Guohua CHEN

City University of Hong Kong

Keynote Speaker


Professor Chen is the Dean, School of Energy and Environment, Chair Professor of Smart Energy Conversion and Stirage, City University of Hong Kong.

Professor Chen received his Bachelor of Engineering degree in Chemical Engineering from Dalian University of Technology (DUT) in China. He then obtained a Master of Engineering degree and Ph.D. degree from McGill University in Canada.

Professor Chen joined the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) as a Visiting Scholar in 1994, then as Assistant Professor in 1997, and rising through the academic ranks to Professor in 2008. Professor Chen also assumed the headship of the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering during 2012-2016.He was an Associate Vice President (Research Support), Chair Professor of Energy Conversion and Storage, at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2017-2021).

Professor Chen has served in many professional societies and editorial boards of key international journals. Apart from serving as the Chairman, Chemical Discipline for the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers during 2009 and 2012, he was the President of the Asian Pacific Confederation of Chemical Engineering (2015-2017), is the Chairman, World Chemical Engineering Council, Deputy Director, Chemical Industry and Engineering Society China, Editor-in-Chief (Environmental), Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Editor of Separation and Purification Technology, Associate Editor of the Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, Associate Editor of the Canadian Journal of Chemical engineering, and the editorial board member of Journal of Electrochemistry, Drying Technology-An International Journal, Environmental Technology Reviews, Environmental Scicen & Technology.

Professor Chen’s recent research interests include electrochemical technologies for energy and environmental applications. He has published over 300 journal papers with more than 34,000 Google citations and an H-index of 96. Professor Chen edited 3 books, and was granted three US patents and over ten China patents. In relation to his research achievements, Professor Chen received the Certificate of Excellence from the World Forum of Crystallization, Filtration and Drying in 2007, the inaugural Research Excellence Award from the School of Engineering of HKUST in 2011, the Merit Award for individual research from Faculty of Engineering, HKPolyU in 2019. He is a Fellow of Hong Kong Institute of Engineers, American Institute of Chemical Engineers, and Canadian Academy of Engineering.


oCVD of Conductive Polymers on Cathode Particles for Much Improved Safety and Stability of Lithium Ion Battery

Qiang Liu1; Guiliang Xu2; Kenneth K.S. Lau3, Yang Ren2, 3; Khalil Amine2, 5; Guohua Chen6

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Research Institute for Smart Energy, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hon Hum, Kowloon, HK SAR, China
2 Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
3 Department of Chemical Engineering, Rowan University, USA
4 Department of Physics, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, HK SAR, China
5 Materials Science and Engineering, Stanford University, USA
6 School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, HK SAR, China

Keywords: CVD, SEI, Ni-rich cathode, PEDOT, NCM cathode


This talk will present the results of oxidative chemical vapor deposition of conductive polymer (oCVD), PEDOT, on the surface of the cathode materials. It will start with the overview of the CVD process, the control of thickness and characterization of the polymeric coating. Then, the PEDOT coating effects on the performance of the cathode materials of lithium ion batteries will be presented in terms of safety and stability. The mechanism of the improved performance will be discussed based on the physical, chemical and electrochemical characterization.

oCVD was found to be able to coat PEDOT on the primary particles as well as secondary particles. The PEDOT coating thickness can be trolled by regulating the chemical reaction time. The coated thin layer (~10nm) was found to be able to prevent the HF in the electrolyte from contacting the surface of NCM cathode materials. It can also suppress the phase change of the cathode materials during repeated charging/discharging. The safety especially at high charging voltage can be obtained with the stability of the cathode prolonged significantly [1]. Crack-free was observed from the PEDOT coated single-crystal NMC under harsh condition [2]. PEDOT coating can also inhibit the metal dissolution (cross-talk) and surface reconstruction giving a highly resilient NCM cathode for lithium ion batteries [3].

oCVD of conductive polymers presents a new strategy for emerging Ni-rich NCM cathode materials.


[1] Gui-Liang Xu et al., Nature Energy 4 , 484 (2019)

[2] Qiang Liu et al., ACS nano, 16,  14527 (2022)

[3] Xiang Liu et al. Advanced Materials, 34, 2107326(2022).

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