University of Toronto


Keynote Speaker


Ted Sargent holds the rank of University Professor at the University of Toronto. He holds the Canada Research Chair in Nanotechnology and recently completed a term as Vice President – Research for the University of Toronto. His publications have been cited 80,000 times. 140 of his works have been cited 140 times or more. In 2021, it was announced that he will join Northwestern University as the Lynn Hopton Davis and Greg Davis Professor, with appointments in the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

For more information:

How can research in solar energy harvesting and electrified chemical synthesis contribute to defossilization?

Edward H. SARGENT 1,2 

1 University of Toronto
2 Northwestern University

Keywords: Photovoltaics, perovskites, quantum dots, CO2 capture, CO2 utilization/upgrade


While much progress has been made to scaling solar technologies in the field, there remains a massive further (costly, and energy-intensive) build to be completed to meet the global community’s ambitious net zero 2050 goals. Electrifying fuels and chemical synthesis is less far along, with the technologies for CO2 capture and utilization/upgrade still seeing ongoing development and the subject of fundamental scientific research. I will overview progress in each and then propose some targets and exciting directions for these intertwined topics.

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