalysis, Hélène Olivier-Bourbigou has published about 100 research articles including 8 reviews and 16 book chapters. She holds more than 95 patents. She has been recognized for these contributions by the Irène Joliot Curie Award «Scientific Woman of the Year» in 2014, EFCATS “Applied Catalysis” Award, “Grand Prix Pierre Süe” from Société Chimique de France and the “Grand prix Codron” - Fondation Codron Fautz / Fondation de l’Institut de France in 2021. She is member of the French “Académie des technologies”.


Towards Decarbonization of Industry: Focus on Carbon Capture, Storage, and Conversion into Low Carbon Fuels

H. Olivier-Bourbigou1, F. Delprat-Jannaud1, J.P. Heraud2

IFP Energies nouvelles, 1&4 Avenue de Bois-Préau, 92852 Rueil-Malmaison, France
2 IFP Energies nouvelles, Rond-point de l’échangeur, 69360 Solaize, France

Keywords: CO2, carbon capture, CCUS, Synthetic fuels, e-Biofuels.

Achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 requires a rapid shift towards cleaner energy systems. Among the transformations proposed for the energy sector, heavy industries and transport, carbon capture, storage and utilization (CCUS) is ranked among the top solutions. It is an unavoidable technology to reduce emissions of hard-to-abate industries which include steel, cement, and chemical manufacturing. This is also today one of the most effective options for low-carbon hydrogen production. Large scale deployment of CCUS is expected at the latest in 2030, with some challenge and barriers to overcome. This will require the development of clusters to allow the capture of small CO2 volume, to create possible commercial synergies, to share transport and storage infrastructures, and to reduce costs. To facilitate the deployment of CCUS, IFPEN has been present on the whole chain for more than 20 years as described in the Figure below. The presentation will point out the further potential research and development directions. A focus will be made on the emerging DMX™ technology which represents a real breakthrough for post-combustion CO2 capture. Based on chemical absorption by a demixing solvent, it shows promising results in terms of energy penalty reduction and process stability [1,2]. Diversification of energy supply is also part of the solutions to the road to cleaner energy systems. The production of low carbon synthetic fuels from captured CO2 combined with hydrogen produced by water electrolysis and low-carbon electricity is the first alternative. Moreover, an optimized integration with advanced biofuels productions pathways, thermochemical (gasification and Fischer-Tropsch) or biochemical (enzymatic hydrolysis and fermentation), respectively named BioTfueL
® and Futurol™ technologies [3], allow to improve performances, to optimize biomass use and to valorize biogenic CO2. These different solutions will be further discussed.


[1] L. Raynal et al., Chemical Engineering Journal, 171, 3, 742 (2011).

[2] P. Broutinet al., Energy Procedia, 114, 2561 (2017).

[3] Y. Bernardet al., Decarbonization Technology, May 2022, 61 (2022).

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